. . . . . . . T h e VOICES AROUND B l o g m a r k . . . . . .
Link Exchange
Sekiranya anda menyenaraikan blog ...LISTED!!! dan/atau VOICES AROUND di blog anda, tetapi blog anda tidak tersenarai di dalam "Honour List" di bawah ini, mohon tinggalkan mesej di VOICES AROUND
Of late the words and actions of the Present Haters of the existing set of
servants of this country only serve to increase their confusions and
Dr. Mahathir dan kebodohan media umno
Mengapa serangan media umno terhadap Tun Dr. Mahathir ibarat menikam umno
sendiri? Dengarkan rumusan oleh Bekas Pengarah Pusat Kajian Demokrasi dan
Kita ni apa? Burung merpati dalam sangkar?
Ok, UMNO is history.
In its current flavor, state and form . . . UMNO is no more.
No point talking about what could have been . . . or the endeavors of many...
Nazri Aziz: "Please be a Raja Buta & Bisu. Or Else"
One of the reasons why I had not written a blog post is this: the time and
effort tends to be spent on updates and comments at Facebook. The following
is f...
The Star 21 April 2011 reports a rather interesting development in the
Royal Commission of Inquiry on the death of Teoh Beng Hock. The gists of
the report ...
The Head Of The Snake Is In London
*Three years ago when the Ukraine War began I said that it was actually the
British - American War against Russia, the British war against ...
Cakap serupa bikin?
Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Mohd Yassin is at a crossroad to put money
where his mouth is, in the perspective of integrity and proper governance.
The ...
Pilihan raya PBT, siapa untung siapa rugi
*Pilihan raya PBT, siapa untung siapa rugi*
*KERAJAAN jangan sama sekali tunduk desakan ultra kiasu untuk mengadakan
pilihan raya PBT. Kawasan bandar akan ...
Salam Ramadan utk semua
Saya mengucapkan selamat menunaikan ibadah puasa dan semoga Ramadhan ini
menjadikan kita insan yang lebih baik dari tahun sebelumnya.
Marhaban ya Ramadhan.
Pelabuhan Hambantota, Sri Lanka
Baru-baru ini pihak pembangkang telah membuat dakyah mengenai pajakan 99
tahun yang diberikan oleh kerajaan Sri Lanka ke atas pelabuhan Hambantota
2012 in review
The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2012 annual report for
this blog. Here’s an excerpt: 4,329 films were submitted to the 2012 Cannes
Film F...
Jangan lah Bandingkan Epal Dengan Oren
Bila Gardenia mula melancarkan usaha mempertahankan diri dari serangan
berbaur perkauman yang dilakukan oleh penyokong Massimo, ada lah pulak
mamat dan mi...
Perkasa Rally, Pasir Mas
Rumbustious bands of motorcyclists roar near the
rally site as the crowd awaits Tun Dr. M's arrival.
The crowd gravitates towards the KTM station r...
Mammoth pro-Palestine rally planned on Chap Goh Meh
The coming 2024 lunar year is the Year of the Dragon in Chinese zodiac.
Chinese New Year falls on 10 Feb 2024. The Chap Goh Meh festival – marking
the 15th...
The compassionate face of Islam
MUSLIMS should welcome the announcement by Datuk Dr Mujahid Yusof Rawa, the
Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department in charge of religious affairs,
Pakatan is repeating the same mistake they made in 2013, big show in the
cities and towns and heedless and neglect of the rural votes. This is their
Catatan Di Belakang Tirai Besi
Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera, 1. Ketika anda membaca catatan ini
saya mungkin sudah ke penjara kerana saya jadualkan tulisan ini diterbitkan
From Johnson to Obama: Malaysia has grown by leaps
unedited, unpublished
Tucked away among palm plantations and overgrown bush in central Negeri
Sembilan state is a former government land scheme called Feld...
Seorang lelaki miskin akan berkahwin dengan gadis pujaan hatinya, namun dia
teringin sekali memiliki spender baru. Kerana ketiadaan wang yg habis
The Indians
Yesterday (October 2nd 2012), something caught my eye while browsing the
net. Majestic India would like to send Indians to Mars, and they have
already firm...
The World's Greatest Conversation Enders (Part 1)
Oh where would the Art of Conversation be if there hadn’t be an
accompanying “Art of Conversation Enders” that go along with it? There is a
certain class ...
Sebagaimana yang telah dimaklumkan,
bermula hari ini iaitu 1 Mac 2019, blog ini
telah berpindah sepenuhnya ke alamat
baru - shahbudindotcom.net.
1MDB – what the Bank Negara could do
In a stunning development yesterday, Bank Negara Malaysia (“BNM”) broke
tradition to deliver a very public statement of its obvious disagreement
and disen...
Jawatan Kosong Toyota Capital Malaysia
Jawatan Kosong Toyota Capital Malaysia. Portal jawatan kosong ingin
berkongsi maklumat peluang pekerjaan yang kini dibuka di Toyota dan kepada