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Showing posts with label Citizenship. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Citizenship. Show all posts

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Pihak yang meMAINkan isu ini sungguh berUNTUNG kerana orang yang jadik Menteri KDN ketika ini lebih SUKA terSENGIH-SENGIH buat tak RETI


Kerajaan Pusat, SPR, Wisma Putra, JPN dan KDN wajar memantau isu-isu KARUT yang diTIMBULkan ini sepanjang masa..  

Cubaan meMAINkan isu keRAKYATan warga ASING ini sebenarnya jika diperHALUSi tidak akan mengUNTUNGkan sesiapa.. Siapakah yang paling BANYAK meng'IMPORT' warga China secara HARAM untuk samada jadik ahli KONGSI gelap atau pekerja SEKS hingga ada yang turut menDAPAT taraf keRAKYATan apabila bersekongkol dengan ahli POLITIK peMAKAN BABI daripada parti tertentu? Begitu jugak apabila kita diHIDANGkan berita 'LESAP'nya pekerja 'IMPORT' dari India? Tahu-tahu ada pulak MUKA mereka yang LESAP ini semasa demonstrasi HINDRAF? Siapa pulak yang 'STAMPING'kan keRAKYATan mereka ini kalau bukan pemimpin POLITIK mereka dalam parti-parti tertentu? Kenapa mereka yang diMAKSUDkan tidak BERANI timbulkan ISU ini sedangkan ianya berlaku sudah sekian lama?

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Rakyat Malaysia yang tak sedar diri.


Isu ni mengarut dan tak wujud pun. Tapi puak Pakatan haram ni tak sudah-sudah dok mainkan isu bangla ni. Mereka ni memang pandai cari isu, yang tak wujud pun dorang boleh buat serupa isu ni wujud. Walaupun Bangladesh sendiri yang menafikan semua ni, tetapi puak baghal Pakatan Haram ni dok tak faham serupa tu juga la. Agaknya, puak Pakatan ni dah tukar bahasa kot, sebab tu susah sangat nak faham bahasa melayu.

Negara kita ni sudah hampir sempurna, sudah lama merdeka, tapi masih ramai yang tak tahu bersyukur dan menghargainya. Hinggakan sejarah dan bendera pun nak ditukarnya.

Puak yang nak tukar bendera dan tukar sejarah ni, patutnya dihalau dari Malaysia. Ada pun buat semak saja.

Bagi pemimpin2 tersebut pula, betul atau tidak itu tak penting, yang penting Umno/BN dapat ditumbangkan dan mereka dapat memerintah negara ini. Sebab apa? Bagi pemimpin2 ini politik hanyalah "tipu-muslihat" dan yang penting mereka berjaya mencapai matlamat memperbodohkan rakyaat Malaysia!!!

Kami lebih tahu menghargai negara Malaysia berbanding rakyat Malaysia sendiri.

Negara Ku
Lamiafamilia @KEMPEN SSS

Semasa mengangkat sumpah untuk menjadi warganegara kami disuruh taat kepada Agong dan setia kepada negara. Tidak ada satu pun elemen politik diselit dalam teks angkat sumpah tersebut.

Sempena Bulan Kemerdekaan ini saya ingin menyeru seluruh rakyat Malaysia agar cintailah negara ini. Jagalah negara kita ini sebaik mungkin kerana sekali kita kehilangan negara, kita tidak akan dapat kembali lagi.

Janganlah disebabkan politik kita sanggup merosakkan negara sendiri, politik seperti ini adalah politik kotor yang menghancurkan rakyat dan negara.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Feb 2010 - Quoting It From....

Kerajaan Kini

"...masalah semasa adalah ekoran kelemahan kerajaan yang terlalu memenuhi tuntutan-tuntutan kaum-kaum lain..."
On Najib Tun Razak
"...what kind of advises Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak gets that every time he announces a policy he loses more credibility and rebuff him from the people.The many unpleasant things that happened recently have ridiculed his 1 Malaysia effort.His government has become a government of "contradiction in terms" ..."
Surat Kepada Perdana Menteri (yang juga Presiden UMNO)
"...Memberikan segala-segalanya kepada bukan Melayu disamping mengecilkan apa yang telah dipersetujui untuk orang Melayu bukanlah cara yang betul untuk mendapatkan kembali sokongan bukan Melayu kepada UMNO dan BN.

Malahan ianya menghakis sokongan orang Melayu terhadap kepimpinan parti yang memerintah kerajaan pusat kini
On Balance Reporting
"...Why is Anwar Ibrahim so afraid of our ability to tell our side of the story? ..."

On Malaysia Today / Malaysiakini's Reporting
"...But we didn't hear the report on this. A simple and innocent explanation that doesn't deserve deceiving spin..."

"...It seems that Anwar Ibrahim DOES NOT WANT Americans in Washington to hear the views of Malaysian officials about his case – including the Malaysian judge who ordered him released in 2004. Yes, that is the reason why Tun Hamid Mohamad goes to America.

Don't you see this as strange?..."
On the case of delaying of the already much delayed case
"...Why hasn't cross examination on him start? Instead we are treated to every round of red herrings and legal meanders to delay the case. The whole of Malaysia is waiting for Anwar Ibrahim's lawyers to expose Saiful as a liar..."
Melayu dan U.M.N.O.
"...Umno kini lupa bahawa parti itu sebenarnya adalah ditubuhkan bertujuan untuk membela hak dan juga bangsa melayu itu sendiri..."
Apakah isyarat yang kerajaan ingin berikan kepada rakyatnya?
"...Mungkin juga selepas ini , semakin ramai anak tak sah taraf akan lahir di bumi Malaysia , kerana mereka tiada masalah untuk mem BIN kan anak ini selepas ia dilahirkan berdasarkan kes Beng Hock ini..."
Anak Teoh Beng Hock ? - Penghuni Gua
Read also "Isu Pendaftaran Anak" by Cucu Tok Selampit HERE

Penyakit Hilang Akal
"...Pertimbangan sudah hilang dan rasional tidak ada langsung. Fakta sudah tidak langsung mahu diambilkira..."

Theatricals, again...
"...They forgot or refused to accept that they trusted Dr Shahidan and had approached him to be the forensic specialist for the Selangor Government..."
Destablization By the Enemies Without, Enemies Within 
"...Malaysia is the latest of their political targets for destablization in the region. Malaysians must now stand up and be counted..."
Menghina Bangsa Sendiri 
"...Hak-hak bangsa Melayu jangan dipolitikkan langsung..."

On Syariah Laws in Malaysia 

OutSyed the Box and RAPERA basically discussed the SAME thing about the Syariah Laws. 

Somehow they sound DIFFERENT when it comes to mentioning Tun Dr. Mahathir and the political parties of the two divides in the subject.

OutSyed the Box wrote it first on 21st February (Read it HERE), followed by RAPERA on 22nd February (Read it HERE).

Bahasa Kebangsaan Malaysia
"...perjuangan mendaulatkan BM adalah tanggungjawab semua rakyat Malaysia, bukan hanya orang Melayu sahaja..."

KDN Kini
"...Hari ini juga, kita banyak melihat pencabulan rukunegara dan keluhuran perlembagaan telah berlaku tanpa ada tindakan..."

Lim Kheng Yaik on "Allah", Education & Economy
"...take it off from politics, let the rulers decide..."
"...They want their mother tongue education, forgetting they are in Malaysia..." (read also on "Mother Tongue" by Prof. Khoo Kay Kim HERE)
"...Want to die ah? Taxing the poor Malay to subsidise the Chinese..."

"...The DAP should be protecting the interest of Malaysia and her position as sovereign state. Instead..."

On Anwar's Trial
"...There is no more delaying tactics - Karpal Singh..."

Malaysian people to decide & Being unequal before the law
"...there is a desire for regime change on the part of the MPs. They want to install their own man as head of the Malaysian Government..."

On Voting
"...I asked you to vote for these people. I apologise..."

Mahkamah Tepi Jalan
"...Orang suruh masuk mahkamah bela diri, dia sibuk mengadakan mahkamah jalanan untuk mempertahankan dirinya..."

On Submarine Defect, Stolen Jet Engines, military etc
"...Look at it this way - If you realise that you had forgotten to lock your house when you leave for a long weekend, should you tell everyone or would you call your most trusted family member and ask them to go and lock your house ?..."

"...What we fight for is enshrined in the Federal Constitution but what they fight for is not..."

BM is not needed in Malaysia - Mana dia Pejuang Bahasa?
"...Excellent command of spoken and written English and Chinese..."

2-Party system, PAS, DAP & Massage parlours, voting for a change?
"...People are now beginning to see the results of their ballots. They are wondering..."

On the charge against Anwar
"...To get on him on a charge that is so unIslamic given his credentials would be suicidal. The accuser will face not only local ridicule but also earn the ire of the whole world. Unless of course, the charge was true..."

What has become of this country?
"...Have we become the wild and woolly? The land of barbarians. Now, you can show disrespect for a judge in a court house.Courtesy of..."

IJN - After all that had been said
"...The MOF has quietly approved the management buyout of IJN by a group of doctors..."

Perjuangan DAP
"...DAP mahu kaum Cina mendominasi negara ini kerana alasan kaum itu menguasai ekonomi negara sebanyak 60 peratus..."

Being Malaysian
"... strive to inculcate our children with the goal of being Malaysian: speak, read and write our language Bahasa Malaysia, with ease..."

Perancangan DAP disebalik pembelaan Anwar oleh Karpal Singh ?
"...Pendedahan salahlaku Anwar oleh Karpal Singh berlaku 5 bulan sebelum salahlaku seks Anwar didedahkan kepada umum oleh Dr Mahathir... "

"... Anwar akan terpaksa mendedah segala maklumat penting bagi membolehkannya membela Anwar... "

"...DAP dan Karpal Singh mandapat faedah yang besar jika mereka berjaya memastikan Anwar Ibrahim mengikut telunjuk mereka dengan bukti-bukti yang ada pada Karpal... "

Lagi Mengenai sikap "Apologetik"..
"...asasnya ialah kita jangan terlalu tunduk, jangan terlalu mengalah..."
"..Tidak ada mana mana negara didunia yang boleh menyaingi kehebatan pemerintah kerajaan Malaysia yang terasnya adalah melayu melalui parti UMNO kini terpaksa tunduk kepada kaum minoriti... "

Government Servant / Kakitangan Kerajaan
"... if you are part of the government, then you have to toe the government policy..."
"...kenapa seorang yang berjawatan dalam kerajaan bersama anwar di majlis pidato PKR?..."

Di antara "Tegas" dan "Apologetik"
"... seperti kes penghinaan terhadap lagu Negaraku, Penghinaan terhadap institusi raja, penghinaan terhadap agama, penghinaan terhadap sesuatu bangsa, penghinaan terhadap sesaorang individu  bangsa lain, semua ini telah pun berlaku tanpa diambil tindakan yang sepatutnya, sekarang kita telah melihat bagaimana kesan daripada kelemahan tersebut..."

RPK, PKR & PR menganiaya Saiful ?
"... pemeriksaan tidak dijalankan tapi laporan hospital telah disebarkan kepada rakyat malaysia. Nampaknya, PKR telah buat laporan doktor palsu..."

If Anwar is innocent
"... instead of pushing for speedier trial process that may free him (should he is innocent)..."

Kuala Lumpur
"...1 Februari 1973, Kuala Lumpur dipisahkan kedaulatannya dari bumi pemerintahan Sultan Selangor. Bukan kerana dia Ibu Kota, tidak. Tetapi kerana dia menjadi mangsa politik..."

On Malaysian identity
"...Malaysian culture must have budaya Melayu at its core..."
"...It's a question of whether or not all Malaysians can speak Bahasa Melayu fluently. If you can't, then there's a problem somewhere..." (read also here)
Anas Zubedy : An Interview with The Nut Graph
Read also - Racial Polarisation & the Forging of Bangsa Malaysia by Demi Negara

UPDATE 26 FEB 2010
- Kugan : What Really Happened by Gopal Raj Kumar  
- Unity Series : Malaysia, Race & Ketuanan Melayu by Anas Zubedy 
- Singapore Cekup 3 Remaja kerana hina bangsa lain by OpEd 
- M.V. Augusta Again by Tun Dr. Mahathir 
- Believe It or Not ? by Hantulaut 
- Ng Sue Lim Buat Laporan Bohong by Pisau 
- Those Awful Assies by HantuLaut
- Nik AzizHalalkan Nikah Dgn Yg Dah Mati ? by The Unspinners
- Justice for Bakri by Marahku
- Apakah Isu Pendaftran Anak TBH Akan Menjadi "Precedent Case" ? by Cucu Tok Selampit 
- Apabila Bukan Islam Mengkritik Hal Agama Islam by
- Menteri Besar Derhaka Kepada Tuanku ? by Kickdefella
- Dont Speculate, Panic or Politicise ! by OpEd 
- Suhakam Dah Jadi Penjilat UMNO ke ? by Mesin Taip Buruk 
- Raja Bodoh Kamarudin (RBK) Sudah Tak Ada Modal by The Unspinner

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Malay Supremacy (Ketuanan Melayu)

UPDATED 28/01/2010

"You can call it whatever you want, the social contract, perjanjian keramat, whatever.

But in this perjanjian, the Malay inhabitants decided to share this country with those who were then considered pendatang. The contract also clearly upheld hak keistimewaan orang Melayu. But at the same time, there was compromise."

"Ketuanan Melayu has always existed, but at different times in history it carried different meanings. Today, ketuanan Melayu should mean that Malaysian culture must have budaya Melayu at its core.
It doesn't mean a Malay [Malaysian] is more superior than a non-Malay [Malaysian]. It doesn't mean other cultures are not Malaysian, but that they play a supporting role to Malay culture. It's a question of whether or not all Malaysians can speak Bahasa Melayu fluently. If you can't, then there's a problem somewhere."

Original posting:

As understood from Prof. Emeritus Datuk Dr. Nik Safiah Karim, a historian:-
1. In the context of Malay supremacy, it means that the special privileges of  the Malay people need to be preserved as the Malay people are recognised as the original people of the once known "Semenanjung Tanah Melayu", now known as Malaysia. The special privileges are entrenched in the Constitution to reciprocate the willingness of the Malay people to accept the migrants as citizens.
2. Malay supremacy does not mean the Malay people reign supreme over the other people in Malaysia, whose original generation in this country were migrants.
As understood from Prof. Madya Zainal Abidin Borhan, a lecturer and Head of Malay Studies Academy of University Malaya:-
1. There are efforts by certain quarters to destroy the nationalism of the Malay people. They drummed up the wrong concept of Malay supremacy. (Read here)
2. Malay supremacy means "Kedaulatan Melayu" which is entrenched in the Constitution, involving matters pertaining to the status of the Rulers, the religion of Islam, the Malay Language as the National Language,  all that, must be respected.
The Concept/Definition of the Malay Supremacy as being understood from this SOURCE.
"Keris" has become the symbol of the Malay Rulers and the people of Malaysia. "Keris" has also become the National symbol of Malaysia. There are no less than five pieces of "Keris" which has become part of the emblem's image.

The Social Contract
"The best example of Alliance compromises is to be seen in their representations to the Constitutional Commission on what basis the Federation of Malaya was to be established and what its nationality was to be. 79 Given the precedents set up in the Federation of Malaya Agreement of 1948, the terms could not vary much. For UMNO, the trappings of a Malay state had to be preserved. The Malays had to be given political primacy. On the other hand, for MCA and the MIC, the terms of citizenship had to become as open and loose as possible to the non-Malays and their rights had to be protected.
                The Alliance memorandum to the Reid Constitution had, in fact, agreed to all the features of a Malay state – special position of the Malays”, “Malay as the national language”, “Islam as the official religion and the Malay Rulers as constitutional monarchs. There were also Malay land reservations” and “reservation for Malays of a certain proportion of jobs in the civil service”. But the controversial questions of citizenship and nationality had been left vague. The MCA had pressed for the principle of jus soli for all those born before, on or after Malaya’s independence, but UMNO’s demand was that only those born in the country on and after the declaration of independence” should become nationals of the country. UMNO’s demand was accepted by the Reid Constitution."

(The Social Contract page 36 & 37 - Malaysia : The Making of A Nation by Boon Kheng Cheah – Published by Institute of Southeast Asian Studies 2002 - ISBN 9812301755, 9789812301758)

Further readings:-
- Perhimpunan desak pemimpin DAP minta maaf
- DAP menghina Melayu lagi! 
- Rakyat Perak mahu pemimpin DAP supaya memohon maaf!
- Is there such thing as Malay supremacy?
- Perjelaskan Isu Ketuanan Melayu
- Get your facts right before protesting
- Kontrak Sosial apa relevannya 
- Ketuanan Melayu diPersoalkan
- Guna ISA terhadap pencetus isu sensitif
- Janji DAP jika Menang Pilihanraya - Hapuskan Hak Melayu  
- Konflik Kaum oleh Guan Eng Sosialis ? 
- Sukarkah Memahami Ketuanan Melayu ?
- Forum 'Kontrak Sosial' Majlis Peguam : Taksiran Sempit & Fakta diManipulasikan

Sunday, November 22, 2009

BOC Poll Result

The poll question :-

SHOULD the British Overseas Citizen (BOC) BE OFFERED BACK Malaysian Citizenship ?

was conducted on this blog from 15 October, 2009 till 22 November, 2009 (about 38 days). 436 votes were registered with the result, as follow:-

Nearly 98% (427 votes) respondents voted "NO" to the offering of Malaysian Citizenship to BOC
About 1 % (5 votes) respondents voted "YES" and,
Less than 1% (4 votes) respondents said that they don't care.

Readers are invited to read more about the Poll here.

Readers may also like to read the following news dated 15 November, 2009 by clicking the link given below:-

UPDATE 22/11/2009 at 1930hrs

Visit KEMBARA POLITIK for more news on "Immigrant Baby Killer"

UPDATE 18/05/2010

It seems there is technical glitch at the poll chart. The chart now show 0%(0) for 'YES', 98% (120) for 'NO' and 1% (2) for 'DON'T CARE' with total votes cast 122. (Please refer to the above for the poll figures at the time the poll was closed)

Thursday, October 15, 2009

When A Bridge Is Burnt

When someone loves "the other side" more, and "does not love" this side as much as tearing "up their passports and set off for Britain in the belief they could claim citizenship", that someone is very clear in his stance.

But what happen when he cannot get to "the other side" ?

Some have said it correctly.

Swallow your pride. Rebuild the bridge you yourself burnt. We will see whether we shall open the door at our end when you finished rebuilding.

But some seem to have said it all wrong. Why?

- Don't have the capability to think straight ?
- Have become "apologist" beyond comprehension ?
- Or simply having unholy, subversive agenda against this country ?

Must Read :-

> Jebat Must Die - Disloyalty Has Its Price
> Kembara Politik - Tiada Tempat Bagi Pengkhianat Malaysia
> Ondastreet - My Malaysia : Nationality, A Non Negotiable And Non Tradable Trait
> Pure Shiite - X-Malaysians BOC Should Be OCB : Orang Cina Bodoh

After reading the above, please take the poll below:-

Should they be offered Malaysian Citizenship?

Thank you.


Update : 23 October, 2009
Concerned Citizens and True Patriots of Malaysia wrote a letter to the Speaker of The House of Commons, Mayor of London and the Directors of Strangers Into Citizen Campaign; regarding this BOC issue. (Click here to read - pdf file)
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