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Showing posts with label kegemaran saya. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kegemaran saya. Show all posts

Friday, April 29, 2016

Strawberries Chocolate from CAMERON HIGHLAND

Things that i realized this day, there are more thing that i have love and like will turn out to be not.. as well as things that i don't like or love will turn out to be my favourite..
As the tittle was "STRAWBERRY"
With one eyes i look to this fruit.. i have tried the taste but i don't like.. i told everyone.. but not anymore..
This fruit right now is my Favourite.. i love and i am really happy to bite slowly with close eyes.. everything around will be a magic and i turn to be really happy..
Ehhh.. over pula kan.. hihi..


Friday, September 27, 2013

domino pizza and lava cake


hee.. harini my nephew arshad call many-many times.. singing a birthday song and wishing me... i love him..  talk to my little sophia also.. love her love them...the kids make me younger than them.. hahaha....talk to my mom.. ask for a present... hee.. sometime i just don't know what to talk to my mom.. but actly i have lot of things to talk to... ask for her Doa' for my coming final exam...and bla bla bla.... hee... while  my dad was not around so the phone giving back to my nephew arshad.... hew2...

around 2.30 pm somebody knock our door... my friend intai... eyhhh ada pakcik.. and surpriseeee!!! ada pitza.... hee... actly i dah tau my sista want buy pizza.. so i can guess who is knock the door...

thank you pakcik hntr pizza.... thank you my sister (k.cik) and other siblings also hee... iols love uols <3 hahaha...

nyummy <3
my favourite =)

the cake sungguh enak... i love lava cake <3

thank my friends, my housemate my coursemate again wishing me birthday and singing me a birthday song again.. heh3.. (malu)^_^

last but not least... happy birthday to my sista @EMIY SAZALIN.. we are on the same month... earlier  4days and 4 years than me.. hee...
love her too.. remember that i only one your sista.. hahaha

i'm a happy KID and really happy today :D
may Allah bless my day and complete me to be a better muslim... Aamiin.. insyaallah =)


Running Man

running man group

heh3... since last week kot baru aku faham cerita running man ni... hahaha...  kuno sungguh...
actly,, aku tahu pasal running man ni dah lama.. dh tgk ex roomate dan housmate aku gelak macam.. tetttt... heh3..
tp tula sebab xfaham and malas nak layan kan...

lagipun aku ni bukan pemint tegar k-pop..cuma minat kim hyun joong jepp.. hak3...
dalam banyak-banyak k-pop... hahaha...

tapi sekarang ni.. hahaha aku minat sang gary....

Photo: (Ep164) Monday Couple <3

Gary:It's hard, isn't it? <3

ㅋㅋ cute ^^

comell betul... kan..kan...

running man ni actly bagus tv show dia.. boleh bt kita hilang stress.. dan gelak.. hidup pun sentiasa ceria.. hilang segala duka dan nestapa... muka pun senyum jer.. boleh awet muda tau :P

p/s- ingat tengok games ni masa stress and free time jer... okehhh =)



Tuesday, January 8, 2013

sister present from korea

and some other thiings also.. hee...

Monday, April 23, 2012

terlanjur minat

bangun jer tidur harini terus dapat merasakan kesakitan badan- badan2 ku ini.. hehehe..

xde buat apa2 ek,,cuma aku daftar masuk KARATE.. hehehe.. sejak dulu lg sbnrnya..dulu TAEKWANDO..sampai la juga tali kuning line tick hijau..kira hijau la ek..hahaha... ni karate ni bestt sangat..cuma aku kena belanjakan dan korbankan duit banyak sikit.. terpaksa pergi UITM naik taxi malam pukul 8 - 10.30. pergi balik RM 20 darab 2 = RM 40.. hmm banyak tu kalau untuk seminggu..dari seminggu darab pula dgn 4 kali.. dah RM 160 + yuran karate sebulan RM 25.. baju RM 70 pun xbyr lg..mana nak cekau HADA eyhh? mana nak duit mkn lg.. duit byr y dr kecik2 sampai la ke besar2.. tmbh2 lg,bulan may nanti ada byk program y menanti.. aiyooo.. 

tp aku sudah terlanjur pergi dan daftar malah sudah terlanjur minat... apa y harus aku lakukan? xde ka sesape baca blog aku ni? i really need an advice..

hmm---> esok aku midsem.. ENGLISH GENERAL PURPOSE.. 

xtaula mcmna.. english jer kot..xkan xdpt A's kan? senang la orng ckp aku ni bukannya terror BI ni..lepas belajar lupa lg.. eshhhh.. 

isu dgn housemate hrni dgn kwn2 one month ago | melancong |

kita orng plan nk jelajah 1 malaysia sblom habis belajar,,dari satu negeri ka 1 negeri..dari 1 daerah ka 1 daerah,,dari satu pelusok ke 1 pelusok.. eh2 jap,, (ak tipu)

kita orang cuma nak plan antara pergi melaka - port dickson - langkawi - cameron higland - sabah - genting higlands - fraser hill atau nk g snorkling dekat pulau... hehehe.. byk kan? plan xsemestinya menjadi tp setidaknya kita merancang kan? eh jap --> ni pun perlu duit kan? aiyooo :(

mood | tidak sabar nak pergi bandung |

one of my housemate ---> mak dia kena strok dan sekarang still lg koma... semoga mak housemate saya cepat sembut dan sihat seperti sediakala.. aminn 

isu malam dgn housemate | kata suara aku mcm karuline dlm rncngn metol bow |

sesungguhnya hati ini terus menidakkan.. ergghhh xsukaaa!! menmbhkn perasaan ketidaksukaan aku lg bila housemate ak ni ckp karuline ni mcm ____ hmm.. is not nice to say here :( 

to karulline :: sory aku mmg xsuka denga suara ko sblm housemate aku ckp mcm ni lg.. tp xsangka aku y kena balik,,dush dush dush...erghh tp kenapa aku?? 

esok start mid sem | wish me luck all |

te amo Hada

Saturday, July 30, 2011

ouhhh can i say,,please buy for me one?

nike airmax 87 

Nike acg wildwood safari

first image buat saya terlompat2 dan tergedik2.. saya nak..saya nak..saya nak..please buy for me!! ngeeee.. then saya belek lagi belek lagi dan saya jumpa image y second ni..OH MY GOD!!!! i truly want this shoes!!
anyone please buy for me?? pleasee???

huhuhu..then saya mula kefikiran bahawa tiada siapa lah yang ingin belikan untuk saya,,maka dengan ini saya mengambil keputusan untuk semadikan kasut ini ddalam blog ini dahuluan agar saya boleh senantiasa menatap keindahan kehandsomeman kasut ini!!!..huhhuhu..

tapi,,saya tidak akan berputus asa..hihihi


one fine day,,

this handsome shoes going to be mine!!!!!
ingin berpromise kah???

-te amo Hada-

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Wahai FM kesayanganku~

memalam ni,,xde mood nak tulis entri panjang2,,nak tengok bola pun rasa malas.. 
tp,,Apek tetap jadi pujaan..keh3,, bukan puja lebih2 tau..sekadar suka melihat beliau menjadi keeper..
suka xlebih2 kan? 

hmm,,ni nak show off  gamba kit,,

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