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Showing posts with label RINDU. Show all posts
Showing posts with label RINDU. Show all posts

Thursday, January 10, 2013

jangan kau ambil mereka sebelum ku

oh Allah.. kau pulihkan lah keadaan cuaca Allah.. jerebu makin menjadi jadi.. pedih mataku.. bangun dari tidur terasa kering tekak ku.. oh Allah maafkan kesilapanku.. meniggalkan solat sesuka hatiku. aku masih lemah.. oh Allah aku mohon kepada mu yang maha pengasih lagi maa penyayang jangan kau ambil nyawaku dalam keadaan yang hina melainkan beriman kepadamu o'Allah.

o'Allah setiap kali tidurku wajah2 yang ku sayang akan muncul dalam mimpiku beberapa hari ini.wajah arwah guruku jua hadir. wajah rakan baikkku jua.. wajah adik beradikku.. siapalah aku menghalang takdirmu. ampuni aku atas setiap kesalahanku.. terhadapmu, terhadap ibu bapaku, keluargaku,guru-guruku dan sahabat-sahabtku.. aku amat lemah..

o'Allah jadikanlah aku insan yang sentiasa inginkan keredhaanmu..jagakanlah setiap kesayanganku Allah.. jangan kau pailingkan mereka darimu.. o'Allah jika perasaan rindu itu hadir buat kesayangan-kesayanganku hadirkanlah jua perasaan rinduku padamu pada rasul-rasul ku melbihi rinduku pada cinta-cinta hatiku.

o'Allah maafkan hambamu yang lalai. redhakanlah aku. permudahkan lah jalanku. sampaikanlah ramdhan kali ini padaku Allah.. ampuni aku.. kuatkan hatiku.. hanya untukmu..

o'Allah jangan kau ambil mereka sebelumku.. sebelum aku menjadi anak yang benar benar solehah untuk mereka. o'Allah ampuni aku.. dan andai ajalku datang kau lembutkan lah lidahku. berikan ku kelancaran dalam meyebut kalimah syahadahmu.. Aamiin.. insyaallah



zhu ni shengri kuaile wo mama he wo waisheng


yesterday was my mom and little nephew paei birthday. God i miss them so much. yeayh little cries going out but what to do? i called my home phone number. my dad pick up the called. i ask him what he is do? how is going his health? he said all was fine. i was worried about my parent health nowadays. my dad just finished eyes operated. hopefully his eyes could be recovered  as soon as well. hmm then my dad give the phone to mom.. God, if u know what this feeling. im hurt. i should be appreciate them more. i love them. i need them. i got lot of wrongs to them and i have to prove myself that i can do better for them. i can live happily for them. when i was talking to mom, my mom cannot listen to my voice clearly. might be, the medical effected during her dialysis or some illness too. i feel lost. really lost person. i wanted more. i want mom can answer my question. i want my mom hear to all what i said. i was talking too loudly and my mom talk like she hear what i saying about. its look like an acting. mom im sorry if u are also hurt when we are talking.

ermm,, just missing them much and more...


Tuesday, January 8, 2013

if u know what song in my heart


i miss the time when we spent together,
i miss the time when we hold hand and walk to cafe,
i miss to copied ur homework,
i miss to use ur eyes,
i miss the time u said that u love me and im ur bff,

but now...

we are more apart,
we are just go to far from each other,
we are never try to connected like before,
we are awkward to say love,

then our relationship also become awkward...

the past things that i hate about u is:::

when u always left me behind,
when u tell ur stories to other before let me know first,
when u go to other and walk with them,
when u laugh with people that i did not like,
when some other friend talk behind u,

the past thing that i regret:::

when i dont appreciate u for who u are
when i dont trust u when u r talking
when my jealous over my head

what i want to do now:::

im trying to knock u...
to let u know that ur friend is still alive..
im trying to appreciate everyone around me...
im trying to be a good friend to my new friend...
im trying to show what is inside my mind..
so no more just quite like with u...
my friend,my best friend.
im sorry to u..
for having a friend like me..
im sorry..

i wish i pray:::

u will had ur new partner,
new bestfriend better than me,
yes u got it right? i found it from ur pic.
u r looking great with them my dear..
happy forever belong to u..
love u lillah..


Saturday, April 28, 2012

nak balik

ok saya nangis lagi... so what??
apa pasal la jadi manja ni..
nok balikkkkk!!!!

30 dayss lagiiii...huhuhuhu

nok balik nok balik nok balik...

Monday, July 11, 2011



Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Jom Sihat Bersama~

huhuhu..the past day were just go like rain down to earth. I just spent my past days to be a volunteer.
For me it was a nice things that i want always to be. This time i'd become a volunteer for a 
" Jom Sihat Bersama" 

What must i do for my duty as a volunteer is play with a kids. there's a lot of games and present for them who joined the games.I still remember their happiness,their laugh,their screaming and yelling,their spirit and fighting to get the gift what were prepered for them.. i remember all those thing what most i liked.hahaha.. im wishing that one fine days i will meet them again.we'll plays again and enjoyed it again together.

The other activities that i involved are jumble sale.I did not know how the situation when the villagers come to the station but i know all the things that have been prepared for sell with the lowest price attract many buyers to have one at least. Then i know This station volunteer are done their duty 85% succsessfully.

some of volunteer was assigned to help some of people to cook for a breakfast,lunch and dinner time.At 
the first time i see this kind of duty i know im not interested at all
i did not choose this duty to be a volunteer 
cause i know im not a good in cooking but im truly greatest in eating and trying the taste of food..bhaha :D

The one that i still remember till the day is when i broke my promise.i was not intentionally breake my promise but the fear pervades my heart and the fearless not away from me. It was just same like last years.even i had said i want do that but when the time comes and when i see the all thing.The fear come to me straight forward without my permission. God i want share my blood to people who needed but i did not have the courage to do that.that was my weakness. i was afraid of needles and blood.i was scares of medicines.I just hope all the fearless will blow like winds and do not touch and dare to stop my heart from do that...

the picture that i snap:

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

rindu farizan mustapha


Sunday, June 19, 2011

love and missing sukbel2011

assalamualaikum mr boo.dan rakan2 semua...

huuhhh..lama dah xupdate blog..bosan..xtau nak update apa walaupun sebenarnya banyak perkara yang berlaku dalam hidup hari-hari.Entri ni nak cerita tetang pengalaman jadi L.O..apa tuu? hmm tugas lo ni kena entertain international volunteer dalam sukbell tu nanti.Antaranya:
  • Malaysia
  • Korea
  • Jepun
  • Bangladesh
  • India
  • Mongolia
  • Timor Leste
  • Filipina
  • Vietnam
  • Indonesia
  • Brunei
  • Pakistan
  • Thailand
aku jadi lo selama 5hari. hmm banyak benda yang berlaku sepanjang tempoh tersebut.meet new people meet new friend. dan paling penting relationship yang terjalin antara peserta dan sukarelawan tu sendiri menimbulkan satu perasaan yang berlainan.seminggu bersama mereka terasa seperti tidak mencukupi.

Image: All states in Malaysia people and all The International volunteer join Sukbell2011 at Kandis Bachok 28 MEI-3 JUN 

Monday, April 18, 2011

buat maluu jerk~byME

monyet yang malu!
tapi kalau kita??

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

guru yang kukasih~

sekarang nie baru dapat online..
dapat update entri baru..
elektrik xde dari pukul 10.am to 7.30 pm..
pastu siap2 nak keluar g lepak kt MCD..
ngan  prisher,shikin and borhan..
kita borak2..
kita bincang2..
kita makan2..
and dalam pukul 11.50 bru sampai umah..
ehee3..nasib xkena marah dek omak and apak..uhu3..

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