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Showing posts with label children safety. Show all posts
Showing posts with label children safety. Show all posts

Friday, October 2, 2015

Trip to Kidzania Damansara

Tonite, I am still like to continue posting my throwback project during my practicum. 

          This project are trip to The Kidzania at Damansara. This trip was held on 11TH May 2015, Monday. After one project is another project. Our project was not the end yet after this trip. 
          Having a trip to kidzania was just a wonderful memory I will ever had as a teacher with these lovely children. As well as the moments will we had together just come to the end. I was trying my best to follow the children will as being there also just wonderful things to do for them.
          Kidzania give an opportunity for me to thinking outside of the box. Teaching not only the way to interact and find children passion and dream. But a child is wide. We never understand the world of the children but we can understand them by guide them, watch them and play with them. From that, at kidzania I do my best to let them try to plays as much as they can.
         Once we stepping our foot, we are already welcoming. And that how Kidzania welcoming us. The children just so excited by wearing a tag like a super power rangers. The adult like me surely do more excited than them.To make easier and more enjoying, the children will be divided into 8 groups of teachers which each teachers have 5 children to travel with at kidzania.
        Before the children start the game, the children need to line up to take their first 50 kidzos money. So from that start, the children can joyful travelling either they want to using the money or want to working and adding their money. The kidzania also prepare a lunch for the trip and the children fully happy stomach and excited continue travel around the kidzania.

In the bus to the kidzania

Arriving at The Kidzania and getting their first 50 kidzos

My group of the children start with their first work and get paid of

Second job and intern as dentist

Third, fourth and fifth job they have

First time having lunch at The Kidzania

Seventh and eight jobs they have at to be a curry puff chef and Air Asia crew

Their ninth and tenth job but in the salon again enter as customer after working. They need to paid 12 kidzos

Their last job after being a chef at Marybrown
Because I finally have a condemn phone battery

Other child also was having fun with their chosen job.

Tiring but it was awesome.

         I believed with this trip, the child was having their great times. The children surely excited to sharing their experience and their exploration at the Kidzania will be the best memory they will had as childhood memory. Apart from that, the children also learn to keeping their own money and how to use the money wisely.


Bila di kidzania.. cikgu lagi mata duitan dari awak semua.. habis lebam mata dan penat kaki tangan awak semua dikerjakan cikgu.. hihihi.. awak semua happy cikgu lagi berjuta juta happy.. 1 hari di kidzania ibarat 5 hari awk belajar disekolah kan.. kalau masa tu pnjng lg byk benda yang awk semua blh bt belajar dan main .. tp cukupla dgn masa tu.. awk pun penat kerja dan penat enjoy.. duit yang awk semua dpt kita kumpul dan tukar jd brng2 yang awk boleh pilih.. seronok sgt.. cikgu hada bakal rindu 1 hari dikidzania.. cikgu hada bakal rindu hari2 bersama awk semua.. kena belajar.. kena main.. kena buat..kena marah.. kena peluk.. kena nangis.. kena pujuk.. 1 minggu lagi cikgu sama2 dengan awk semua.. sayang rindu awak semua sungguh sungguh...#throwback #preschool #kidzania #abida #amni #syamimi #zulaikha #akmah #asfaliena

And surely now, I am missing this project trip with u girls and boys. how cheerful they are keep me believe their world should not be in worry. so the children can live healthy and positive in future lead. cikgu Hada was really really is missing you!


Thursday, October 1, 2015


               For our forth project are ‘Gotong-Royong bersama kelab pewaris” this project are held on 25th April 2015, Saturday. The “gotong-royong” objective are to make sure the safety and cleanliness for the children. These programs are went well and the parents are really supportive with this kind of programme.
        This “Gotong-royong” has given the task to Fathers, Mothers and Teachers. For the fathers, they need to make a big work like cut the trees. While for mothers and teachers we need to clean the drain and around the preschool classroom. During this “gotong-royong” also, the parents and teachers bring a food as pot luck.
      From this program I can see the cooperation between teacher, fathers, and mothers. I also found the strong bond relationship between parents and teachers that later will develop positive environment between teachers and children.

During the “gotong-royong”

what can i tell from here is, express the ideas. do not keep inside the head. its does not matter no one is listen, no one does not want do it, but its does a matter if that still inside a head and regret later. This activity tell me that parents want their children safety and they contribute themselves for their children safety. not only for the ideas but also for the energy with a teachers and principal approval. 
i really love to see their support and a helping hand <3


School Sports Day

              Our next projects are school sports day. These projects are held on 18 April 2015, Saturday. For these projects, the children are need to practicing their running skill with baton or without baton. Not all children contributing and joined to this sports day. The colour for the children has been divided into four part of sports house which are Red, Blue, Yellow and Green. I am handling the children for Red house. 
        From what I saw during practicing, mostly the children really quick learner, they can understand what they have to do for the game especially, for the passing baton game. However, there are children who can run faster but confusing with the start. Few of them even been told for many times but they still with the confusing and do not start running after start.
              To do not let the others children who do not involve with the game, the children need to be a cheer leader for their own sports house. The children are very cheerful and their cheer leader gives a lot of helpful for the children who compete during running.
             For the real sports game, the children have high spirit to win the game. However after the sun catching up, the children look tiring and start getting bored. One of the boys’ named Aqlan crying for to do not want join running for yellow house baton games. This gives one of their yellow team named Adam need to double running from the real distance.
             After all, the children were really enjoyed and exhausted with the game. But, the parents keep giving them supported to play and gain them energy to continue and win the game battle.

During practicing

During the game held on

With my group practicum teacher at SKS7,Bandar Baru Bangi

for this so called project, I learned that children comfort should be more considered. a fairness, a spiritual, a support and a honest. a young children especially preschool, they are the youngest in the school, they need a gentle care, priority to play and match the game first as what their role should be. their behavior like easily tired from waiting will be the main reason they never to play  and we never can expect the children behavior. they act in different action in different mood. what we can do as teachers is to provide a comfort place, an simple game and a food or water a many as possible to encouraging them to be patience and stay eager to fight as active child to win any match. 

after All, i still remember how the children acts after they won or lose. i believe that children need to be rewarded by their own hard work compare than rewarded their team first. 

for each child that actively participate have done their own best. 


Mural painting for Agensi Dadah dan Jenayah(AADK) school club

            For our third project are mural painting for school Club “Agensi Dadah dan Jenayah” this project held for two different date. For our first date are 11th April 2015 on Saturday after we have done our meeting with “Pewaris Club” this project need a time after we have paint the old wall with the new white paint colour. For our second date for mural painting are held on 14th May 2015 a four days before we left the school. We cannot continue doing this mural painting because we have another project that needs us to complete and present to the dateline.
             From this projects again, we have to gain our confidence to talk to the others teachers and get information about their wanted drawing. These opportunities help us to gain our communication skill.
               More than that also we are trying to contribute something signature to the school. A colorful bricks candy will be a signature as we have been there and how cheerful and energetic the school are with a most kindly children and helpful teachers and staff in the school.

We paint the wall with beautiful colorful bricks candy

lets us pray for our little children. they are our young generation that we cannot put them aside. let them be free from this kind of poop. let them be free from this negative environment, let them be free from a short taught, i pray they will growing up and live happily, wealthy and healthy lifestyle.



Pewaris Meeting

       For our second project, we have to attending and joined are “Pewaris Meeting”. This meeting was conducted on 11 April 2015, Saturday. This meeting start from 8 am in the morning and end at 12 pm in the evening. 
This meeting are our first time meeting with parents and the presidents of the club. The meeting are went well. The meeting are discussing about the children, the event or programme that later on will be conducted at preschool SKS7, Bandar Baru Bangi. The meeting also talk and discussed about the achievement of the children from January to February. Furthermore the parents was discussing about others matter that arising such as, about the children safety, worksheets, cleanliness, E-extra book.
Besides that, this meeting also discussed about the way to improve the children skills, talents and the importantly about the children literacy problem. The teachers try to give the best ideas to the parents with the arising issues as a way for a solution. 
During this meeting also, we as a group member present our ideas for the preschool children to the head master, and the member of “Pewaris club” from the presentation, we have a positive feedback to continue with our plan and make a projects activity that need parents, teacher and children contribution. 

During the meeting held on

               From this meeting, i had learned how to conduct a meeting with a parents, how to handle question in between answer and ask question to the parents meeting. This meeting can help myself in future leading to conduct parents meeting or any meeting like this. this meeting also giving me an ideas in future how to solve a problem in children behaviors and enhance children skills with a helps of parents, teachers ideas. 

#resepi #cooking try#precious food# 100 days 11 ogos 2014 100 days 16 february 2015 20-an ALPHABET RECOGNITION AMAZON Action songs Art and craft BECE BIRTHDAY PARTY BLOGLIST DAN SEGMEN Baby Milestones Bandung Ben ashaari Cinta Malaysia Sayang Kelantan DramaTv English Language Future Teacher GIVEAWAY Hari Rabu INDONESIA KIDS ACTIVITY KIDS PROJECT KIDS TOYS Ketam Kota Bharu Kelantan Kunak LESSON PLAN Lets learn "BAHASA MELAYU" Madinah Makkah Malay songs Maruku NURSERY NURSERY RHYMES PLANE TICKET PRESCHOOL PTPTN Princess sofia themem Pink theme Quotes of the Week REVIEW RINDU Ramadhan Resepi sos Mangga Resepi sos nyonya SABAH SOS MANGO SPORT&OUTDOOR SSPN Singapore TV SHOW Tawau UMRAH WRITING SKILLS advertising award baby photo bencana a.k.a musibah best place to visit KELANTAN bisnessbyIstanaSyurga bisnessonline breasfeeding tips brownies children assessment children milestones children performance children safety children trip and visit children with special need=gifted cognitive development contest dan contest foodhunters greenandredtea greenteathailand hand eyes recognition hilang# sukar jejaki lagi# dicuri# lalai# holiday a.k.a makan angin :) homeschooling kegemaran saya kid songs lagu+lirik lesen kereta letters makanan bercengkerang mimpi BESAR movie musim panas nephew+niece+children nothing just to say one destination. parenting tips parents teacher relationship party themem Barbie theme pools and waterfun public transportation puisi+poem+whatsoeverlah redteathailand saya jual secret recepi segmen agama sensory skills services specialcare teaching skills teman+sahabat tengah marah tips+petua+amalan=tindakan toddlers water play