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Showing posts with label Kota Bharu Kelantan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kota Bharu Kelantan. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 24, 2016


Hipster cafe with a few of food choices and hipster price too.. nama pun hipster so dah xboleh la nak expect price reasonable kan.. wohoo...

 nice write up :)

i do not like oily churos :( however, bakes potato got 70 over 100 :) well cooked

overall nothing more special in this hipster cafe... maybe masa pergi xde banyak choice kot.. kek pun x banyak pilihan. hohoho



no talk.. no long posting..
lets look all the picture..
a very fascinating environment
lots of food choice..
all is favorite food

 ala Dip n Dip and boat noodle. <3

nice kan :)

okay cukuplah dulu.. xrugi kalau nak try


Monday, October 26, 2015

FOOD REVIEW | Restoran Kapal Terbang

front page of the Restaurant Menu

classic environment with shining from chandelliar


Faiz cant wait another order, lets just ate this first.
butter prawn size looks good but the taste was sweet and its should not be sweets. we can still taste the sugar. Oh My God..

focus on their food. Yes chicken chop taste was delicious.

kuew tiaw kungfu. my sis want bihun kungfu Ehh the food come in kuew tiaw.. 

other order was slow services. yes the waiters just said so. but they should improves the services. 

ok.. dah siap makan boleh balik.. look.. there was aeroplane.. that what we called Restoran Kapal Terbang.

ohh.. during we wait our order arriving to our table. there is Mak cik around or kakak.. maybe the owner or somebody belong to the restaurant owner. this makcik keep sweeping the floor using a broom and shovel open. ehh.. that should not be in the restaurant when there still people eating their food. the etiquette in serving.. yes its should not be. 

after all, the services was slow and need a few improvement . about two family near to our table out of restaurant after drink their only juices. they said, its tiring waiting about 1 hours and plus plus. fortunately,patiently waiting seem to be worth when mostly our food was tasty. Especially the Ikan Siakap.


Sunday, October 25, 2015

Pasar Pagi Binjai

last weekend on Saturday, we went to Pasar Pagi Sabtu. 
this pasar i learn to appreciated the food. to see the environment.
all the food price were not expensive at all. and mostly, penduduk kg yang berniaga hasil tuaian dan masakan. i pray for their rezki. semoga rezeki mereka semakin bertambah dengan kebaikan hati mereka.

the kuih kelate. look so good. the color was awesome and attracting.

and this are my favorite.. heee
the only pasar who had this..
"jering rebus"



Sunday, October 18, 2015

FOOD REVIEW | Teh Tarik Madu dan dim sum

yesterday, i went to kuala kubu for breakfast  at Pok mat Pulau pisang Restaurant.
above was the picture i snap. This restaurant was quite popular among the Malaysian people especially the Kelantan people. the popular menu they had was Teh Tarik Madu and sup kepala ikan. nowadays, few more restaurant start to make Teh tarik madu like this restaurants do.

besides that, if you went to kuala kubu, there also have a side dish menu you can try near to restaurant, there are few stalls and booth that also sold a different kind of dish. such as what i have ordered for breakfast Dim Sum.

the taste was good. the cost for the dish also not too expensive. except if you would like to try Sup kepala ikan then you need to have some extra money. 

so that all. i end this post.


Saturday, October 17, 2015

Nasi Arab kambing Ayam berempah

Nasi Arab daging Kambing ayam berempah

here is the most faverote food for now. even though i am seriously not hungry and can't eat at all. i means full stomach.. haha.. this food is hundred percent rejected all what i had feel. hee.. i just really love the taste and the smell. its feel really good surely.

unfortunately, im not the one who cook this. hee.. so don't ever ask the recipe from me.. kekeke..
maybe later i can share the recipe for you people when THE will want to learn from my sister came naturally.. ehh at least got the recipe from her. then i post it here.

And actually this was yesterday menu. As i said, im on diet so because of this kind of food im cheating.. poor me :'(

the original recipe from: my sister in law mother who had live in Makkah for many year back times ago. 


Thursday, October 15, 2015

FOOD REVIEW | Nasi Arab at puncak mutiara cafe

Hi... hee.. malam ni xde dinner.. so i saje nak update throwback picture sikit.. xboleh makan.. so kita throwback.. ingat kena diet.. cukupla makan sedap at least 2 hari 1 kali.. ehh... at least 1 hari tu cukuplah dengan makan berat..

This cafe is around tesco, kampung sireh kota bharu.. this is so suggested cafe as i am very particular in testing food.. hee.. the lamb taste wahh so tasty.. still taste the juice of the meat.. ke3.. and most importantly no smell like a goat Ok.. hihihi

So.. here is the picture..


Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Chicken pie vs Rose Apple pie

My sister want to make a chicken pie.. but i just remember my facebook friend sharing roses apple pie from Martha stewart video.. so.. Apalagi.. terus rasa nak try buat.. surf and searching rose apple pie again at facebook home page.. unfortunately xjumpa video yang i have shared before.. but still not give up then i tried to search youtube and its HERE. Yeayy finally found the recipe...

After that, I cut the apple into slices like the way the martha stewart did.. yeayyy.. so creative of me..the slice of the apple.. omg.. too thick.. the slice actually should be thin.. ohoho.. and i change the recipe because i did not have a lemon inside the fridge.. heeee.. for the jam also im not using apricot but rambutan jam.. yeay.. he3.. semangat punya pasal nak try samada jadi or not the rose bud.. kekeke..

So.. here the picture.. like it? Muahh muah  cant wait to try the taste because the food still in the oven... teheeee..


Tuesday, October 13, 2015

FOOD REVIEW | Pasta bowl restaurant

Introducing this another hipster restaurant at telipot kota bharu. Near to palace and mosque.. I just tried the spagetti bolognese and aglio olio.. the restaurant concept was like the boat noodle.. but in different is the price.. heehihuhihu.... 1 for spagetti bowl is 2.90 ringgit malaysia.. kind of pricey if u people want eat and stack the bowl. The fries price was just normal. Tge drink also quite Ok.. same to another type of food.. Here the picture. This is suggested restaurant for you people to visit and eat.. however if you are western tongue, then the spaggetti taste not really wow .. the environment of the restaurant was good and hipster :) come and try by yourself..

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