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Friday, January 27, 2017

Best friend

One day on this weeks, i ask my student to write an essay; MY BESTFRIEND. so i do try to write an essay too. But sadly, the clock run faster than my hands. So i realized, I don't have much friends too. I don't have a best friend.. even if i do, the friend don't think of me as one. So i did'nt wrote anything.

I was thought deeply. what is best friend actually? From childhood to primary to high school to universities to work place. The best friend tittle is always change from time to time. Even if i don't, you do. Even if you don't, i do.

People change. We change from time to time. So those feelings is not going to remain the same. We meet different people. And the different could make us "the bestfriend" closer or even more distant. #whoismybestfriend? #whoisyourbestfriend?

So, those essay would be share next 2 weeks after chinese new year holiday. I wish to wrote an essay about my bestfriend and inspire the kid. I wish the kid appreciate their moments with their friends when they live. Not after the death like i do.


Friday, January 20, 2017

Jual ikan

Yes in certain situation that push me to talk.. i am no longer holding any words i wish to said.. i against everything which everything that i'd said might end up eat me back.. haha.. but one things for sure i felt so good later.. i don't have any not satisfied felt heart.. i let go of what i think.. and the rest is up to them to think of me..

I just so selfish right now that i'm sure this is good for me to release all the kind of unimportant vibes..

Dan sessungguhnya..

hati yang gelap itu terjadi apabila kita dah tidak punya rasai apa-apa.. samada kita yang bersalah atau pun tidak dari kata-kata yang terhasil dari lidah yang tidak bertulang.. mungkin untuk kembali kepada hati yang bersinar-sinar itu makin jauh dan jauh perjalanan dan liku-liku makin mencabar 😗


Monday, January 9, 2017

Tidur dalam kelas

Aku rasa hebat ka dulu..
Aku tidur dalam kelas..
Aku main-main tidak dengar cakap cikgu.
Aku kurang hormat..

Belajar apa kan..
Aku bodoh betul..
Tidak pandai nak hargai..
Atau pembelajaran itu..
Yang sebenarnya membosankan..
Jadi kenapa perkara sama..
Masih berulang-ulang..

Ya Allah berdosanya aku..
Dan aku harus faham..
Kenapa proses pembelajaran dan pemahaman pelajar masih kurang sama..

Kesiannya pada guru-guru..
Lagi kesian pada anak-anak..
Jadi siapa yang bersalah?
Jadi proses yang macamna untuk tarik perhatian anak-anak?

Dan akhirnya.. bagaimana caranya..


Sunday, January 8, 2017

A plane to undefined place

never know how far i can go. Through all the sea. Through all the road. Through all the way.  But one thing for sure, wherever i go. I go with all of my heart.  Whenever i start. I start to hope for the blessing end.
When it is a rains.
Istajibillah Humma Doa's Ana Ya Allah. "please grant all my Doa's, O'Allah".


tears drop like a heavy rain

last night.after more than a year, my eyes is tearing for a small little things. i know this will happening.. when my mood is swinging and i can't to hold my tears anymore. i really hate to cried. but my tears can't help to stop..

when i wake up in the morning, i decided to reconcile. even though i felt so much in anger. and it's works. my mood for the whole day is going just so-so well.. and i felt so much calm later.

by the way, i don't know if this will be the last or later there will run again after me. it's just i hate to cried. it's look like i won't be strong and i stand out to be weak. i hate!

please Allah, i don't know what else i can do in my life. i got the job,  and i'm still greedy for more. why i have to have this kind of feeling. why Allah.. show me the right path Allah. open my heart to you Allah. i'm sick for all those ups and down..


Day 6 | Assembly dan mayat yang masih panas.

Haih.. the most thing i hate during school is assembly.... why? Its waste time and tiring to listen the talk.. but in other situation if something is going to happen during the class later than i wish and hopes that the assembly will be long and long.. heee... such as, did not finish honework.. haha..

Now when i am a teacher.. So again, this is what i don't really like to do.. especially when i is all alone. Auuuu.. too bored... so how can i expect a student to be stay at the same place for the long long time...

Assembly took me to stay and stand out all alone almost 30 minute.. damnnnn....

But anyway.. let me share one story yang telah diceritakan ketika assembly yang boleh menjentikkan hati kita untuk menjadi lebih baik dari hari ini..

Kisahnya, Seorang hamba Allah y berumur 8 tahun.. beliau telah menjadi yatim piatu.. dijaga di pondok sehingga dia dewasa. Bercita2 dlm kehidupan nak jadi imam. Beliau berasal dr kemboja dan datang ke malaysia dan lalu menjadi imam. Ketika menjadi imam lalu beliau mati dalam sujud. Bila beliau mati, dia dibawa kehospital. Keluarga tidak ada. Maka, mayat imam masuk kedalam bilik mayat. Sejuk dan dibekukan. Terpaksa menerima hakikat iitu. Dr sehari sehari sehingga sampai 2 bulan. Ustaz  diberi penghormatan untuk mengambil mayat itu. Bila dibuka laci mayat itu. Dia terkejut bila badan mayat itu disentuh. Badan mayat tersebut panas dan tidak beku.  Kemudian lihat pada dahi.. dahinya berpeluh. Pada saat itu, ustaz mencari siapa kawan baik kepada mayat tersebut. Dan diceritakan dalam hidupnya tidak pernah tinggal sembahyang tasbih.

Semoga didalam hati kita akan terbuka untuk  belajar dan menunaikan solat tasbih..

Thursday, January 5, 2017

5th Day|Mentally down

Tidak tahan sabar.. siapa? She or I?

Ya allah what shall i do? What make me angry? What make me felt so depress? Is that because when the cooker call me as her mother or i have to entertain her sister to toilet? Or my period made my mood is swing and swinging.. or maybe because the other kids that just so naughty and she is sensitive when i wish to make joke.. Just that i felt so depress today.. and so much down!!!! Macam nak resign sekarang juga!!

Yes she is clever.. but she cannot even hold her patience😩 that make me felt so tired.. too tired to holding my own anger.. ya allah.. i have no more patience left.. she is hate difficult task which is actually not difficult and easy to her friends. She love and enjoy doing real difficult task while her friend is crawling to get it right. See how good and clever she is in her own way.. and i have to be more clever than that..

To be rational when she is special kid and i have to be special teacher like her..
*mentally down 😭😭😭


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