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Friday, April 29, 2016

Strawberries Chocolate from CAMERON HIGHLAND

Things that i realized this day, there are more thing that i have love and like will turn out to be not.. as well as things that i don't like or love will turn out to be my favourite..
As the tittle was "STRAWBERRY"
With one eyes i look to this fruit.. i have tried the taste but i don't like.. i told everyone.. but not anymore..
This fruit right now is my Favourite.. i love and i am really happy to bite slowly with close eyes.. everything around will be a magic and i turn to be really happy..
Ehhh.. over pula kan.. hihi..


Ruang Iklan untuk disewa

Salam. Hi helo. 

I don't know if this post is going to be acknowledge by the individual or company to rent.. for the beginner like me.. HIRE ME! and i will not took much price.. which is reasonable and productive ..Your business advertisement will be acknowledge as i will keep promoting and give a special care review..

For more information.. contact the detail through comment under this post and in the comment box.. i welcoming people to those who need help in promoting their business and at the same time helping me to enhance in blogging as a part time hobbies or a careers.. beside i will gain and developing more ideas, knowledge and skills..

Send your detail and email or contact me through this email

Thank you for your time,
Special care,


Thursday, April 28, 2016

skyscanner for travel Cheap Ticket

i just got to know about this around last 2 weeks.. it was really exciting and easier to use. really can not wait my next destination.

This information i know from MISZ FARA.. for my own review.. let me keep it here.. All the picture is from Misz Fara.

first thing is you have to search skyscanner and the website will turn out to be like this..

i was searching to everywhere.. start from lombok to Australia, to Sapporo to Seoul.
OHH YEAH,, everywhere i want to travel.. but the things make complicated and limited was MONEY 

2nd thing to do, click at the whole month and  the cheapest month.. from that, you will verify all the cheapest plane ticket to the whole Month.

like this :)\

for more detail go to 

arghhhhh.. can't waitt TO USE THE SERVICE!! more than that can't wait TO TRAVEL! 


Laman web TONTON

So long did not watch Malay Drama at this website (TONTON.COM.MY) .. so yesterday appeared a feeling of wanting to watch.. especially when the new actor and actress Janna Nick and Shukri Yahya as the main actor. the recommendation and suggestion from people also is affected me to watching the Drama. (SUAMI TANPA CINTA).. the tittle still cliche and i have taught the story could be like the same as like the past drama..  in few seconds later, i start to searching the TONTON website but unfortunately, their service not available for free anymore..  but later in 5 minutes i just found out that drama was in Astro channel. weheeehuu..

Hoho.. in the meantime.. hurghhhhuhh.. i realize long time ago.. everything need to pay if you are willing to use the service.. As well as to this website.. arghh so disappointed.. it should be free service while promoting the Malaysian entertainment industry. 

however, just like the website.. the same goes to everyone who think i were living leisurely.. undeniable at all after this head just got the messy plan for her future..  i believe everyone do feel also so annoying when i was like no life.. no effort.. and doing nothing.. because money is the thing most precious to everyone.. 


Saturday, April 23, 2016


Pagi Sabtu tadi.. awal awal pagi teman my both sister to car wash.. then pergi check pembikinan rumah sewa yang almost siap untuk diduduki.. so.. anyone who like to find rent house in kelantan especially kota bharu can contact me through the below comment box... will update more about this later.. insyaallah..

then p cari barang2 yang still not completed.. then lagi terus p makan ROTI TITAB di KOPITIAM KITA.. the price for one piece of bread was RM5.. wowww.. makin naik harga nampaknya.. dan lagi nampak.. mungkin nanti teringin nak makan buat sendiri saja 

Kenyang perut p ambil duit.. singgah pasar SITI KHADIJAH.. nampak sangat lama bebenar xmasuk.. i was feel like.. wow *only the part under the roof top.. pasar ni masih dimonopoli oleh kaum wanita.. tengok sajalah dato vida bagaimana.. tunggu saja turn saya pula nanti.. Insyaallah
Ohhh.. sebelum masuk pasar, singgah dulu di restoran NASI CIKGU.. beli makanan tengahari untuk ayahanda tercinta.. 

ohh.. tahun ni melawat kelantan.. so i recommended, jika datang melawat kelantan.. singgahlah makan disini.. its heaven more than the western food sometimes...
Okk... dahh jom tengok gambo..

  the roof top pasar siti khadijah


Ayam Mango secret recepi

Semalam hari jumaat... kakak kakakku masak ikan bawal stim asam boi dengan ayam mangga.. wowwww...
Ayam mangga is my faverote.. kadang worried sick kot kot dalam hati teringin nak bertambahnya makan... arghhh.. and more than that ayam mangga punya sos is the best tau.. more than that.. kita pun jual sos ayam mangga.. xnak cuba ka.. hihihi pandai pujuk dapat harga baik punya..
Okayy.. dah tengok gambo ni...
Ayam Mango with secret mango sauce

Our Lunch on Friday

Ok.. nanti kita share resepi sayur campak campak dengan ikan stim asam boi.. weheee


Saya jual Green and red tea

Hii.. saya nak jual green and red tea ni.. jom la beli dengan saya.. pandai pujuk dapat harga baik punya..
Saya agak hampir semua dari kita dah pernah rasa green tea or red tea.. soo... jomlaaa.. jomla beli dengan saya.. i will give you the best price and baik punya.. as and if you pandai tawar harga.. weheeee

please follow IG business:
greenandredteathailand by IstanaSyurga

for the more info :)


I love you Song

Ni lagu Malay song.. its about a gardener  story live in the end of town surrounding by the mountain.. he live handsomely and have been like by every person he meets.. jomm nyanyi...

NAMANYA OH "any name-Addin"

Ommm... itulah kisah ADDIN.. antara aktiviti bertema yang boleh dilakukan sambil menyanyi bersama ialah:
1. Diri Saya
2. Kawan
3. Tempat tinggal
4. Rumah
5. Alam sekitar/Bumi


Tujuan hidup

Sedar tidak sedar sekarang dah end of April.. sikit hari lagi dah masuk bulan 5.. sedar tidak sedar.. cepat sangat masa bergerak..

Masa mula2 masuk universiti umur awal2 20 an.. sedar tidak sedar rupanya dah separuh 20 an.. cepat sangat masa berlalu.. masih mencari destinasi dan hala tuju.. sungguh lambat keupayaan diri dan cita cita bergabung.. sedangkan seusia ku yang lain sudah menjelajah dunia.. untung berjuta juta.. aku masih ditakuk lama..

Penat letih mahu berfikir.. maka terus hidup dengan khayalan.. jadi mana hala tuju dan destinasi untuk bermula dan berhenti..

Orang mengata.. orang memberi nasihat.. orang memberi pandangan.. bukan aku tidak dengar.. bukan aku tidak cuba.. cuma ia datang lambat..

Penat.. penat.. bukan aku tidak mahu.. cuma otakku yang mereng.. sekejap kata itu sekejap kata ini.. macam2 hal yang bermain bergabung pula dengan emosi dan perasaan..

Apa tujuan hidup aku?  Kerjaya masa depan cinta.. dimana lah aku nanti? Susah mahu bangkit.. perit mahu terus telan..

Ikut saja.. flownya nanti.. apa mahu jadi jadilah.. begitu? Arhhhh..

Tunjukkan aku jalan mu Ya Allah.. yang benar yang membawa aku seiiring ke destinasi CintaMu...


Friday, April 22, 2016

Watermelon song

I still cant sleep.. i want to share a fruits kids song.. parents, teachers or anyone can make their own genre and action.. a very simple song.. heree....
From this song, we can make so many activities.. and children can acknowledge what is fruit.. we also can change the name of fruits according to children achievements..
Example of the Activities;
1. Name the fruit
2. Taste the fruit
3. Guess the fruit
4. Coloring or drawing the fruits (Arts and Crafts)
5. Baking and make juice
Okayy... byee  

Between personalities and the attitude

Antara benda yang paling manusia perlu takutkan adalah merasa diri mereka lebih baik.. once she/he feel better than anyone than she/he going to neglect all the people said. Somehow the attitude is positive but somehow it turn out to be negative.. nothing wrong to listen advise nor nothing wrong to do not either.. we live to have chances and choose.. we live to stand by our prinsip and life goal.. but the prinsip itself should be build and created by the positive minds.. there will be always came up with different choice..  and people will always confusing in making mistake about judging people through their personalities more than the attitude of the person they facing with.. 

I have tought the same too.. luckily, it was not confusing anymore..  your personalities attract me to know you.. your attitude will determine you either i will gonna be a friend or an enemy.. will determine you either i will like u or or the haters. will determine either its annoyed in many ways.. through positive or negative.. will ignore or care.. happy or dissapointed.. because everything in life came with choices.. in any choices that i had made or will i take.. that is nothing with my personalities.. but it was because of your attitude towards me.. like in thousand time i have said.. anything what you give, i will give you back.. and again.. either came with the fastest or the slowest.. either it is smallest or the bigger.. either it is light or the heavier.. It is a both, a blessing and a curse to feel everything too deeply..End.


Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Milliy's turns 2


on 2nd April 2016 we celebrate our princess milliy birthday. she is turns 2. we are excited for planning her birthday. during the party, she was excited, happy, a brighter smile and look awkward too or maybe she was hungry. heee.. Milliy's real birthday n 31 March 2014.

Birthday theme: Princess Sofia
Colour theme: Pink and White
Decoration: Baloon, Net cloth , some more with Part hacks ideas.
Cake: Princess Sofia doll,
Deserts: Ice cream vanilla, chocolate cupcake, Apam beras, fruit cocktail, cream puff, chocolate indulgence cake
Fruits: Watermelon, Pineapple, Mango
Main Menu: Spaghetti, fried meehun, Meehun soup
Side Dish: Nuggets, French fries, Hot Dog
Door Gifts: Snacks, Marshmallow

so,, here is the picture to remember..


maka, berakhirlah majlis hari jadi milliy yang ke 2 tahun.

at this age milliy dah develop banyak benda.

1. dari segi bahasa, 5 - 6 patah perkataan,
2. menyanyi dengan pelbagai jenis genre lagu dengan jelas butir kata antara lagu kegemaran milliy: watermelon song, rain-rain go away, buai laju-laju, row-row your boat, 5 little monkey, twinkle-twinkle little star, ABC song, johny-johny yes papa, dan juga zikir hasbi rabbi.
3. sudah mengenal bacis colour in two language, bahasa malaysia dan bahasa inggeris.
4. milliy sudah tahu nombor 1-10 dan mula pandai mengira hasil tambah.
5. milliy suka menari lagu gummy bear dan imitate pelbagai jenis pergerakan.
6. boleh membaling bola tetapi masih belajar untuk menyambut bola.
7. boleh berada didalam kolam renang dengan pengawasan jarak jauh dan dekat.
8. mengenali identiti dan boleh menyebut setiap nama setiap ahli keluarga, objek, animal and her body parts.
9. suka kepada makanan dan boleh makan pelbagai jenis makanan tetapi sudah mula mengenal erti rasa sedap pada jenis2 makanan. 
10. sudah pandai membezakan rasa pedas, manis, masam pada makanan.
11. tidak suka didukung, duduk didalam stroller
12. suka berjalan sendiri dan mula berlari-lari didalam shopping complex yang memerlukan kesabaran dan pengawasan yang tinggi.
13. boleh mendengar arahan mudah,
14. pandai memakai pakaian dengan sendiri 
15. pandai memakai sandal atau selipar jepun sendiri dengan betul

okay Milliy ni yang suesue ingat sepanjang you are here at kg with me almost 2 months. Actually there are more than this that you are develop which i could not remind for now being. and if you might read this one day, i want you know that everyone in this *kg house loves you really much. you are the joy to your grand-dad especially when your grand-mom left us to another world. you are the big noise when the house is silent (krikkrikkrik). i want you know that you are the young happier toddler and make everyone around you feel great. we are at *kg missing you everyday and pray you will be grow up healthier, wealthier full of happiness and kindness. 


Sunday, April 17, 2016

Nasi Ayam simple

Today i cook chicken rice shop.. hohoho.. this is my 1st try.. the soup was less taste.. the 'sambal' was too liquid.. but im proud of my self.. so now, i know how to make chicken rice
About the recepi..its from facebook shared.. cause nowadays we can just get any recipe from fb.. and the recepi is simple, easier for beginner, and have a step by step on how to making.. most importantly, every steps have a picture on it..


 Thank you! :)


Tuesday, April 12, 2016


Its my 3rd day..

And i still got my toothaches.. huhhhuu


#resepi #cooking try#precious food# 100 days 11 ogos 2014 100 days 16 february 2015 20-an ALPHABET RECOGNITION AMAZON Action songs Art and craft BECE BIRTHDAY PARTY BLOGLIST DAN SEGMEN Baby Milestones Bandung Ben ashaari Cinta Malaysia Sayang Kelantan DramaTv English Language Future Teacher GIVEAWAY Hari Rabu INDONESIA KIDS ACTIVITY KIDS PROJECT KIDS TOYS Ketam Kota Bharu Kelantan Kunak LESSON PLAN Lets learn "BAHASA MELAYU" Madinah Makkah Malay songs Maruku NURSERY NURSERY RHYMES PLANE TICKET PRESCHOOL PTPTN Princess sofia themem Pink theme Quotes of the Week REVIEW RINDU Ramadhan Resepi sos Mangga Resepi sos nyonya SABAH SOS MANGO SPORT&OUTDOOR SSPN Singapore TV SHOW Tawau UMRAH WRITING SKILLS advertising award baby photo bencana a.k.a musibah best place to visit KELANTAN bisnessbyIstanaSyurga bisnessonline breasfeeding tips brownies children assessment children milestones children performance children safety children trip and visit children with special need=gifted cognitive development contest dan contest foodhunters greenandredtea greenteathailand hand eyes recognition hilang# sukar jejaki lagi# dicuri# lalai# holiday a.k.a makan angin :) homeschooling kegemaran saya kid songs lagu+lirik lesen kereta letters makanan bercengkerang mimpi BESAR movie musim panas nephew+niece+children nothing just to say one destination. parenting tips parents teacher relationship party themem Barbie theme pools and waterfun public transportation puisi+poem+whatsoeverlah redteathailand saya jual secret recepi segmen agama sensory skills services specialcare teaching skills teman+sahabat tengah marah tips+petua+amalan=tindakan toddlers water play