Most people have secrets which only they or themselves know. This includes fears, likes and dislikes.
but i just did not care to share my secret with you all..bhahaha..(gelak jahat)
let me go straight to the topic..ngeheee..
1- Slope test the most that i nervous and fear...
google pic
Approximately 150 – 200 candidates sit for their Practical Test for cars (Kelas D) in most institutes each can u imagine how many would not pass the test??? like at the institute that i'd learned before as an example, some 25 – 30% of candidates Fail their slope test. These candidates will then have to repeat this portion of their test at least after two month. This is not only wastes ur Time but ur money too.think about it?? With this short tips it is hoped will assist some of u candidates to go through this problem situation of the test.If u fail to go up the slope, then a candidate is considered as having Failed. He or she will then be disallowed to proceed to the “Side Parking” and “3 Point Turn” aspect of the test.By the way,failing this section, does not mean u have failed the entire test. u will then proceed for Part 3 of the practical test, which is the Jalan Raya Test.
my sir tips~a.yen~
u are given 3 minutes.So no need to be rush.calm ur self the go smoothly.
One should also bear in ur mind before go to the slope test is,the tyres should be reach the yellow lines a 100%, 75% or 50% to secure a Pass. u are given a second chance if u are failed at the first try.u are allowed to reverse down the slope up to behind the white line (starting point) to take your second chance and make sure do the best.once u reach designated yellow lines, pull up hand brake tight and put up ur Right hand.The tester will then ask ur name and ur number-will be given by ur institute.When the tester then gives u the permission to proceed up the slope, accelerate slightly(30 km/h and above its more better), leave up the clutch slowly and when the car begins to jerk, accelerate a bit more, release the hand brake and go up to the slope.
then after all,go to side parking..ngeee..i will share it later yah..cause its time for me go to sleep.
the best quality as a person in a day is she or he have a best sleep..bhahaha.. gud nite guys..
te amo hada