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DIY Sandpaper Letters

If you are familiar with Montessori learning, you will know this sandpaper letter cards. The actual card is made by wood and cost a bomb! Alternatively, i found one of the blog: Little Tiger Growing Up did a DIY version of sandpaper letter cards. So, i could save money! Yeay!

This sandpaper letter is one of the Montessori method for multi-sensory approach as well as language. It could develop a muscular impression of the letter shapes and to associate the sounds with the shapes. This also helps to develop a visual impression and to learn the writing direction of the letter shapes.

I took the printable from

Lowercase alphabets:

Uppercase alphabet:


1) The alphabets / numbers printable
Print it out and cut the letters individually. The letters are in black colour.

2) Sandpaper
You can buy it at the DIY shop. Search for the finest sandpaper. It costs around RM0.80 per piece. Trace the letters that you have cut them out from the printable. Make sure the white color is on the top of the sandpaper else you might get the alphabets wrong direction.

3) Cardboard 
I used hardcover paper so it is quite fragile. I might re-do this cards later on since Ayser has tore some of the letters and i had to glue them and it looked terrible. I have blank business cards so i might use the cards instead for the new sandpaper letters.

This is the final product. It took me weeks to finish it because of the card size. :D. Actually half day enough for you to settle this DIY. Total cost is about RM3. It depends on the materials you buy. The original price of this sandpaper letters is RM190.00! Can you imagine it's so expensive. Faint!

Let's try it ok!


Throwback Thursday: His 1st Passport Photo

Actually, this picture of Ayser ni ada dalam draft for quite some time la. Nk buat this entry x terbuat sampai ke sudah nye haaa....Takper laa...kite throwback our memories jap yer. :D

Ok, this is his 1st passport photo sebab nak kene buat passport la kan. Nak pegi oversea. Pegi Sydney time tu. So kene la buat. Susah jugak nak amek gambar dia sbb xleh dok diam. Gambar gegar jek. And the photographer kata this is his best shot yang x gegar and pandang depan. Not bad la jugak kan.

He's almost 2 years old already. So, that day i went to imigresen to renew my passport and i sempat la tanya whether Ayser needs to change his photo or not. The staff said after 2 years old baru tuka since the passport pon for 5 years kan so cam ok la lagi bole pakai for this year. 

Then, yesterday my hubby checked again with the imigresen staff tu, kali ni cakap kene tuka pulak. Kitorg pon pegi la UTC nak tuka gambar dlm passport kan. Dh smp kt kaunter pertanyaan dah ni, bole plak kata kt UTC xleh buat kt main office je bole buat. Pulak dahhh...apa gune UTC camtu kan. Dah kene pegi Ayer Keroh office the next day, which is today la kan. His new passport photo dah buat dah sekali ngan visa photo.

My passport pon renew for 5 years jugak. Actually nk buat 2 years je but the last 6 months tu rugi sbb dia x kan continue unless buat 5 years punye je dapat. So, buat aje la 5 years. Abes RM300 ok. Padahal blm tentu selalu pegi oversea ke x ni. Doa2 kan we ols dpt pegi oversea sealu ye. :)

Hmm, best jugak throwback ni. Hehe. Nanti if ada yang blom story here bole la throwback kan :D


Wordless Wednesday: No Mood!

Wordless Wednesday: Actively Moving!

Video Ayser Lagi!

Ayser Zarif During His Birthday Celebration

Video incik Ayser Zarif time birthday celebration dia.....sangat happy and active!

Baby Batman on the move!

Happy 1st Birthday Ayser Zarif!

Assalamualaikum and selamat pagi sumerrr....

Nama saya Ayser Zarif. Saya dah setahun yeay!

Ni saya baru bgn tido. Happy happy sebab semlm birthday saya.

Saya nak mandi la....jap yer........

Tadaaaaa....saya dah siap nk g jenjalan. tu bkn beg sekolah. Tu beg diapers saya. :D


Saya ikut mommy and daddy saya g cari goodies bag utk malam ni.

Ni saya xde mood sgt sy posing pon terpakse sbb mommy & daddy penat acah saya....

Happy birthday to me!!!!! Bluerghhhhhhhhhh

Mommy and daddy busy deco deco utk birthday celebration saya. Cantikkan??? :)

Saya pon nak posing gak ngn goodies bad sebab saya mana bole makan sweet sweet ni :D

Ni moyang saya....saya panggil dia NekWe. Dia nak posing ngn saya.....yeah!!!!!

Saya dah mandi....arini saya jadi BATMAN!

Saya nak jalan-jalan satu umah. pakcik n makcik saya rajin layan saya...saya main sampai penat!

Saya belum boleh jalan sendiri lagi. so, saya gune la ride ni utk berjalan..hehe...comel x?

Ini birthday cake saya. Nek Cik saya buatkannnn....Red Velvet Cake ok! Tapi saya xleh makan lagi.....mommy x bagi makan gula....xper laa....mommy makan sy pon dapat jugekkkkk :D

Nek Cik pon ada wat cupcakes.....comelkan?? Cam saya hehehehehe...:D

Mommy and Daddy decide nak wat sedikit tahlil dan doa selamat untuk birthday saya ni....islamic gituhhhh.....btol la kannnn.....saya pon happy! ;)

Pas tahlil dan doa selamat.....Mereka nyanyi untuk saya dah potong cake. Saya blurr jek sebenar nya tatau apa jadi...haha...saya layankan aje la yerkkkk

Posing posing amek gambar. Nampak baju batman saya......:D

Lepas tu kite makan!!! saya dok diam2 ngn makcik n pakcik saya....mommy n daddy layan tetamu...

Nampak muke saya blurrr ni.....haha...pastu saya seronok main ngn pakcik saya...Pakcik Muiz!

Last2 daddy baru teringat nak amek gambar family. Mase ni mood saya dh xde....sbb saya dh penat main saya ngantuk and dahaga! Nampak muka saya masammmmm jekk :P

Babah Wan & Umi Wan pon nak amek gambar ngn sayeeeee....tapi saya dah buat muke masammm

Pesan mommy & daddy untuk saya:

"Happy 1st Birthday Ayser Zarif. Semoga menjadi anak yang soleh and berguna. May Allah bless you always with great health, great wealth, great happiness and great in everything in your life. Ameennnn"


Ayser Zarif

Gibby's Birthday Party

Last Sunday afternoon, ada birthday party one of our nephew. But we ols dtg lmbt sket la since my family ada lg kt umah kan. Tu pon dorg blk kitorg xde kt umah lagi.

Sorry la pic birthday boy nye xde...haha...makan2 nyanyi2 terus balik

Oklaa selamat hari wilayah!!!

Jalan-jalan Di Hari Sabtu

Ye.....after few days sakit, alhamdulillah dah sihat...we ols pon nak le jalan2 kan. Nk g shopping baju cik abang kite sorang pegi la ke Paradigm Mall sbb nk shopping kt H&M....

Posing before g shopping..hehe...mak nye yg over ok...anak soh senyum dok wat muke serius jekkk...

Ok gambar shopping xdek yek sbb khusyuk sopping...sempat la grab t-shirts and jeans for Ayser and 1 top for me..hehe

Ni gambar lps ngamuk.Hubby dah bawak g jalan2 jap baru ok.

Pastu g dinner kt Chilli's. Cik abang ni wat perangai kt sini plakkan...nk makan pon xsenang dh jadinyer...

Pastu terus balik sebab my dad and my bro nk dtg kan...kang lambat xde org kt umah sapa nk sambut sis dh jumpe kt Paradigm Mall and dia ikut sama balik.

Sempat lagi snap snap before chaloooooo...:D


Wordless Wednesday: Sleeping Soundly

Wordless Wednesday: Future Doctor!

Full Package!

Yes full package last week for us.....our baby x sihat....i plak kene food poisoning....until today pon blom fully recovered... selre makan my baby pon ilang ngn i pon sama ilang....adehhhh...

Last Thusrday, nursery called us told us Ayser muntah lps makan....terus balik bawak g klinik n mintak refer specialist. G jumpe Paed kt Columbia Asia Hospital. Alhamdulillah his lungs was clear so no need to be admitted.

But, he's still on fever the next kene amek EL lagi to monitor him. Dh makin susut dh anak mommy sorg ni haa....

Then, the next day...around 3am i plak kene food poisoning...vomitting, diarrhea, fever, dehydration....hamekkk satu package dptkn.....demam on and off...perghhhh xbole tahan tuhh.....yesterday pegi keje...sakit perut masuk angin...rupe nye diarrhea plakkk.....adehhhh....sakit till now ok....

Dah gi klinik yesterday doc bagi ubat pon x jalan ni....tatau la kan apa probnyer.....tengok la cmne nnti....hopefully recover la production pon terganggu sbb xsihat nye pasal...

Takper2...sakit tu penghapus dosa.....

Haha...see his sleeping style....not sure stress ke....takbir ke cute!

Ya Allah! Sembuhkanlah penyakit2 anak kami dan penyakit2 kami....Ameennnnn

Ayser Zarif @ 11-months Young

Another few weeks my baby will be a toddler! How time flies super fast! His development also very very superb except his teeth...He has no teeth yet. Even a tooth also not yet comes out..:D

Now, Ayser can pronounce a few words that we could understand like 'bird', 'ball', 'dada', 'maaa' and the best word is 'apa' 'apa' haha so cute!

We have taught him how to give things such as toys using right hand. We said "Please.." then he will give the toy to us using right hand. Sometimes he give using left hand and we said right hand then he will change to right hand and gives the toy to us. That is super amazing! MasyaAllah! We will say "Thank you" when we take the toy from him.

He also likes to read books! He will ask us to read for him. So far his development is superb! Only x tumbuh gigi lagi n blm berjalan lagi....but tatih tatih ada laa ngn jalan gune walker dia tuh...

As of now, my baby ni x berapa sihat bcos nk tumbuh gigi la tuh. My mom checked his gums sumer dah bengkak bengkak...kuar gigi nye blm maybe la sbb tu kot...pity him...nk makan pon xde selera....nak main to xde energy...melepek jekk....cranky all the time...badan pon dh susut..uwaaa!!!!! yelakan..asalkn kite yg dewasa ni pon sakit gigi sikit pon dh demam inikan pulak baby kan...

Hopefully pasni he will be ok and tembam balik....InsyaAllah...ameennn

p/s: Takde gambar Ayser nak letak sebab x amek gambar dia x sihat...x sanggup :((

Source: Baby Center

Wordless Wednesday: Happy Boy Exploring Toys!

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