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The Big Bad Wolf!

Last Saturday, we ols pegi the Big Bad Wolf Book Fair. It was a last minute planned actually. My sis pon nak ikut gak sebab dia nk pegi wedding her fren. So, we dropped her at Nilai area first then we went directly to MIECC. The traffic was really bad plus raining made it worst!

Before pegi the BBW, we went to The Mines for lunch and some shopping at Uniqlo. Seriously, so many people there sampai lunch pon kene queue up. Memang menduga kesabaran la kan.

While waiting for our food, duofie la apa lagi kan. This lil boy ni penat acah dia kata dh x amek dah baru dia nak pandang and senyum. If not, dia pandang tempat lain and buat2 macho. Gerammmm!!!

After lunch and shopping, zasss to the BBW. Memang la ramai orang kan. Sampai we ols angkat stroller naik tangga la. Nak tunggu lif memang berzaman je la kan. Sempat je snap picture kat entrance BBW ni while waiting for daddy.

Nothing much la. Byk buku yang sama kt most of the tables there. We did not our books. Beli buku Ayser je la. Habis beratus gak la kan untuk dia sorang. Nk kene spend time lama nk belek2 cari2 buku. Memang x la kan. Ayser dah x bole duduk diam dalam stroller nak keluar. Orang ramai memang le the very tak bole la kan nk lepaskan dia.

By 5.30pm, we ols terus cabut la x sanggup dah nk meredah lautan manusia. Dengan nak mengadap traffic jam lagi kan. Terus ke Nilai nak fetch my sis back. Then, terus balik Melaka.

So, these are the books that we managed to buy for Ayser. Pakai grab aje la kan. Nk tengok betol2 satu2 no time. Hopefully, he will read all the books la kan. :)

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