Showing posts with label necklace. Show all posts
Showing posts with label necklace. Show all posts

Friday, May 8, 2009

I've neglected you lately.

So sorry for not posting regularly. I don't have much of an excuse. I hope you forgive me! I have some new things though. :) More pics and details at the links.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Do all of these need titles?

New listing I love and would just keep if I didn't need money:

More pics and details in my shop, right here.

I have some artists to feature soon too, starting tomorrow. :)

Thursday, April 2, 2009

So much newness!

I am so proud that I finally finished the necklace I talked about a short while back. Since graduating, I've not had any big 'projects' to work on really, so I gave myself one. And finishing it feels really good. Not worrying about it being graded feels pretty good too. ;D

Details about this necklace are right here in my shop.

And now that I've bombarded your computer with all those photos, I have a few more. I've added a ton of new photo's to my photography shop on Etsy TheUnderstory, but I'll just post a couple of my favorites and if you want you can go check out the others. :)

Resting Petals

Dandelions Are Flowers Too dandelion study n. 4

I hope everyone's week is going lovely! :)

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

New items of strange botany

Got some new things listed tonight that I'm really happy with. :)

Botany bracelet (More photos and details at the link)

Magic bean necklace (also, more photos and details at the link)

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Lazyness wins!

I was doing one of those long "have you ever" list posts, and then I messed it up. I don't feel like posting it again so, instead, I will post a necklace i recently made but have yet to post about here. Details on it are in my shop, right here: Tabmade

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Polymer clay is handy for other things too!

...Such as keeping your beads where you want them while you plan out a necklace.

I like using it instead of those beading trays because it can hold oddly shaped beads how you need them, keeping the holes horizontal and such. I just roll out a coil and flatten it to the table to the length I want and it works out really well. I can push my beads into it and it doesn't get all stuck in/on them or anything.

And this is that necklace finished:

I am extremely pleased with how it turned out. Besides the gemstone beads used, the rest are all handmade by me, either ceramic or polymer, including the copper clasp.

Saturday, January 3, 2009


I finally finished my new Etsy/blogger banner. You like? Also changed my blog colors. And i finished a hat just now, but here is a new necklace I recently posted.

The bean beads are polymer, the rest are ceramic. All made by me.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Moooovin' on up

So just when I was feeling a little bit down about not selling much in my shop lately (when I need money so bad) I up and sell two items in one night (one went to Italy!), I am making a custom necklace for one person, and another just messaged me to ask if I can make her a necklace like one I've sold. :D I'm so excited! Now I feel silly for feeling sorry for myself for a second there, haha. I knew forcing myself to keep a positive attitude would pay off!

And I've just added these bad boys!

Polymer, and sterling silver. I had made similar pairs for my niece and sister-in-law, and they were getting tons of compliments on them. So I'm going to be putting them in my shop.
I have a necklace I made before I made any of the earrings. I made it to wear to my second Stevie Nicks concert on my birthday in June. I may make some for my shop if the earrings do ok.

While I was taking the pics for those earrings earlier today, a lizard ran up in front of me! He almost got in my frame and I would have had quite an awesome pic of him (or her!).He was eyeballing me all cute and Geico-like, but the wind blew my paper up and scared him. But then he came back and I got a great photo!

So cute! :D

That's all for now. :)

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

New weekly shop promo

Because Mondays are the worst days of the week, you deserve something to take the edge off.
Every Monday something in my shop will go on sale, and stay marked down until it sells, or the next Monday rolls around, whichever happens first. :)

This is what's on sale this week:

More pics and details in my shop of course.

And I have a new necklace I am really proud of. :)

I'm being lazy about posting all the excitement of my birthday, but I'll get around to it.

Friday, June 27, 2008

MMMmmmm beads

Made my first necklace from a huge order of beads I've just received. :) Opening a new box of beads is like Christmas!
This one has a large and beautiful faceted fire agate as the focal. It also has faceted red adventurine, round
faceted amazonite, faceted serpentine, and sterling silver. I'll be putting it up on my etsy in a bit. :)
The Stevie Nicks concert was amazing and my whole birthday was great! I have lots of stuff to tell about it but I'll do that another time soon.
Here's the necklace. :D

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