Showing posts with label polymer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label polymer. Show all posts

Friday, May 8, 2009

I've neglected you lately.

So sorry for not posting regularly. I don't have much of an excuse. I hope you forgive me! I have some new things though. :) More pics and details at the links.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Do all of these need titles?

New listing I love and would just keep if I didn't need money:

More pics and details in my shop, right here.

I have some artists to feature soon too, starting tomorrow. :)

Thursday, April 2, 2009

So much newness!

I am so proud that I finally finished the necklace I talked about a short while back. Since graduating, I've not had any big 'projects' to work on really, so I gave myself one. And finishing it feels really good. Not worrying about it being graded feels pretty good too. ;D

Details about this necklace are right here in my shop.

And now that I've bombarded your computer with all those photos, I have a few more. I've added a ton of new photo's to my photography shop on Etsy TheUnderstory, but I'll just post a couple of my favorites and if you want you can go check out the others. :)

Resting Petals

Dandelions Are Flowers Too dandelion study n. 4

I hope everyone's week is going lovely! :)

Thursday, March 26, 2009

More pendants, and a focal bead

I'm having fun making these! I also made some earrings I loooove but they still need ear hooks. They aren't quite up to par to be sold, but I will make a pair that is, and keep this pair for me, stretched ears be damned, haha. i'll post them later as I've not gotten pics of them yet, and my sunlight is gone.
On with the lovelies!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Hard at work!

Sort of. :9
This is part of the necklace I've been working on. Not a great photo of it, and doesn't do it justice, but it's a good peek at a work in progress. I've decided I need to order some large silk cord for it.

But in the mean time, since I love the beads I've been making for it, I made some to sell in my shop.

I really like making them, and am going to make more in different colors. :) You can find those here!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Dan Cormier

I've not been on as much lately but after today things should be back to normal for me. :)

But anyways...
I was searching for polymer clay tools when I found Dan Cormier's website. He has the kind of work that makes me want to stop whatever I'm doing and break out my polymer clay right on the spot. I looove his work, his newer work especially. His use of white is stunning.

But you know I love color. ;D This is one of my favorites.

His page came up in my search because of this great tool he created, The Cutting Edge Peeler Kit.

Go check out his work!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Been busy, and have my first big commission

I've not been online much for a few days. I've been working on a baby blanket for my best friends baby who is due in July. She is in from Hawaii (husband is in air force, they are stationed there) for two more weeks. :) She had a baby shower yesterday, but I didn't finish the blanket in time for it, so I will have to give it to her before she leaves. It's extremely colorful, like a clown threw up, haha. I'll get pics.
I have my first commission for a business. The gift shop coordinator for the Elmhurst Art Museum in Illinois seen this necklace and wants me to make some for them to sell in the gift shop. So I'll be making 10 of these for the shop there.

I don't have enough of my ceramic beads to make 10 more of these so I will be attempting to recreate the ceramic beads from polymer clay. I'm really excited!
Well, I slept past noon today and I've not eaten. :p Time to get some grub.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

New items of strange botany

Got some new things listed tonight that I'm really happy with. :)

Botany bracelet (More photos and details at the link)

Magic bean necklace (also, more photos and details at the link)

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Lazyness wins!

I was doing one of those long "have you ever" list posts, and then I messed it up. I don't feel like posting it again so, instead, I will post a necklace i recently made but have yet to post about here. Details on it are in my shop, right here: Tabmade

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Polymer clay is handy for other things too!

...Such as keeping your beads where you want them while you plan out a necklace.

I like using it instead of those beading trays because it can hold oddly shaped beads how you need them, keeping the holes horizontal and such. I just roll out a coil and flatten it to the table to the length I want and it works out really well. I can push my beads into it and it doesn't get all stuck in/on them or anything.

And this is that necklace finished:

I am extremely pleased with how it turned out. Besides the gemstone beads used, the rest are all handmade by me, either ceramic or polymer, including the copper clasp.

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