Showing posts with label photography. Show all posts
Showing posts with label photography. Show all posts

Thursday, April 2, 2009

So much newness!

I am so proud that I finally finished the necklace I talked about a short while back. Since graduating, I've not had any big 'projects' to work on really, so I gave myself one. And finishing it feels really good. Not worrying about it being graded feels pretty good too. ;D

Details about this necklace are right here in my shop.

And now that I've bombarded your computer with all those photos, I have a few more. I've added a ton of new photo's to my photography shop on Etsy TheUnderstory, but I'll just post a couple of my favorites and if you want you can go check out the others. :)

Resting Petals

Dandelions Are Flowers Too dandelion study n. 4

I hope everyone's week is going lovely! :)

Monday, March 30, 2009

A cold frosty morning

The dogs woke me up at about 7am this morning to go out, and when I stepped outside I was surprised at how frosty the ground was. It was cold! But it was soooo pretty out. Since it may have been the last frosty morning of the year where I live, I wanted to take some pictures. I got one print out of it all. :)

Morning Chill

Some other pics I took:

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Spring Dream

New print. :) The weather has been so perfect these past few days. It's like the atmosphere went, "Oh, it's officially spring now? Ok!"

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Oh bloggy blog, how I've neglected thee!

I keep procrastinating a new post because I think "Ok, I will finish this necklace I'm working on, and then I can post about that, yeah! And it will motivate me to finish my project, yeah!" But instead I get distracted and still haven't finished the necklace. Sad day. But I am proud of it so far and can't wait to post it.
Until then, here's a new photo I've recently uploaded to The Understory.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

New comment procedure, new print

Normally I comment back to people on their blogs, but noticing that others just do it in their own blog, I think I will start doing that too. It seems to be easier for everyone, and less time consuming for me. :9 If I'm wrong about this let me know your opinion.
On another note, I just posted a new print on The Understory.

Friday, February 27, 2009

New Items

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Sunday, February 8, 2009

New Etsy: The Understory

I finally decided to make a separate Etsy shop for my photography. It's at (an understory is the floor of the forest). I have a ton of photo's that I've taken over the past year or so that are just piling up on my computer, waiting to be made into lovely prints. :)
Here are a few I've added recently:

The rest are the ones that were already on my main shop.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I've went to the Baldwin Farm pumpkin patch a couple of times already this fall. They have rolling fields full of pumpkins, it's really surreal. And now I have tons of photos to upload from it and put on flickr that I am behind in taking care of. Oh wells, one at a time.
I am going to have to be in the studio constantly now for the rest of the semester if I'm going to get this BFA work done for the show in December. I hope to have some pics of my new stuff up soon too.
I also have some things to add to Etsy that I would love to get done today but I don't know if it will happen. My bank account being -164 is a good motivation though. It is my fault it is negative and I've been beating myself up about it pretty bad.
I have another informative speech to give in my cms class either Thursday or soon after, and I'm doing mine over Etsy, haha.

This is a lame update but I feel guilty for ignoring this thing if I don't type something for a while. Isn't that silly? I do the same thing with actual paper journals if I start to neglect them.
At least I have some pretty pictures! Also, one of my very bestest friends just found out she is pregnant. Her and her husband are really excited. Scared to death, but excited, haha. Now I get to crochet her baby blankets and stuff! Woo!
I'm trying to start eating better again. You really notice how shitty you feel when you are putting unhealthy crap into your body every day. Well, when you know how much better you feel eating healthy and getting all your vitamins and stuff to compare it too anyways.
I get to go home this weekend and Monday and Tuesday for fall break/election day. I miss my doodman so I am excited. I'll also be glad when this election is over. This is my first time voting which is sad since I am 24, haha. Better late than never. Go Obabma! :D Ok bye.

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