Showing posts with label positivity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label positivity. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Next week is happy week

Next week I'm participating in Curious Girl's Happy Week. :) From her blog: "starting Monday, post a photo (yours or otherwise) and words on your blog about one thing (person, idea, thought, etc.) that makes you happy each day through Saturday.
If you go tell her you want to participate, she will put you on her blog roll thingy. :)
I've been wanting to make an effort to post more and this will be a good reason to. Yay!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Trying to self motivate

I want to be a morning person. I want to be able to wake up naturally at 6am instead of 11am, and have numerous tasks completed before others even start their day. I haven't done that very many times in my life, but when I manage to, I feel pretty awesome. When it starts getting warm again I want to get up early and run every morning, but right now it's way too cold. I also want to move from task to task without getting so distracted and having to force myself to get started on something. It's so hard for me to just get started, it's like pushing through a brick wall. If I could make it a habit to do these things I would feel a whole lot better about myself and my future. Some people hate routine, but I really wish I had one. I solid productive one. :p
Next month, as an experiment, I'm going to attempt to go all of February without eating sugar. Natural sugars, like fruit, won't count. But things like candy, sweet junk foods, a zillion sugars in my tea, stuff like that will have to go. I want to see how it influences how I feel physically, if my pants get a little looser (and fit right again), if my skin starts to look better, and I guess mostly just to see if I can. Wish me luck on that!
I took some pics for a hat I need to post to my Etsy and my camera ate the pics. It's the first time that's happened to me. I was told that after a while, memory cards just get kind of worn out, so I guess that's the problem. I have another one that only hold like 12 photos, but I guess that's all I need for now. I want to take the hat pics over again outside anyways, because the ones I had were kind of crappy. I need a better backdrop and such.
I'm going to get to bed now even though I'm not that tired. I want to get up at 7am tomorrow and try to be this productive person I want to become instead of constantly disappointing myself. And because I don't like posting entries without at least one pic, here's a photo of a dead cicada I took in the driveway last summer.


Thursday, August 14, 2008

Moooovin' on up

So just when I was feeling a little bit down about not selling much in my shop lately (when I need money so bad) I up and sell two items in one night (one went to Italy!), I am making a custom necklace for one person, and another just messaged me to ask if I can make her a necklace like one I've sold. :D I'm so excited! Now I feel silly for feeling sorry for myself for a second there, haha. I knew forcing myself to keep a positive attitude would pay off!

And I've just added these bad boys!

Polymer, and sterling silver. I had made similar pairs for my niece and sister-in-law, and they were getting tons of compliments on them. So I'm going to be putting them in my shop.
I have a necklace I made before I made any of the earrings. I made it to wear to my second Stevie Nicks concert on my birthday in June. I may make some for my shop if the earrings do ok.

While I was taking the pics for those earrings earlier today, a lizard ran up in front of me! He almost got in my frame and I would have had quite an awesome pic of him (or her!).He was eyeballing me all cute and Geico-like, but the wind blew my paper up and scared him. But then he came back and I got a great photo!

So cute! :D

That's all for now. :)

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