Showing posts with label DIY. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DIY. Show all posts

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Crochet basket for home

Made this crochet basket in 3 days and strengthen my muscles since the basket is crocheted extremely tightly :)
Love how it turned out.

Basket size: Size: 30 x 23 x 21 cm (11.8” x 9” x 8.25”)

: 455 grams of  Red Heart Super Saver Solids (100% acrilic) , 3 strands held together
: 7.0 mm

Friday, January 15, 2016

Swell Hat Pattern

I am so excited about the release of Petite Presents collection by Knit Picks with my Swell Hat pattern :)
You can see whole collection on KnitPics web site or Ravelry. 

Swell Hat by Tetiana Otruta

Photo credit: Knit Picks

Here are my samples for Swell Hat pattern . I knitted both hat versions beanie and slouchy with gorgeous merino/cashmere blend yarn (fingering weight). Colorwork pattern is based on Swollen Square optical illusion :)

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Gifts for new babies

I've not posted here for a long time again... found that Instagram picture format is better for me to show my work in progresses and other pictures. Anyone is welcome to follow my Instagram to stay tuned :)
Find me as @tetianaotruta on Instagram.

There are my new "old projects": Completed in summer, kept them secret for some time, then forgot to show. Gifts for my dear friends Jane and Oksana and their babies.

Delicate baby blankets and NB hats are hand knitted with lightweight and soft merino wool yarn.


Thursday, September 24, 2015

Winding Road Hat & Scarf pattern

I am so excited about the release of  Heritage (the men’s collection) by Knit Picks with my Winding Road Hat & Scarf pattern ( as a part of this collection.
You can see whole collection here:

Photo credit: KnitPicks

Photo credit: KnitPicks

And there is my sample for Winding Road Hat & Scarf pattern knitted with super soft merino / cashmere blend yarn in grayish beige color :) 
Ravelry pattern page

As celebration of my pattern publication in Knit Picks Heritage (the men's collection) I've opened a GIVEAWAY on Instagram. Sign in is open till September 30 by end of the day.
Welcome to join! Don't miss out your chance to win printed copy of this pattern collection for men.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Bosc Pear shawl pattern

Hello dear friends!
I would like to introduce my newly published Bosc Pear shawl pattern, inspired by the yarn color which reminds me yellow-brown colors colors of Bosc pears.

It is an asymmetric triangular shawl / scarf worked sideways with eyelet stripes and textured edge.

Size: One size, easily adjustable.
Sample shawl size: 59” (150 cm) wingspan and 20” (50 cm) deep in the widest point.
Made with Wolle’s Yarn Creations Color Changing Cotton 100 gr, Curry colorway.

Pattern is available in English, German and Russian.

Work in progress inspirational picture from my Instagram. You are welcome to follow me there :)


Sunday, July 20, 2014

Cross stitch miniatures / Off knitting day

Compact mirrors with Ukrainian cross stitch motifs

Materials: White linen 32 count, DMC, compact mirror trays, transparent glue.


Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Chicken Egg Warmer

Accidentally made this chicken for Easter since I found the tutorial which was easy even for me :) It's so cute :)

Внезапно сшила такого цыпленка, т.к. нашла туториал легкий даже для меня :) По-моему, получилось мило :)

Read about my comments and modifications below.

Оригинальное описание / туториал -> тут
Мои комментарии и изменения описаны ниже.

1. Materials: vintage cotton fabric (can I say "antic" for fabric from 50th? :) ), felt, iron-on interfacing.

Материалы: винтажная хлопковая ткань (можно ли назвать "антик" ткать из 50х? :) ), фетр, клеевой флизелин (?)
2. Pattern says "Seam allowance is included with these templates" but I recommend to add 1/4" (0.5 cm) extra for seam allowance (since completed egg warmer turned out too small for large eggs).
Put interfacing on the wrong sides of body pieces. 
I made beak and cockscomb from felt and sewed them on right side, so I made them smaller then mentioned in the pattern (seam allowance is not needed). 

В оригинальном описании указано, что припуски на швы уже включены в выкройку, но я рекомендую добавить еше 0,5 см припук на шов, т.к. цыпленок получается маловат для крупных яиц.
Я делала клюв и гребень из фетра со швом по лицевой стороне, поэтому я уменьшила из на величину припуска на шов. 

3. Sew all parts together.
Сшиваем все части вместе.

4. Fold lower part of the body inside.
Завернуть нижнюю часть внутрь.

5. Done :) Ooops, I forgot about the eyes...
Готово :) ой, забыла про глаза...

6. Modeled picture :))))
Фото на модели :)))

Monday, July 22, 2013

Dyeing yarn - My experiment - part 3

Part 1
Part 2

Experiment #3: 100 gr in 2 skeins about 2.2yds / 2m  circle length each, Knit Picks Palette in Ice lily (terrible dirty color), 100% wool, 230 yds / 210 m in 50 gr.
Эксперимент №3: 100 гр. Knit Picks Palette цвет Ice lily (100% шерсть, метраж около 210 м в 50 гр.) в 2-х пасмах с длиной окружности около 2х метров каждая.
Before: dirty pink color
До: грязно-розовый цвет

2 packs of Grape Kool-Aid
2 упаковки Kool-Aid Виноград

Yarn color after 2 minutes in Grape Kool-Aid
Цвет пряжи после 2-х минут в растворе Kool-Aid виноград

Then, submerge the skeins into bowl with 1 pack of strawberry Kool-Aid until colorant has been absorbed. Then put the skeins into Grape Kool-Aid again.
Unfortunately, I forgot to make yarn photo after strawberry Kool-Aid.
It's deep red-coral color didn't allow yarn to have a blue-gray undertone (which looks dirty).

Затем, погрузите пряжу в емкость с растворенной 1 упаковкой Kool-Aid клубника и держите пока пряжа не возьмет весь краситель.
Затем верните пряжу в Kool-Aid виноград опять.
К сожалению, я забыла сфотографировать пряжу после клубничного раствора. Но его насыщенный красно-коралловый цвет не позволил пряже сохранить первоначальный серо-голубой грязный отттенок.

And an interesting observation: red colorant from grape Kool-Aid was absorbed by yarn faster then blue one. 

Интересное наблюдение: красный краситель из Kool-Aid виноград поглощается пряжей быстрее, чем синий.

About setting the dye and finishing read Part 1.

О закреплении цвета и обработке пряжи после смотрите Часть 1.
After dyeing
После окраски

This is not my favorite color but anyway it is much better now then it was.

Это не мой любимый цвет, но все равно сейчас цвет пряжи намного лучше чем был.

Family portrait :)) / Семейный портрет

Part 1
Part 2


Sunday, July 14, 2013

Dyeing yarn - My experiment - part 2

Part 1

Experiment #2: 142 gr skein, about 4.4 yds / 4 m total circumference of natural/undyed cone yarn, 50% wool / 50% silk, about 317 yds / 285 m in 100 gr.

Эксперимент №2: 142 гр. бобинной пряжи (50% шерсть, 50% шелк, метраж около 285 м в 100 гр.) в пасме с длиной окружности около 4 метров.
Before: Undyed cone yarn
До: неокрашеная бобинная пряжа
Step 1: Yarn skein was held double.  At first, submerge into bowl with colorant about 1/4 of the skein length. Wait about 1 minute. Then submerge the next 1/4 of the skein length (we have 1/2 of skein length in colorant).

Шаг 1: Пасма сложена вдвое. Погрузите в емкость с красителем около 1/4 длины пасмы. Подождите 1 минуту. Затем погрузите еще 1/4 длины пасмы (т.е. в красителе уже 1/2 всей пасмы).
3 packs of Blue raspberry lemonade Kool-Aid
3 упаковки Kool-Aid Голубая малина-лимонад
Do the same with the 3/4-d and the last part of the skein.
So we have skein with ombre color effect. (Next time I'll add more packs of Kool-Aid for deeper color).

Продолжайте так же с 3/4-ю и последней четвертью пасмы. Получаем пряжу с эффектом омбре (градиент). (В следующий раз я бы добавила больше упаковок Kool-Aid для более насыщеного цвета. Но у ж сколько было в наличии...).

After dyeing #1
После окраски №1
Step 2: The same as step 1. But skein was submerged into colorant in reverse order.

Шаг 2: Те же операции как и в шаге 1, но пасма погружалась в краситель с другой стороны (начиная со светлого участка).
3 packs of Lemon-Lime Kool-Aid
3 упаковки Kool-Aid Лимон-лайм


 About setting the dye and finishing read Part 1.

О закреплении цвета и обработке пряжи после смотрите Часть 1.
After dyeing #2
После окраски №2
The overdyed skein of yarn has a several undertones: apple green, lime green,  mint, turquoise.

Перекрашеная пряжа имеет несколько оттенков: зеленое яблоко, лайм, мятный, бирюзовый.

Part 1
Part 3
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