Showing posts with label toys. Show all posts
Showing posts with label toys. Show all posts

Monday, December 6, 2010

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

Well, winter is officially upon us. I saw snow flurries on my way to work this morning!! I know some of you have already gotten much more snow than that, but flurries are all I can handle right now hahaha. I'm just not in the winter mood this year. I'm already freezing!

I've been doing pretty well with my Christmas shopping this year. Usually I'm shopping on Christmas Eve! Yes, I'm one of those people haha. But I actually made lists and only have a few more things to get. This is good, since I have to mail out so many of the gifts! Someone I haven't really shopped for yet, though, is Sadie!! It's always fun shopping for her, so I don't worry about what to get. Plus, she just loves presents in general. She totally KNOWS that the gifts inside her stocking are for her. She guards it!!

I've gotten her a few things so far, and I wanted to share some gift ideas with you! Shhhh, don't tell Sadie!!! :)

I got her this cool toy when I went to Target on Black Friday. It has three different types of squeakers in it and no stuffing. It feels like a water bottle almost, but doesn't make that sound, which I think might scare her.

I'll be checking out PetSmart soon for the rest of her gifts, plus all the other pets on my list! I have 4 cats and two dogs to buy for besides Sadie (and that includes our Secret Santa recipient!).

I might not get these, but here are some of the toys I like on

Sadie LOVES these squeaker balls, so this might be a good one for her!

I thought these were super cute. Sadie would love the long legs to tug on!

I so wish they had my school!!!! They have a ton of these college themed loofa toys, but not one for University of Florida. BOO!

You may recognize this one! This is what I got Sadie for her birthday. Everyone seemed interested in it, so I thought I'd post the link. She loves this toy! And it spins! :)

As for treats, Sadie will eat pretty much anything, but how cute are these?? Milk and cookies! Ha.

Did you already shop for your pets? I had to clear out some of Sadie's toys to make room for the new ones haha. She wasn't too happy about that, but hopefully she'll forgive me when she sees her new goodies!
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