When I first adopted Sadie, she did not understand what sleeping in meant. This was a problem for someone like me, who is not a morning person AT ALL. She used to wake me up, without fail, at 5 am every morning. Fun times, let me tell you. I'd go back to sleep, but it was never enjoyable to walk downstairs at 5 am half asleep to pick up her poop -- especially not during Boston winters!
One Christmas, Sadie and I flew down to Florida and stayed with my Grandma and mom for the holiday. This was Sadie's first official vacation! And boy did she know it! She slept in. She didn't wake up until I woke up. She somehow knew it wasn't a normal day haha. I hoped this would continue when we got home...and it did!! And if she woke up earlier, I would tell her it was too early. Then she would sigh and go back to sleep! Silly girl.
This past year, Sadie got a little chubby, and slept in even later. (Her weight loss will be featured in an upcoming post!) But all of a sudden, she has had enough of sleeping late again! Ughhhh. I think she is waking up earlier because she lost weight and has more energy (and is probably hungry in the morning). But now she is beyond aggressive about getting me up lol.
The second I roll over to see what time it is in the morning, Sadie bounces up. I try to do this time check subtlety without her seeing my eyes open, but that dog just KNOWS it's happening. And no matter what time it is, it's all over for me...First she puts her entire body, nose first, under my pillow to push my head up. When that doesn't work, she barks in my ear a few times for good measure. She also jumps over my body (and on top of it) a few times...But when all else fails, she pulls my comforter off of me! She grabs the corner in her mouth and pulls. Punk!!! She knows I have to take that comforter off to get out of bed!
You know, sometimes having a smart dog is not that fun haha.
Does your pup wake you up or let you sleep in???
***ATTENTION ALL FOLLOWERS!!! Stay tuned to the blog this week for a special giveaway!! You could be the winner! :)***