I posted before about how our UPS man brings treats to all the dogs in the neighborhood, Sadie included. But his dedication to doing so has only increased lately, as have the amount of treats he leaves! I've been home the past few times he has come by, so I get to see Sadie's reaction. The second she hears that truck come to a halt outside, she goes ballistic! She tries to do everything in her power to get outside, because she knows treats are coming!!!!
I basically have to hold her when he comes to the door, or else she would probably maul him for those Milkbones lol. Sadie is also way too smart. The other day, I heard the UPS man stopping outside our house. We didn't have a package though; he was just coming to give Sadie cookies. And she certainly knew it! I picked her up as I opened the door, and he dropped three cookies at my feet for her. She was squirming like crazy to get to them. I put her down and quickly picked up two of the three cookies to save for later. Sadie inhaled the third cookie and looked up at me, knowing I had more. I put them on the kitchen table and went about with the rest of my morning routine.
I was sitting at the table a little while later, eating something, so Sadie was naturally staring me down, waiting for some of whatever I was eating. After I finished eating though, I see Sadie stick her nose up high in the air, and she just starts sniffing. She caught the scent of those cookies from earlier and she knew they were on the table. Much to her dismay though, she could not see them (damn those short corgi legs!). So what does she do? Jumps halfway up on the chair and rests her head on the table to confirm their location on the table. "Yup! They're there! I knew it!!!!" So clearly because that was so freaking cute, I gave her another cookie haha. Smart dog.
What's even more amusing about this new UPS routine is that when it's not the usual delivery driver (which it hasn't been this week), Sadie is beside herself when this new person comes to the door WITHOUT cookies. I mean, how dare he! We were going for a walk the other night and up the street comes the UPS truck. Sadie FLIPPED OUT. She was jumping around, wagging her nub, and barking. It was like she was like "Heyyyyy! Remember me!!! You give me cookies!!!" Then this poor man, who is not the usual driver, gets out of the truck and looks at Sadie confused. He probably thought Sadie wanted to attack him. It was super fun trying to get her to continue to walk down the block while that truck sat there, too!
While I think it's awesome that our usual driver gives out treats to the doggies and genuinely loves them all, I do feel bad for the substitute drivers! It's just too funny that Sadie knows what the sound of that truck stopping means!
Showing posts with label silly sadie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label silly sadie. Show all posts
Friday, September 9, 2011
Monday, July 18, 2011
Swimming Sadie
Sadie has become rather psychotic with my aunt's pool. Why? Because she is DYING to "catch" the bubbles that come out of the jets. You may remember last summer when I dropped my phone in the pool as I was trying to capture Sadie's pool insanity...If not, here's the post :)
This summer, her drive to catch the bubbles has increased greatly. The second she is outside, she beelines right to the pool and starts barking and running back and forth on the side of the pool. I don't know whether to laugh or be annoyed!!! I've had to keep her on a leash, just because I don't know how daring she will be. If she jumps in the pool, she might rip the lining (it's an in-ground pool). And I don't think my aunt or uncle would like that! So I have to keep an eye on her.
When she's not barking her head off, she does enjoy swimming in the pool! Every time someone sees this for the first time, they're amazed at how good she is at swimming with those tiny little legs haha.
Here are some pictures of her most recent swimming adventure!
This summer, her drive to catch the bubbles has increased greatly. The second she is outside, she beelines right to the pool and starts barking and running back and forth on the side of the pool. I don't know whether to laugh or be annoyed!!! I've had to keep her on a leash, just because I don't know how daring she will be. If she jumps in the pool, she might rip the lining (it's an in-ground pool). And I don't think my aunt or uncle would like that! So I have to keep an eye on her.
When she's not barking her head off, she does enjoy swimming in the pool! Every time someone sees this for the first time, they're amazed at how good she is at swimming with those tiny little legs haha.
Here are some pictures of her most recent swimming adventure!
She has great balance!
We had enough of her barking, so my cousin took her in the pool. She's not too sure about this haha.
But she was a champ and swam back to the stairs like a pro!
How's this fluffy butt for the Corgi Butts calendar? Hmmmm :)
In this pic, she is staring at the bubbles because I have her tied up to the table, and she can't go get them lol. She is crazy!
corgi butts,
silly sadie,
Friday, May 20, 2011
The Sounds a Fatty Hears
It's true. My Sadie is a bit of a fatty. Haha. It's a very good thing that the weather is finally getting nicer, because she needs to get to the dog park and run more! I've tried taking her on some runs with me around the neighborhood, but she poops out pretty quickly. Sure, it could be those short little legs...or the fact that she runs like a bunny. I mean, that must be tiring! But still, she needs to get in shape!
I've noticed lately that she has become far too conditioned to the sounds of food in the house. She could literally be passed out on my bed or the couch, in a deep sleep, but if that fridge opens, the ears perk up and off she goes to find out what treat may be making its way into her belly! She doesn't even hesitate. She's off and running.
And if you pick up a bag of chips, watch out! These are her kryptonite! That crinkle of the bag is music to her ears, and she hauls ass, no matter where she is or what she is doing. It's actually rather amusing sometimes.
And of course, Sadie knows the words "Are you hungry?" or "Do you want dinner?" Her ears perk up and she starts panting. And if we are outside for a walk, she speeds up because she knows there is food in her future! Oh Sadie, my little fatty :)
I've noticed lately that she has become far too conditioned to the sounds of food in the house. She could literally be passed out on my bed or the couch, in a deep sleep, but if that fridge opens, the ears perk up and off she goes to find out what treat may be making its way into her belly! She doesn't even hesitate. She's off and running.
And if you pick up a bag of chips, watch out! These are her kryptonite! That crinkle of the bag is music to her ears, and she hauls ass, no matter where she is or what she is doing. It's actually rather amusing sometimes.
And of course, Sadie knows the words "Are you hungry?" or "Do you want dinner?" Her ears perk up and she starts panting. And if we are outside for a walk, she speeds up because she knows there is food in her future! Oh Sadie, my little fatty :)
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Short Legs and Sneezes
Sadie sneezes a lot. Most of the time, they are not brought on by anything but annoyance haha. If she gets mad at me, she gets all worked up and starts barking and then sneezing. It's rather amusing. Then when I start laughing at her, she gets more mad and sneezes more hahahaha. It's a good time.
Lately, her sneezes have been pretty powerful! And because she is so close to the ground (short corgi legs!), she tends to slam her nose onto the ground as she is sneezing. It sounds SO painful. Does your corgi do this? It's good when she is on the carpet, but most of our house is hardwood floors, and that just can't be good for her lol. I don't have a video of her sneezing and slamming he nose on the floor, but I have a video of her sneezing when she gets annoyed at me so that will have to suffice for now!
Does your corgi's nose hit the floor when he/she sneezes??
Lately, her sneezes have been pretty powerful! And because she is so close to the ground (short corgi legs!), she tends to slam her nose onto the ground as she is sneezing. It sounds SO painful. Does your corgi do this? It's good when she is on the carpet, but most of our house is hardwood floors, and that just can't be good for her lol. I don't have a video of her sneezing and slamming he nose on the floor, but I have a video of her sneezing when she gets annoyed at me so that will have to suffice for now!
Does your corgi's nose hit the floor when he/she sneezes??
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
I Wish I Were a Little Bit Taller
Sometimes I don't think Sadie realizes how small she is, like when she barks her head off at giant dogs that could literally eat her if they tried. She thinks she's incredibly tough and can take them. I do not think she can. Or maybe she is just a punk/bully lol.
But other times, I think she realizes she is short and wants to be taller. For instance, one of our neighbors has a stone ledge/wall on one side of their house that progressively steps down in height. You can see it in this picture:
Right now, since nothing has bloomed yet, the wall is pretty bare. Oftentimes, we walk back home passing this wall, and every time we do, Sadie jumps up on the highest part and walks the rest of the way on the wall. It always cracks me up, because she seems to happy and walks all proud when she is up there. Like, "look at me ma, I'm tall!!!" I wish I had pictures of this. But for now you'll just have to imagine it :)
That little girl never ceases to make me smile.
But other times, I think she realizes she is short and wants to be taller. For instance, one of our neighbors has a stone ledge/wall on one side of their house that progressively steps down in height. You can see it in this picture:
Right now, since nothing has bloomed yet, the wall is pretty bare. Oftentimes, we walk back home passing this wall, and every time we do, Sadie jumps up on the highest part and walks the rest of the way on the wall. It always cracks me up, because she seems to happy and walks all proud when she is up there. Like, "look at me ma, I'm tall!!!" I wish I had pictures of this. But for now you'll just have to imagine it :)
That little girl never ceases to make me smile.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Princess Sadie
The other day, Karen from Bailey the Corgi told me that Sadie's name means "Princess." How fitting is that? She is certainly a princess and acts like royalty!!! The past few days, I have found her sleeping in some interesting positions.
Her new favorite thing is to sleep on top of any pillow that is just lying around. She tends to think they are placed there for her. She looks pretty royal, doesn't she?
Here she is on a different couch pillow (sorry for the quality; these are from my phone):
I have been trying to get pictures of her on all the different couches, because she moves from one to the next throughout the day haha.
Then, the other day I came out to find her laying like this on the couch...Take a look at her back legs:
How is that comfortable?? Oh Sadie, you are my silly little girl.
Oh, and I haven't forgotten about the surprise. We are going to have a giveaway here soon! I just have to organize some things first :)
Her new favorite thing is to sleep on top of any pillow that is just lying around. She tends to think they are placed there for her. She looks pretty royal, doesn't she?
Here she is on a different couch pillow (sorry for the quality; these are from my phone):
I have been trying to get pictures of her on all the different couches, because she moves from one to the next throughout the day haha.
Then, the other day I came out to find her laying like this on the couch...Take a look at her back legs:
How is that comfortable?? Oh Sadie, you are my silly little girl.
Oh, and I haven't forgotten about the surprise. We are going to have a giveaway here soon! I just have to organize some things first :)
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
My Dog Has Outsmarted Me!
It's amazing how dogs catch onto routines so quickly. Sadie knows that when I wash my face at night, I'm getting ready for bed, and she'll go wait for me on our bed. Or in the morning, when I brush my teeth, she knows I'm going to be leaving for work (or somewhere) soon. Every morning, she comes into the bathroom with me. For the longest time, she would then follow me back to our room where I'd get ready. Sadie stays in my room during the day. Because I'm still living with family, she doesn't have free roam of the house when I'm away. Usually she will behave, but sometimes, she decides to pull out all the trash or something equally annoying.
She knows that once I get her in that room, I'm going to leave her in there. So she's decided to NOT follow me back to my room after I shower. Instead she will lay on the couch in the living room. This then forces me to coax her back into my bedroom before I leave for work. This used to be as easy as asking her if she wanted a cookie. She'd come running, because what corgi says no to food??? But my smart little corgi has put two and two together. She knows that the cookie means she has to go in my room. So guess what? SHE IS REFUSING TO COME GET A COOKIE!
Oh trust me, she wants that cookie. I see her contemplating the ramifications. She will look the other way, and then keep checking out of the corner of her eye to see if it's still there. How has my dog become smarter than me??? So now I basically have to pick her up or REALLY trick her with the cookie. Once she's off the couch, she will follow me if I have the cookie in my hands. It's just a matter of getting her off the couch. We will both be happy when we get our own place again, just for the fact that we won't have to play these silly games! What a punk!!
She knows that once I get her in that room, I'm going to leave her in there. So she's decided to NOT follow me back to my room after I shower. Instead she will lay on the couch in the living room. This then forces me to coax her back into my bedroom before I leave for work. This used to be as easy as asking her if she wanted a cookie. She'd come running, because what corgi says no to food??? But my smart little corgi has put two and two together. She knows that the cookie means she has to go in my room. So guess what? SHE IS REFUSING TO COME GET A COOKIE!
Oh trust me, she wants that cookie. I see her contemplating the ramifications. She will look the other way, and then keep checking out of the corner of her eye to see if it's still there. How has my dog become smarter than me??? So now I basically have to pick her up or REALLY trick her with the cookie. Once she's off the couch, she will follow me if I have the cookie in my hands. It's just a matter of getting her off the couch. We will both be happy when we get our own place again, just for the fact that we won't have to play these silly games! What a punk!!
"Who, me?"
Monday, January 24, 2011
Food Patrol
My uncle discovered that Sadie will follow us anywhere if we have food in our hands. She will walk around the couch ten times just in case you drop something! So every once in awhile, we will go on a walk while we snack, to see where she will follow us. I recorded a video of this yesterday. Excuse the shakiness of it; I was laughing hysterically. As was my uncle. Notice how she jumps up on the couch in an effort to get closer to said food. Haha. She is one silly pup!!
We also discovered that if you leave the plate of food in the kitchen, she knows not to follow you, and to instead stand guard in case it miraculously falls onto the floor! LOL.
We also discovered that if you leave the plate of food in the kitchen, she knows not to follow you, and to instead stand guard in case it miraculously falls onto the floor! LOL.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
(Almost) Wordless Wednesday
Sadie was freaking out when the doorbell rang on Halloween. I'm not sure why, exactly, as she has heard it before...but she kept running around like this when it happened haha. Perhaps she was just trying to be a ferocious shark...
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Say Goodbye to Summer/Fall
I grew up in Florida, so there was only ever one season there: Summer. Sometimes during the year you could call it "Hotter Summer" or "Cooler Summer" but we never really had Fall, Spring, or certainly not Winter. I was never really a fan of this when I lived there for 23 years. But now that I have experienced brutal winters (in Boston and NY), I do revel in the Summer heat now. This year, I have been in denial about the fact that Summer is over, and the temperatures are going to continue to drop. Sadie LOVES the snow, but I certainly do not love walking her when it's freezing out. I meant to post these videos of Sadie swimming several months ago...but I actually didn't think my phone had saved them, because I dropped my old phone into the pool as I was filming one of them lol (oops). But they survived somehow! So there is one short one of her swimming, and another of her barking at the bubbles from the filter. She was obsessed with trying to "catch" the bubbles in the water haha. So this is our tribute to the end of Summer. We hope you enjoy it :)
P.S. I may have bought Sadie two more Halloween costumes yesterday because PetSmart was having a 75% off sale!! Oops. So yes, she now has three costumes. I have a problem. Haha. I don't know which costume she'll wear this year though!!!
P.S. I may have bought Sadie two more Halloween costumes yesterday because PetSmart was having a 75% off sale!! Oops. So yes, she now has three costumes. I have a problem. Haha. I don't know which costume she'll wear this year though!!!
Friday, July 23, 2010
Doggie-Sized Pool
I bought Sadie a wading pool at PetSmart recently (it even has bones as a design element haha)...but she just doesn't seem to get it. I will put her in there on the hottest of days, and she just jumps out! Silly girl. She is still slightly confused by the actual swimming pool as well (but that's another post entirely -- to come soon!). Here are a few pictures of her in the wading pool. Note her confused facial expression!
"Momma!!! I don't get it!!!!"
"Is this just a big water bowl??"
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
“Where’s my Mama??”
Over the weekend, my dad was in town, so we had the family over to the house. Sadie is always very excited when people come over, because that means more people to pet her and give her attention! Not to mention all the food that could possibly fall under the table at dinnertime haha. It’s funny how Sadie acts when everyone is over though. She gets super excited when everyone first arrives, and makes sure to get some petting from everyone (while looking back at me to make sure I approve). Then once the excitement settles down and everyone has been there for a little while, Sadie is glued to my side. She follows me everywhere. I think it’s because it’s harder for her to keep tabs on me when there are several other people there. She wants to make sure I don’t go anywhere. So for most of the day, she was laying on top of me or walking closely behind me. This also means that Sadie doesn’t sleep on days when we have company. God forbid she closes her eyes and something exciting happens!!! And because of that, she is one grumpy pup when the house clears out! She was so tired on Sunday night, and even Monday morning, she went right back into bed after her walk and breakfast.
She does this at the dog park, too. She doesn’t always stick right by my side, as she likes to play with the other dogs, but every few minutes, she will scan the park to make sure she knows where I am. It’s rather adorable, really. When she can’t find me right away, she looks very nervous, and then she sees me and her eyes really do light up! It’s so sweet, and really makes me smile. She’ll even come bounding over to me sometimes and jump up on me just to remind me that I’m her Mama and she loves me.
This little furkid never ceases to put a smile on my face. :)
She does this at the dog park, too. She doesn’t always stick right by my side, as she likes to play with the other dogs, but every few minutes, she will scan the park to make sure she knows where I am. It’s rather adorable, really. When she can’t find me right away, she looks very nervous, and then she sees me and her eyes really do light up! It’s so sweet, and really makes me smile. She’ll even come bounding over to me sometimes and jump up on me just to remind me that I’m her Mama and she loves me.
This little furkid never ceases to put a smile on my face. :)
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
The Nudge
Sadie isn’t shy when it comes to telling me (or anyone else for that matter) that she wants something. That something usually is attention. If anyone starts petting Sadie, it’s very hard to STOP. Why? Because she won’t let you. The second you stop petting her, she nudges your hand with her nose (somewhat forcefully!), in an effort to say, “Ummm excuse me. You need to keep petting me. Thanks.” She’ll also do this if she just sees someone’s hand sitting around, looking bored. “Maybe you want to pet me, since, you know, you’re not doing anything!”
She has even come up with a way to signal for more petting if she is laying down, drifting off to sleep, and can’t be bothered to nudge with her nose. In these instances, she’ll push your hand with her paw. She’ll sometimes even open her eyes a crack while she is doing this, to make sure you know she’s not messing around. “No, really, you need to keep petting me.”
I find this so funny, especially when she does it to unsuspecting strangers. I mean, really, I don’t blame her. I would do the same! It probably feels nice having someone pet you non-stop!! Sadie cracks me up. Does your dog do this, too?
I have some videos and pictures of Sadie to post from this past weekend...I just haven’t had any time to upload them! Soon, I promise. Hope you’re all doing well!
She has even come up with a way to signal for more petting if she is laying down, drifting off to sleep, and can’t be bothered to nudge with her nose. In these instances, she’ll push your hand with her paw. She’ll sometimes even open her eyes a crack while she is doing this, to make sure you know she’s not messing around. “No, really, you need to keep petting me.”
I find this so funny, especially when she does it to unsuspecting strangers. I mean, really, I don’t blame her. I would do the same! It probably feels nice having someone pet you non-stop!! Sadie cracks me up. Does your dog do this, too?
I have some videos and pictures of Sadie to post from this past weekend...I just haven’t had any time to upload them! Soon, I promise. Hope you’re all doing well!
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Someone Was Bored...
Since I’m staying at someone else’s house, I try to make my bed everyday. I never really made it much when it was my own apartment...mainly because I didn’t care haha. Usually when I’m getting ready in the morning, Sadie is laying on my bed. I obviously never want to disturb her, so I tend to make the bed around her. On rare mornings, like yesterday, she lays on the floor and I’m able to make the bed properly. But it’s what happens to the bed when I’m at work that is really amusing...
This is what I came home to yesterday:
This is not how I left my bed hahaha. What kills me the most? The ONE random flip flop. She went under my bed and pulled this out. But she didn’t chew on it. No, it was just on the bed...why? To keep her company? I guess maybe it smells like me, so she likes that. It’s just too funny that she does this (it has happened more than once). Sometimes she even takes clothes out of my hamper, and those are scattered about as well. Oh Sadie, you will never cease to awe me with your cute and weird behaviors!
This is what I came home to yesterday:
This is not how I left my bed hahaha. What kills me the most? The ONE random flip flop. She went under my bed and pulled this out. But she didn’t chew on it. No, it was just on the bed...why? To keep her company? I guess maybe it smells like me, so she likes that. It’s just too funny that she does this (it has happened more than once). Sometimes she even takes clothes out of my hamper, and those are scattered about as well. Oh Sadie, you will never cease to awe me with your cute and weird behaviors!
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Jealousy and Other Matters
Sorry I have been MIA around here. I have been dog/cat/bird/house-sitting for my aunt this past week, and things have been kind of crazy at work, too. The picture I posted yesterday is of Sadie and the dog we’re watching, Harlie, laying on the couch together. They aren’t overly fond of each other, which is why they are on complete opposite ends of the couch haha. It’s not that they dislike each other, it’s just that Sadie is a brat and doesn’t want me paying attention to other dogs. She gave me quite the look when I told Harlie she could share her couch haha. And it’s not even HER couch to begin with. Brat. All in all, the dogs basically just co-exist. Although with both of their names ending in “-ie”, it is rather difficult trying to talk to one without the other one coming over instead. So it has been an interesting week. And I am more convinced than ever that Sadie would never let me get another dog. She is VERY protective of me. And while I don’t think she’d ever attack another dog, she certainly stands her ground and has no problem being Alpha Dog.
Oh, I also wanted to ask about something Sadie seems to always do…Ever since I got her, she would try to “hide” her food, whether it be her actual food or just a bone (if she doesn’t automatically inhale it). She even tries to hide other things as well…my things. I used to put a towel under her food and water. I learned quickly that was a bad idea, as she used the towel to hide the bowls, which meant food and water everywhere haha. The funny thing is, even if there isn’t a towel, blanket, rug, or something to cover the food, she still does the burying gesture with her nose. Like she is covering it with a cloak of invisibility or something hahaha. Silly dog. Do your dogs do this too?
I guess this is better than the dog I had growing up, who would hide her milkbones in the cat’s litter box. Seriously. She’d come back with a white nose, proud of herself and thinking we didn’t know where she hid her treat. Oh, she also dug a hole in the carpet to hide something once. Another fun day!
Oh, I also wanted to ask about something Sadie seems to always do…Ever since I got her, she would try to “hide” her food, whether it be her actual food or just a bone (if she doesn’t automatically inhale it). She even tries to hide other things as well…my things. I used to put a towel under her food and water. I learned quickly that was a bad idea, as she used the towel to hide the bowls, which meant food and water everywhere haha. The funny thing is, even if there isn’t a towel, blanket, rug, or something to cover the food, she still does the burying gesture with her nose. Like she is covering it with a cloak of invisibility or something hahaha. Silly dog. Do your dogs do this too?
I guess this is better than the dog I had growing up, who would hide her milkbones in the cat’s litter box. Seriously. She’d come back with a white nose, proud of herself and thinking we didn’t know where she hid her treat. Oh, she also dug a hole in the carpet to hide something once. Another fun day!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Barky McBarkerson
Every day when I come home, after the excited jumping and butt wiggling, Sadie starts barking at me. Usually it's because I am doing other things besides paying attention to her, even if it's just for a few seconds. So last night, I decided to take a video of her doing this. She gets so worked up, she even starts sneezing. It's pretty cute, actually, and usually causes me to laugh, which just annoys her more haha. The attention barking is the main reason Sadie barks. If I'm not giving her enough attention, she lets me know! My room was a little dark, so I had to use the light on my phone; hence her crazy eyes. But enjoy! :) (Also, you can see Sadie's insane amount of toys. Yes, she is very spoiled haha.)
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