Sunday, October 27, 2019

Ogres assembled

I put together and basecoated three Ogres from the SJ Games plastic miniatures line: the Mark III, Mark IV, and Mark V. Now I just need to do some detailing so I can have these ready for MillenniumCon, where I'm running my usual Monopolis game (plastic minis using the boardgame rules with 3-D terrain on a large hex mat). I'm still not sure if I will use all of these models in my scenario, but I'm leaning that way. I need more time to think about it, but the game convention is just two weeks away. Am I the only one that commits to run a convention scenario and then waits till the last minute to get it ready?


Ski said...

You're not alone.... I committed to running a Blitzkrieg Commander scenario at my friend's Tanksgiving game day. Although it all looks good on paper, I really need to playtest the scenario for balance. I'm really unsure when that's going to happen!

pancerni said...

It's been known to happen...