I love words. There are some words that are just fun to say. There are some that can be used to impress. There are some that make me uncomfortable. There are ones that make me cringe when I hear them.
Words can be hilarious. Ironic. Sarcastic. Helpful. Uplifting. Painful. Beautiful. Crass. Lyrical. Healing. Patronizing.
And without a doubt, words can be powerful.
Along with loving words, I have this tendency to over-analyze things. So a few weeks ago when Shannon had a virtual jewelry party with Kristen’s custom creations, I was stumped. I had to choose my words.
I looked through Kristen’s samples.
And there were many options. Warrior. Courage. Patience. Saucy. Wise. Blessed. Loved. Namaste. Imagine. And so many more.
But none of those screamed my name. And so I pondered. And thought. Because that is what I am good at. And then. Miracles of miracles. I had a light bulb moment.
My favorite book of all time is Gregory Maguire’s “Wicked.” I love the musical as well. (And if you have seen the musical – but not read the book – please know that they are truly two different entities!) And I was so glad to know that all of you enjoyed listening to part of the soundtrack during my “popular” posts. One of the best songs on that sound track is “Defying Gravity.”
It is a sentiment that is dear to my heart. Because we all have the ability. And the power. To SOAR. And there are some days that I truly need to be reminded of that. And now, I can wear that reminder around my neck. And the necklace that the charm is on. Well, when you move, it makes a very quiet noise. And that quiet hum also gives me the reminder that not only are the words powerful…but so am I.
So…what about you? What is your word? And have you ever bought anything amazing from an etsy shop?
Many inspiring thanks to Tiffany and her Bliss post.
Theme song: Tom Petty - Learning to Fly. Because "Defying Gravity" sounds odd out of context.