Wow! I have been feeling the "Twilight" love this week! I think ya'll might be a bit excited about this give away. Just a little. And I am so excited. Because I got to use random number generator. I didn't have to write down a single name. Or chase down a single kitty who stole a certain entry.
And last week, I mentioned that I actually had a mini prize. Along with the biggie. Let's do that first. I have a Barnes and Noble gift card. And some Twilight Chocolate.
And they will both be in the mail to Christina at Christina's Creative Expression.
And now. Our huge pack of Twilight goodies. Including the giftcard, chocolate, Movie companion signed by Lula, 2009 calendar, bookmark, and movie poster. Goes to....oh. Wow. This is truly kismet. Because she had a birthday on Thursday. And she's had children with Edward. And random number generator picked Sassy Stephanie over at Our Piece of Quiet.
Congrats ladies! Please email me (address is on my profile page) your mailing address and your goodies will be on their way!
And now. Let me present the prizes for Week Four of the Weekend Winners!
I had never even heard of a blog before February of this year. And one day I was perusing a homeschool board - and there was a whole section called Wordless Wednesday. Which made no sense to me. Until I finally clicked on one of the links. And found blogs. Do you remember hearing that huge sucking noise in February? That was the sound of my ass becoming permanently stuck to my chair.
As I clicked around. I found a blog called Life with my 3 Boybarians. And I fell in love. With her blog design. With her photography. With her sense of humor. And then...I found a link to her other site. Graphically Designing. Where she makes the blogosphere pretty.
And would you believe that I got into the queue before I even started my blog? It took me a bit to figure out my name. And then I was ready for my make over. This was how I started:
And poor Darcy. Had to deal with me. Someone who is incredibly picky. But really didn't know what I wanted. We quickly discovered some of the things I didn't like. But when we figured it out - I loved that Darcy got the irony of my blog title. And she just ran with it.
She did my blog. My daughter's blog. She refreshed my blog. And did lots of blogs for people that saw her handiwork here. And I even earned a title from her. Second most difficult customer. I really think I am her favorite.
One of the things that Darcy has done recently for me is my favicon. What is a favicon? It is a favorites icon. Or a favicon for short. Well...see up there. In your URL bar? There should be a sun there. And not a blah-ger icon. I can always see my favicon on Mozilla. But explorer. Well. It's quirky. And sometimes it shows the favicon. And sometimes it doesn't. Would you like a favicon too?
Another thing that Darcy has done for me is to make me some bidness cards. For the bidness I don't have. But. I LOVE my cards. Because so often I am telling someone about my blog. Or I need to exchange email addresses. Or just need a piece of scrap paper. And these are perfect. Maybe I should call them my mommy cards. Would you like some, too?
And maybe an Office Max gift card to help you pay for the printing?I thought so. And a bonus. Because Darcy is soooo good. She usually has a really long wait in her queue. But...I am already in line. Holding your place. So your wait should be rather short.
This is what you need to do:
1. Post a comment here. Tell me how long you've been blogging. Have you ever had a make over? How did you come up with your blog name? Have you ever won a blog contest? Tell me the truth. Did you like the "Twilight" movie?
3. Blog about this week's contest.
5. Contest ends Friday at midnight. Winners have one week to email me to claim prizes. All unclaimed prizes will be added back into the pot. Winner will be announced next Saturday. Along with the week five prizes!