Yesterday we put both girls on the church bus and sent them off to camp for a week. What makes this camp so very exciting (besides being ALONE for a week) is that I don't have to drive to North Carolina twice over the course of the next week! The girls were so excited they could hardly contain themselves. On Saturday, Katie kept asking me what time it was...counting down the hours until we sent her to bed...because then she'd be that much closer to leaving for camp.
Katie went to this camp for the first time 3 summers ago. When we got there, she was the last girl in her cabin to arrive. We got her settled...and she looked at us...and said "you can go now." She was going to miss us for sure. Oh, to be a fly on a wall at camp!
This is Madalyn's first year for sleep away camp. She is so very excited to go. I asked her if she was going to miss me. She said "not very much." I'll interpret that to mean, "maybe just a little."
Here are the girls depositing their luggage to be loaded on the bus:
Getting instructions from Pastor Jill (look at Madalyn's luggage. Didn't you take purple leopard print luggage to camp?):
Traveling buds:
On the bus:
Look at all those happy parents:Michael and I headed home...and then he quickly left to play softball for our church team. He managed to hurt himself...twisted his knee or something...and I had to run out to Sports Authority to get him a brace. A few hours later he remembered something he heard at softball, but forgot to tell me (does your husband do things like this?). It seems the church bus with its precious cargo, broke down the minute it left the church parking lot! They had to unload the kids and luggage. Load the kids into the other (and smaller) church bus...put the luggage on the trailer (and hitch it to the bus)...and have Pastor Jill and our youth minister drive their vans up to the church to fit all the kids. So...instead of leaving at 11am...they left closer to 1pm! What an adventure!
So...what am I doing with my time? I am being a couch potato. Today, I have watched the first season of "Sex and the City" AND the first season of "Weeds." Now, I just need to watch a tv show about Rock 'n Roll to complete the triumvirate. What am I going to do while I wait for netflix to deliver the next installments? are some things for you to do...enter contests. There is a fun one going on over at Tali's site where you have to guess the image from a scanning electron microscope....with some very cool prizes.
And next...the uber over at the new site created by Mrs. Romero and Heather called "The Secret is in the Sauce." They have created a blog about blogging...where they will feature bloggers, help you get more traffic...and most importantly your site. They have some amazing prizes including a blog makeover, digital voice recorder, a camera, and more. Go check it out!
Theme song: The Who - Magic Bus