Showing posts with label Trim the Fat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Trim the Fat. Show all posts

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Trim the Fat, vol IV

Though my kidney stones were incredibly painful. I was quite thrilled with the side effect of not being hungry AT ALL. The whole idea of food. Eating. Chewing. Was quite distasteful. For an entire week I barely ate. Unless my mother forced guilted suggested a little soup. The weight loss was quite lovely. And I hoped that my body would just get used to less food. And stop with all its incessant demands for things that should not be part of my diet.

Unfortunately. When I woke up from my vicodin haze. I actually FELT like I hadn't eaten for a week. I was ravenous. Nothing was enough. And all I wanted was crap. Stupid body. Stupid brain. Stupid cravings.

I have managed to sort of get myself back on track. But not without a modicum of inspiration. That I found in these books:

They call themselves the no diet weight loss solution. I wouldn't go that far. Or even that close. But I do find them a great resource. For example, you are going to buy frozen pizza. They tell you which ones are better options and why. Which ones you should stay far, far away from. And why. And often, the answers are quite surprising.

Like...Kellogs Smart start cereal has more sugar than Lucky Charms. Or Frosted Flakes. Or even Cocoa Pebbles! Kraft Mac and Cheese has 19 times more fat than a can of spaghetti Os. Or that most guacamole dips have NO avacado in them at all. That when you are picking out your Halloween candy, while neither are great choices...a snickers is better than skittles. Or skittles are better than plain M&Ms. Who knew?

And what is even more that there is a kids version. Originally, I had gotten each of these books from the library. But the kids version is my favorite. So much so that I went out and got our own copy of this one. My kids have each read it. Been so excited by what they read that they read parts of it aloud to me. Even more importantly...I am seeing results. They are paying attention to labels. Katie ate a frozen pizza for lunch yesterday. But looked at the label to see about fat and sodium. And to see what a serving size really is. And then today, we ran through Sonic. And Madalyn. Without any suggestions from me, asked for apple slices instead of fries.

Awareness and knowledge are the first steps. To me getting back on track. And for all of us being a little healthier.

Goals for the week:

To be better about writing things down. And to come home while the girls have tennis lessons rather than sitting in my car reading. And while I am at do my exercise video. Not hang out online.

If you need some additional inspiration, head over to Angie's to see how everyone else is doing!

So...what about you? Have you read this book series? Is your family on the healthy eating bandwagon?

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Thursday, July 9, 2009

Trim the Fat Thursday - Vol III

This past week has been a blur. Or maybe a haze would be a better explanation. As I am STILL dealing with kidney stone pain. And the knowledge that the side that is not bothering me - well it has three kidney stones just waiting to make their presence known. At some inoportune moment.

Most of my week has been spent sleeping. I don't know how Dr. House functions on his high doses of Vicodin. And solves all those medical mysteries. Because all I do is sleep. And apparently when one lives a sleepy life, the pounds just melt away. If only I could get rid of the pain. And keep the not ever hungry part. I am somewhat dreading the return to reality. When these 6 pounds that disappeared somehow manage to creep back. For now. I am just enjoying the one bright side of these mean, nasty, need to go away stones.

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Thursday, July 2, 2009

Trim the Fat Thursday

I can't believe that it's been a week since I've posted! Between reading several books. Running the girls to swim practice. Swim meets. Tennis practice. And my addiction to Farmtown on Facebook. My poor blog has suffered.

But. Today is a day I must post. I so want to succeed on this weight loss journey. And I am hoping that this once a week check in with you will help me.

My goal for this past week was to actually measure what went on my plate. And I must admit that my eyes were opened. I KNEW that what I was putting on my plate was larger than what I counted. But by how much? Oh, wow!

I went to a Pampered Chef party about a year ago and bought these glass prep bowls.They come in a set of six. With lids. And are great when you are cooking - so that you can measure out all your ingredients ahead of time. And not let something boil over or scald because you forgot to get something out already.

But what I noticed is that they have measuring guidelines on the side of the bowl.

So I can fill up my bowl with grapes. Or strawberries. Or half of it with rice. Or whatever side we are having with dinner.

But where it is really eye opening for me was with cereal.

I know that our portion sizes keep growing. And that what is a small coke - used to be considered a large size.

I know that our dinner plates are growing. And one of the things that I have started doing is eating off of the "salad" plate.

But this is my favorite bowl. It's deep. It's great for chili. And soup. And cereal. (Man...that is a horrible picture.)

This is what my bowl looks like with an actual serving of cereal (1 cup).

Kinda empty. And lonely. Because if I filled my bowl with cereal...I'd be eating FOUR servings instead of one.

So, I moved my cereal into the smaller bowl. The ones I usually use for the kids. Perfect fit.

And all my measuring paid off. I lost 2.1 pounds this week. Bringing the grand total to 7.9 pounds!

Goal for the week:

To keep measuring. To be better about writing EVERYTHING down. And to exercise. Somehow. Something. At least once.

Go get yourself motivated by reading the other Trim the Fat posts at Angie's spot. Or join us...and link yourself up!

So...what about you? How do you deal with portion control? Do you trick your brain by using smaller plates? Or even ordering kids meals when you are out?

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Thursday, June 25, 2009

Trim the Fat Thursday

I have been reading. All about Shannon and Brandy becoming paralyzed by Jillian Michaels. About Carrie and her losses with Weight Watchers (she has two really low points - and yummy - recipes posted - one for Spanokopita and another for pizza dough). Rachael reached a huge milestone in losing 20+ pounds. Angie has been trimming the fat. Aubrey is on the bandwagon. And I am too. I just haven't told anyone about it. Until now.

I have so much to lose it's overwhelming. But I took that first step about 6 weeks ago and joined Weight Watchers online. I just this week got to the five pound benchmark. I am quite convinced it goes beyond a slow metabolism. I think that mine has deserted me entirely. So, to help with my motivation. And accountability. I thought I'd bring you into that inner circle. And tell you how it's going. What I need to be doing. What I am doing well. And maybe. Just maybe. Inspire us both.

My plan is to tell you about something that is helping or hindering me each week. Followed by some sort of goal. So...this week. I thought we would talk about food. I am all about what I can eat a lot of. For as little points as possible. But. I am not a veggie person. I cannot just grab a handful of mini carrots and enjoy. I wish my tastebuds leaned in that direction.

Here are some things that are yummy. Low in points. And make this journey much easier.

1. Weight Watchers Chocolate chip cookie dough sundae.My kids cannot believe I won't share these with them. But they are all mine. My issue is to try and not eat both sundaes in the same day.

2. Edy's Whole fruit bars

Now these I am willing to share. And they are oh so yummy. And oh so low in points.

3. Pirate Booty and Smart PuffsAnother healthy snack that I am willing to share. I love it when the kids want these instead of chips. They are good. And you get A LOT for little points.

4. El Monterey soft tacos.This is my favorite lunch. These all natural soft tacos are only 2 points each. They are flavorful. And have a great kick. I also like to have them with my bean dip (which is only 1 point a serving!). It helps my wimpy taste buds deal with that kick from the spice.

5. Wholly Guacamole 100 calorie snack packs.Another food that my girlies refuse to try. I think I learned my lesson and will not be encouraging their taste buds on to one of my favorites. These are great to have with those soft tacos. Or just with some baked tostitos. And besides being uber delish...they are already portioned out. I don't have to measure. I just enjoy! And on that measuring note...

Goal for the week:

I have been pretty good about writing down what I eat in my WW log online. Where I am failing. I think. Is that I don't measure. I eyeball it. But my stomach may be influencing my fingers as I type the information. So. This week I am actually going to measure what I am eating. And type out the actual information. And see if that can equal a better number on my scale for next week.

Be sure to go over to Angie's spot to see how everyone else is doing this week. Get on the bandwagon yourself...and link up so that we can support each other.

So...what about you? Have you discovered a food that is making your weight loss journey easier?

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