Today, December 8, 2009 after starting my blog in early July 2008, I finally hit 100 followers!Why am I so excited??? Because I'm doing a RAK!
Only the people that are my first 100 followers are eligible to be entered for this RAK!
I'm doing this to show how much I appreciate your visits, your comments, and encouragement as I move through the stages of beginner, novice, intermediate and as far as I can tell... middle-intermediate paper crafting skills.
SO, in a few days (I have another craft show coming on Saturday) I'm going to post what the RAK will be, and I'm going to pick from among my first 100 followers!
I just want to let you all know how much I SO appreciate your visits and comments on my blog!
I'm planning on doing this for every big milestone number of followers when I get there.... just to show my appreciation!!
I'm thinking that I'll make a few things... and then I'll see what else to add to the RAK.
Again... THANK YOU!!!
~*~ ~*~ ~*~ *~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~A Proud member of The Lime Light. Click on over to see what we are doing.