Showing posts with label Colin Firth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Colin Firth. Show all posts

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Happy Birthday, Colin Firth!!!! Sept. 10, 1960

OK, so WHY am I making this post??? Because I really LOVE Colin Firth! I've seen almost every one of his movies, and as some of you know, I watch Pride and Prejudice every weekend! Yes, EVERY weekend (unless we're traveling).

Why do I love CF so much??
1. He's a Virgo!
2. He's just 8 days younger than my husband.
3. He's a wonderful actor.
4. He's Mr. Darcy!!

Today, my girlfriends are over crafting all day, and guess what's playing on the TV..... Pride and Prejudice!!! :)

"Think what you're doing, Lizzy. You'd be a simpleton indeed if you let your fancy for Mr. Wickham lead you to slight a man of ten times his consequence." That told her! :)

Happy Birthday, Colin!

Your comments are always appreciated!
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