Showing posts with label Complaining. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Complaining. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

I'm Having a Real Problem!

Well, maybe not a REAL problem, but it sure is a frustrating dilemma.....

I thought that by doing my 2012 Christmas Card Challenge I'd be all set by this time of the year with Christmas cards - and I am!!  I can expand my list this year, and give some really nice cards out.

My problem?  As I look around on different websites, I see all these AWESOME card designs.  I want to make them all!

This time of year, I need to start seriously cutting on my Cricut to get the calendar pieces ready, and I still want to make more Christmas cards!

What a dilemma!

I might just have to pick and choose and set more interesting challenges next year.

Hope you all have a FANTASTIC day!

Your comments are treasured.

Friday, April 6, 2012

The 2012 Christmas Card Challenge! April 2012

Well, I can't say I'm really thrilled with the response I've had with my 2012 Christmas Card Challenge. I've taken part in these in the past, and had a blast.... so I thought it would be a GREAT idea to do one myself. I planned out the themes for each month, and put together prizes for each month so when people participated, they would have 6 more cards ready for this coming Christmas, AND some nice things to add to their scrap stash. BUT with the exception of January, no one has participated!

With all that said, (just had to vent)... I am NOT stopping this right as it's beginning. SO.... here goes.

The theme for April is: GREEN!
Since Spring is here so early, and I love the Spring so much since everything is blooming and starting over for another year of growing, our theme this month is Green! OK, so an all green card will be boring, so you can use white, and one other (SMALL) accent color. :)

Click HERE for the original post including the (very easy and straightforward) rules to the Challenge.

Get your cards made, and entered into the Linky below by the 20th!!! Can't wait to see what you've made! Put mine to shame, I'm sure!

Here are my cards for this month.

Your comments are always appreciated!
~*~ ~*~ ~*~ *~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~
A Proud member of The Lime Light. Click on over to see what we are doing.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Gift Card Holders, and a Story!!

So here are two gift card holders I made for gifts for my parents.... to put gift cards in.
The thing is, these are the SECOND gift card holders I made for them.... the first ones were STOLEN! They were placed in a blue mailbox near our house, and when they envelope got to my sister, it was taped shut, and a horse Christmas card was in it.

A couple of things.... 1. I sent along a $50 gift card in one of them, and my sister was going to put a card from a local restaurant in the other one. 2. I would NEVER send a horse Christmas card!!!

Next.... I spent 1 hour 10 minutes on hold with the post office when we discovered this (before Christmas).... and they were SUPPOSED to call me by the 29th after they "investigated". I've had no return phone call, but I do have a "case number".

I'm about to go to our local media to get some action. I've heard of two other incidences like this... one in Alaska where an entire bag of mail was left on the side of the road, and things opened and stolen out of it. Don't these people realize it's a federal offense to steal from the mail?????

Well..... above you have a picture of the two newest gift card holders I made. I'm sorry I didn't take pics of the first set.... they were SO pretty!!!

Your comments are always appreciated!

~*~ ~*~ ~*~ *~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~
A Proud member of The Lime Light. Click on over to see what we are doing.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Oh NO!!!!!!!!!! My favorite restaurant DIED!

Last night we went out for dinner so my mother-in-law could have her favorite soup....

We are planning, as we always do on Friday night to have a nice dinner out - at my favorite place, Up The Creek.

Well, when we drove past last night, IT WAS CLOSED!!!!!!!!! They had a big tarp over the sign on the street (which was still relatively new) - and a note taped to the door that said they are now closed... and Guess Who's Coming printed on the tarp.

I am SO sad! I really loved the way they grilled the fish there!
The service was GOOD! The waitress we always requested was AWESOME, and management was so nice!!! The restaurant was decorated so great too... metal cattails and fish 'sculptures'.... the tables and booths were set up very comfortably... the music was GREAT!

I am SO sad!!!
~*~ ~*~ ~*~ *~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~
A Proud member of The Lime Light. Click on over to see what we are doing.

Thursday, February 26, 2009


What is this cruddy thing going around!?
Sore throat, body aches, sleeping all the time, no appetite (one good thing)
feeling like I'm in a fog... Uh!

DH is wonderful and says I do not look like a wet, limp rag, but
I sure do feel like one!

Soon it will go away and I will be my right,
chipper self again soon! I'm looking very forward
to that day!!

A Proud member of The Lime Light. Click on over to see what we are doing.