And Belle (I was so happy she didn't want to be Sleeping Beauty for the fourth year in a row. Progress, people!)

This year, I was going to dress up as a slightly fat, neurotic, mother of three who spends countless hours blogging, never cooks, and who is always looking for new ways to spend her husband's hard-earned money.
I couldn't find that costume at Party City, but found it when I looked in the mirror.
I think my costume will be the scariest.
Awesome pics! Great job Mom!! As you know, that costume idea makes me giggle.
I'm right there with you in the costume department. I know, we can be a whole harem of SFNMs of three who blog, don't cook but do spend. That'll make the neighborhood turn off their porch lights early!
They look pretty cute!
Hi! I came across your blog tonight. Just wanted to let you know about a giveaway I'm hosting - come check it out! Have a great rest of the week!
Your kids are so cute. What a girly girl Hannah is! I love it. I love your costume idea, you are too funny. Would my Eddie Bauer jeans and stained Old Navy T-shirt qualify too?
I'm a frequent visitor, not sure if I've ever introduced myself here before.
Your costume is a classic! Cute kids too, the boys look like formidable enforcers.
Don't knock the sleeping beauty though! It's my costume choice this year. Except I was planning on using it as an excuse to not comb my hair all day go bra less and just wear my bath robe. Not as cute as Belle, is it?
It looks like Belle will be well protected with her security detail on trick or treat night.
I love an on-line Halloween parade. It's so much more fun than the other kind.
Happy Halloween! I don't know, I think the Sleeping Beauty costume could have gone another couple rounds. Will this dress be making a regular appearance throughout the blog this year? I hope so. I will miss seeing her in the pink dress, though. It is my favorite color.
Super cute.
Love the face painting. Good job!
Happy Halloween,
Heidi :)
Oh so cute!!!
The costumes are great! I'm going as the meanest mom in the world. Because that's just who I am. Have fun today!!!
Very cute boy costumes...and what can you do when all your little girl wants to be is a princess...at least this year my 8 year old decided on a queen...at least it's not a Disney princess (although the 4 year old is Cinderella!)
How about your pretty, creative photographer costume? You've got that one at home, I can tell by looking at your blog!
Your kids look great! Have a happy halloween!
BAWWWWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You are one funny lady. This post is the perfect combination of sarcasm and charm...it totally made my morning : )
Let the trick-or-treating commence! Cute costumes! Don't worry, there are many more princesses to choose from for the next several years. Happy Halloween!!
I'm totally with you on the costume. I found the exact same one in the mirror at my house, too!
The kids look great!
I LOVE Halloween costumes. Thanks for sharing. And your costume isn't fooling any of us. Underneath you really are a princess!
Love the costumes. We have a fire-fighter, a nice witch and Bob the Builder at our house this year.
Happy Halloween!
Love the post and loved catching up on the last couple. The kids look darling. My poor kidlets were stuck in last years costumes since for no apparent reason I have felt overwhelmed the past couple weeks. Oh well, if it floods tonight there pant legs will be ready.
We are twins this Halloween, unfortunately.
It seems so pointless to have costumes here, they just get buried under the coats.
I love your kids costumes! Hope they had a fun day and evening.
I guess slightly neurotic is better for the family than super slutty, which was the choice at party city this year. Did you know they make super slutty in plus size? Just what the world needs, another fat pirate wench.
Same costume as you. Just as scary if not worse.
Just blog hopping and landed on your blog. Your costume idea made me laugh so hard. Thanks.
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