My brother, Dan, likes to make fun of me. A lot. And I LIVE to make fun of him. It's kind of our little thing. We have years of inside jokes that can sometimes be misconstrued here on the interweb. And his mockery is done with such voracity that my poor mother-in-law worried for weeks about the horrid comments being left on my blog by what she thought was her son-in-law. She was quite relieved to know that her daughter's husband doesn't call me a slut. Understandably so.
Well, I begged and pleaded for him to start a blog, which he has not updated since he began it in JULY. And thanks to my new friend lainakay at Goodness Gracious, I now have another REAL blog award to throw in the face of Daniel (who thinks he's cool for making up awards for his non-existent blogging).
So there, Daniel. I'm awesome; you're not. The internet says so. PPBBBEEWWWWWFFFFTTT (big raspberry from me to you).
P.S. Thanks, lainakay. You had NO IDEA what you were getting into, did you?
Congratulations, you've been given an award, check out my blog...
ANOTHER award!! I always knew you were way too cool for me. Congrats friend.
this is hilarious! two opinionated guys named dan related to the same girl. how do you juggle all these sarcastic buddies?! unfortunately MY dan has yet to see the joys in blogging or commenting on blogs.
though he did love chase's ARMY TANK cake and immediately wanted to comment on it (when i told him to come over here and check it out..) he hopes he can order one from Stie's Kitchen once february rolls around.
Congrats on the award. And I now have to check out your brother's blog, where I'm expecting to see another - fake? - award?
Heidi :)
I won the same award and I'm giving one to your brother. I've never read his blog, but his comments make me laugh!
Hmmm... yeah!? Really, truly do love your blog and when my sister gave me the award, you & Gab popped into my head!
Now I'll have to go check out your brother's awards?...
Okay... love the Excellence in Blog Mediocrity Award! Too funny!
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