Showing posts with label Good Mail. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Good Mail. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

My love affair with the mailbox

One of my favorite things about the month of December is the good mail.

- The samplings so far this year -

Instead of the usual bills, home refinance offers, bills, realtor advertisements, and bills (did I mention the bills?), my mailbox brings me love in card form.

As I have said in the past, I love to send them. But I love even more to receive them.

I savor that half-hour after the mail comes, reading each card over and over. I study the pictures of long lost friends. I smile, as I notice just how much their kids have grown since last year. I read the Christmas letters. Yes, every. single. word.

I love them.

But I had to laugh when the mailbox yielded a few unexpected cards this year:
Looks innocent enough, right? When you open the inside, you see this:

Yes, our trash man left us a card this year.

How nice of him. Now when I see him dumping our gigantic piles of waste into the garbage truck, I will feel just a tad bit guilty. I'll think, "Sorry, Terron, for the gigantic piles of waste." Instead of my usual thought of, "Oh, there's the trash man."

I hate feeling guilty.

The other card that made me laugh came from some of the Husband's closest, best, and most special friends. The outside looked like this:

And the inside looked like this:

You know you are traveling WAY too much when one of the many hotels you frequent sends you a Christmas card.

And what's worse? He actually knows most of the people who signed it. Me thinks it might be time to stay home for a while. Get to know some of the actual people who live in Missouri.


How about you, internets? Gotten any unexpected cards in the post this year?

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Travel Swap shout-out

Look what I got in the mail yesterday besides bills! Laurie was my partner for Kelly's travel swap and does this girl know me or what? She sent me several handmade Pride & Prejudice luggage tags, an hilarious "Don't Eat Darcy" game that I will totally be playing, candy, slippers, a Sudoko book, beaded bookmark, sleep mask, and a darling shell necklace.

Phew. Don't you wish you were me? Now I just need a trip to use all these lovelies on.

I feel so lucky to have gotten her as a swap partner. Thanks, Laurie! I love it all. Be sure to visit her other blog, Tip Junkie for some great tips, games, crafts, and advice.