The answer? You get this, our new favorite toy:

Here's to simple, old fashioned things that keep them outside and away from the television. I am LOVING this. They're loving it, too. So much so that I find them out there at 6:30 in the morning, still in their PJs, gloves on their hands, swinging away.
Now THIS is a good thing.
That is so cool! I would like to take a swing on that my self. We haven't ever been in a house with big enough trees to do that, but maybe someday!
Brilliant. Just brilliant. It's what being a kid should be all about, right?
isn't it great when the kids take pleasure in good old fashioned fun? ahhhh, the little things...
Now that looks like so much fun.
-Anna (a new reader that clicked over from Musings of a Housewife)
Love your blog!
that looks like alot of fun...what every kids loves...
i feel the same way about our tire swing. its what everyone who visits our house wants to play with!!!
Me again...loving the new, simple, old fashioned much so that I'm posting about you guys right now! Hope that's okay!
My goodness, fantastic pictures and fun! We have a huge hill next to our house and my kids spend hours up there looking for treasure (rocks). Love anything that keeps them outside and me inside blogging!
When does the video game repairman get here to fix the PS2?
That is so great. What a man that Josh is. And I agree, anything that gets them outside and playing like good old-fashioned kids is a great thing.
I guess you need a tree more than two years old to do that, eh? Sigh.....
How fun! I forgot what fall looks like...hee hee!
My kids would LOVE this!! Did Josh get this idea from the old swing that was behind Grama's house in Holladay? I don't know if he remembers it, but I loved it and have always wanted something similar. Simple pleasures are the best, aren't they?
That is fabulous! We have a tire swing that holds four and my kiddos LOVE it.
You need to get the 6:30 am pictures too. What a treasure!
Basically, this post makes me want to go outside and play, too.
it's always the most inexpensive toys and entertainment that the kids end up loving the best!
this is what they will remember!
What great action pics--they are LOVIN that rope! Last month, my dad hung a rope from one of our trees and A. loves it to pieces. Her tomboy side shines when she plays on that thing. It must be true what they say about the simple things...
There was never a tree Josh wouldn't climb. I'm glad you've found a home for all your little monkeys.
You know what is weird? I've been looking all over this post for a photo of you swinging and I haven't found it.
The swing looks fun and when they get sick of it, you can use the rope to tie the kids up. A great toy!
You know what is weird? I've been looking all over this post for a photo of you swinging and I haven't found it.
The swing looks fun and when they get sick of it, you can use the rope to tie the kids up. A great toy!
Love it!
what fun! i've always loved rope swings!
Wait, did they CLIMB that rope to swing? Because that is impressive.
It looks fun! I know I would swing for seven seconds and feel nauseated all day, but I'd have fun for those seven seconds.
How high are they from the ground. It looks like they are really flying high! Look at that blue sky...isn't it a beautiful time of year?! Hope we have a LONG Fall...and I mean the weather.
That rope is GREAT! Great pictures too.
Love the rope! That looks like such fun.
That's nice for you that you find your kids swinging on the rope swing at 6:30am. All I find at 6:30 am is child #2 with 4 opened Pepsis spilled on my carpet while watching Cartoon Network with a knife next to her (huh?), child #1 jumping on our wet (from the sprinklers) trampoline in his pjs & child #3 stinky and crying to let him out of his cage (I mean crib).....
but I'm happy for you, really I am.
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