Showing posts with label Tag. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tag. Show all posts

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Husband Tag

I don't think that I have done this tag yet, thanks Sierra!

1. What is your husband's name?
Patric Brady Hess

2. How long have you been married?
3 years 4 months

3. How long did you date?
A little over 1 year.

4. How old is he?
25. . . old fart! (That's what he said)

5. Who is taller?

6. Who can sing best?

7. Who pays the bills?
I usually pay them but sometimes I have him do them.

8. Who does the laundry?
Definitely me! I won't let Brady do it.

9. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed?
I do.

10. Who mows the lawn?
We have never had a lawn to mow so I don't know yet. I like to mow the lawn but Brady will probably end up doing it most of the time.

11. Who cooks dinner?
I try to. We are pretty even on this one though.

12. Who is the first to admit when they're wrong?

13. Who kissed who first?
Well, after Brady and Laurel started kissing, it was a little awkward so Brady decided it was thing to do. So, BRADY.

14. Who wears the pants?
Hmmm, probably me.

Brady is such a sweet husband! I am glad that I have him. Love you Brady!

I tag Laurel, Veronica, and anyone else that wants to do it (because most people I tag don't do it!)

Saturday, November 8, 2008


My friend Shelly tagged me. I am supposed to answer the following questions with just one word.

Where is your cell phone? purse
2.Where is your significant other? halo
3. Your hair color? blonde
4. Your mother? smart
5. Your father? funny
6. Your favorite thing? brady
7. Your dream last night? forgot
8. Your dream/goal? eternity
9. The room you're in? family
10. Your hobby? drawing
11. Your fear? loss
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? family
13. Where were you last night? shrimp
14. What you're not? fit
15. One of your wish-list items? shoes
16. Where you grew up? Ogden
17. The last thing you did? eat
18. What are you wearing? jammies
19. Your TV? halo....
20. Your pet? someday
21. Your computer? awesome
22. Your mood? happy
23. Missing someone? always
24. Your car? blue
25. Something you're not wearing? shoes
26. Favorite store? Dillards
27. Your summer? short
28. Love someone? yes!
29. Your favorite color? pink
30. When is the last time you laughed? tonight
31. Last time you cried? month

I tag Laurel, Emily, Melissa, and Sierra.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Quirky Tag

I was tagged by Shelby. I think that I have a lot of quirks but it is hard to think of them by myself. I had to ask Brady for some help.

1. I HATE going to the bathroom other than at my house. I try to avoid going to any bathroom. I will just hold it until I am going to burst. In high school I would wait all day even if I was playing a soccer game or had practice or anything.

2. I am a planner/list maker (like Shelby). Brady makes fun of me because I have a planner in my purse, one at the title company, one at my other job, and one at home on the fridge. I just feel so much better when I have things written down. I also make tons of lists. Every Tuesday I make a list of things that I am going to get at the grocery store based on the ads. I also do lists for Brady when we are cleaning and even just for things I think we need for around the house. Brady always jokes with me whenever I say I feel like I need to do a list.

3. I have my clothes in my closet organized by length and color. I do it by color first and then by length. I can't stand to have Brady put my clothes away because I know that I will have to undo it and put them away again.

4. I have to be warm when I go to bed at night. When I was at BYU I had my heated blanket on my bed on high all the time to make sure I had a nice warm bed to come to. Brady can't deal with that because he is exactly opposite. So, he cuddles with me at night on my side of the bed so I can get warm and goes to his side to get cooled off.

5. I count stairs when I go up or down. It is really pretty annoying, but I just do it.

6. I have to wash my hair every day. If I don't wash it I feel so yucky. If I don't wash it I have to keep it away from my face because I don't like to feel it.

Well, now you know some of my quirks. Weird, right? I am glad to read some other blog posts with quirks so I feel like I am not the only crazy one. I tag Sierra, Kerri, Melissa, and anyone else that wants to do try and think of their quirks.

Monday, July 21, 2008


Sierra tagged me!

1. What were you doing 10 years ago?
I was just getting ready to change schools. I had been going to school in Ogden and was supposed to be an officer the next year in school. My mom made me try North Ogden Junior High and I ended up staying there. I was also just going into Young Womens at church. I was probably playing tons of soccer and softball too.

2. What is on your to do list today?
I went to my casemanager job and now I am at my other job at the title company. I am going to go home and make a little dinner, do a little laundry, and cuddle with Brady to a movie while we eat ice cream.

3. If you suddenly became a billionaire, what would you do with the money?
I would pay off our house and car first. Then I would pay off everyone in my family's house and cars (you're welcome family). Then I would buy a bunch of shoes. I would probably build a basketball court or some kind of gym for Brady to play sports in and I could play soccer in. Then I would go on trips with Brady and some with the rest of our family. I am sure Brady would want to invest the rest in foreign markets or something crazy like that.

4. Where have you worked?
I have worked at Ogden Indoor Soccer, Timpanogos Indoor Soccer, Lorin Farr Pool, Roy Aquatic Center, North Shore Aquatic Center, Summit One Credit Union, Ogden Athletic Club, Executive Title, Bonneville Title, Davis Behavioral Health, American Dream Title. (Holy cow that is a lot of jobs!)

5. Where have you lived?
Ogden, North Ogden, Provo, Plain City

6. What are three things people don't know about you?
1. I used to be really good at basketball (I was on the only 6th grader on the middle school team).
2. I played waterpolo in highschool (I was the goalie) and I got kicked out of a game for punching a girl in the face.
3. I can't stand to not wash my hair every day.

I tag Laruel, Shelby, Steph, and Emily and anyone else wants to be tagged or just needs something to post about!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

I was tagged!

A) Four places I go over and over...

1. Our new house to work
2. My parent's and Brady's parent's house
3. Work
4. Zeppe's (yum yum)

Four people who e-mail ME the most:

1. Brady
2. My mom
3. Victoria's Secret
4. Red Box (We rent a lot of movies)

Four of my favorite foods:

1. Pumpkin pie!!!
2. Corned beef and cabbage
3. Anything from Zeppe's
4. Cobb salad (Wingers has the best)

D) Four places I would rather be right now:

1. Hawaii
2. Virgin Islands
3. On a cruise
4. Cuddling with Brady anywhere

E) Four movies I would watch over and over:

1. A Walk to Remember
2. Oceans 11,12,13
3. The Bourne Series
4. Scary Movie 3

F) Four people I am Tagging:

1. Laurel
2. Shelby
3. Emily
4. Jen

Friday, May 23, 2008

Tagged. . . Thanks Emily

I was tagged by Emily so here I go. . .

ABC's "getting to know you" TAG ABC's of you.Each player then tags 3 people and posts their names, then go to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog.

A- Attached or single: ATTACHED!!!
B- Best Friend: My hubby, Brady
C-Cake or Pie: Pie - PUMPKIN!
D-Day: Saturday
E- Essential Item: Shoes
F- Favorite Color: Bright Pink
G-Gummi Bears or Worms: Worms
H-Home town: North Ogden, UT
I- Indulgences: Shopping, soccer, cuddling with Brady, eating pumpkin pie and PF Chang's chocolate wall
J- January or July?: July, I love warm weather!
K-Kids: Not right now
L-Life is incomplete without: My family
M- Marriage Date: August 3, 2005
N- Number of Siblings: 4 - 2 brothers and 2 sisters
O- Oranges or Apples: Apples, unless they are the sour ones (yuck)
P- Phobias or Fears: Losing a family member
Q- Quote:
R- Reason To Smile: We almost have a house!!!!!
S- Season: Summer
T- Tag Three: Laurel, Sierra, Kerri
U- Unknown fact about me: My little brother and I have the same birthday (you would know this if you read my blog) :)
V- Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animal: I love meat! I don't love how we get meat but I do love to eat it. I just don't think about it when I am eating it. . .
W- Worst Habit: Cake Mania (it is Brady, Ty Sparrow, and Brady Mock's fault, they know why)
X-Rays or Ultrasounds: Neither, but if I had to get one I guess I would prefer an ultrasound (even though I have never had one so I don't know how it is)
Y-Your favorite food: Its a tie. . . Pumpkin pie or corned beef
Z: Zodiac Sign: Aries