Sunday, December 14, 2008

Husband Tag

I don't think that I have done this tag yet, thanks Sierra!

1. What is your husband's name?
Patric Brady Hess

2. How long have you been married?
3 years 4 months

3. How long did you date?
A little over 1 year.

4. How old is he?
25. . . old fart! (That's what he said)

5. Who is taller?

6. Who can sing best?

7. Who pays the bills?
I usually pay them but sometimes I have him do them.

8. Who does the laundry?
Definitely me! I won't let Brady do it.

9. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed?
I do.

10. Who mows the lawn?
We have never had a lawn to mow so I don't know yet. I like to mow the lawn but Brady will probably end up doing it most of the time.

11. Who cooks dinner?
I try to. We are pretty even on this one though.

12. Who is the first to admit when they're wrong?

13. Who kissed who first?
Well, after Brady and Laurel started kissing, it was a little awkward so Brady decided it was thing to do. So, BRADY.

14. Who wears the pants?
Hmmm, probably me.

Brady is such a sweet husband! I am glad that I have him. Love you Brady!

I tag Laurel, Veronica, and anyone else that wants to do it (because most people I tag don't do it!)


Laurel said...

YOU LIAR!! We weren't kissing first, but nice try...we were the ones who felt awkward with you two kissing! Nice try journal is proof!

MoRgAn! said...

HAHA the kissing part is hilarious! And Laurels comment made me laugh! HEHE! A group kissing session lol to funny!

Alyssa said...

I didn't realize that you guys had been married that long! Woh.. congrats! We are going on our 3rd year, so we are right behind you!

Brandon, Emily and Chloe said...

Cute tag, Steph! I love that you said that you wear the pants! Haha..just not the "Halo" pants :)!

Sarah said...

It was good to see you guys last night at the Hess party. I don't get to see that side of the family often enough. Email me at and I'll invite you to my blog.