Showing posts with label Mom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mom. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Catching Up...

I have been a slacker with blogging for a while now. We have been pretty busy the last few weeks! Here is a little update on what we have been up to the last month or so...

June 19-20: Brady and I were asked to help out with our stake Youth Conference. It was a two night conference. The first night was dinner and swimming party at Brigham City Pool. The kids had so much fun there! The next day was the BIG day. Everyone met at the stake center for a little opening prayer, breakfast, and then loading on the buses. Then we went up to the tabernacle in Brigham for a devotional. It was awesome. Then we were up to Logan for the rest of the day on the farm. . . Brady and I were in charge of games for all of the kids for 1 hour. We set up three stations for the kids. The first was a Cranium station, church style. The next station was four square with sheets. The third one was the Human Knot. We just rotated all of the groups through. I think that it went well. After we got our part over with, everyone went to eat lunch. After lunch, there were several different breakout groups to attend. Then there was dinner for everyone. After dinner, everyone got to listen to our wonderful stake president talk. After the talk they showed a movie. Brady and I left after the stake president's talk, but it was really a wonderful Youth Conference and we were so glad we got to be a part of it.

Some of our cranium winners!

Some more of our cranium winners!

Some more of our cranium winners!

4 square

Human Knot

June 21: Father's Day... I had to speak in sacrament meeting. This is why Brady and I left Youth Conference before the movie. I still had had NO time to prepare! But, it went well I think... I love you dad, Brady, and Dave! You guys are the best dads ever (or will be soon)!

June 25: Brady got to play in a 3x3 basketball tournament. I didn't get pictures... Whoops!

June 26: Brady and I got to babysit our adorable nieces overnight! They are SO cute! It was so much fun to get to spend time with them.

June 27: Marc came home from his mission! *See post below*

June 30: My cute mom's birthday! We went out to eat at ABC Mandarin and then partied at home with a DELICIOUS cake and presents! Happy Birthday Mom! Love you lots!

July 1st: My family left for Ohio, New York, Boston, Washington DC (without me and Brady) :( They had lots of fun though and brought us lots of cute stuff!

July 10-11: Brady and his brothers and dad always go up to a golf tournament in Twin Falls, Idaho. We went up this past weekend and it was so much fun! I got to hang out with my awesome sister-in-laws and mother-in-law! We did some serious shopping! It was so much fun! Brady and his brother Chris were in a three way tie for first place. They got to spend some money at the pro shop. Congrats guys! I can't wait to go again next year! I forgot our camera so no pictures from this fun trip...

July 14: I am officially 28 weeks pregnant! I can't believe that it is going by so fast! Not too much longer and we will have our sweet girl here! I haven't taken any official belly pictures because I really don't like to look at myself with this belly, let alone make others look at me. But, I have a couple pictures from when Marc came home I will put on here and you can see my belly. I will have Brady take a real belly shot and I post it.

So, we have had some fun things going on! The rest of the summer is going to be just as busy it seems! Next week we have some showers to attend, a going away party (SAD!) for my best friend, Laurel and her hubby Brady and their beautiful girl Paisley. After that we will be having more showers, birthdays, and then next month we will have our 4th anniversary and my sister will have her baby! Then only six weeks later we will be having ours! It will be so much fun! I will try to be better at posting more often.
Signiture 1

Sunday, December 28, 2008


Brady and I had such a wonderful Christmas. It all started with the tree. Brady and I had used one of my parent's trees up to this year. But, it was time to get our own now that we have our own house. We finally found one, it is 12 feet tall. It touches our ceiling but luckily it fits! I was so excited and it was so fun to decorate. I have pictures above. I also put a little tree that my parent's gave us in our front room. I have always love flocked trees and that is what this little tree is. I love this little tree too!

On Christmas Eve, Brady and I went to my parent's house to talk to my little brother that is on his mission. It was really fun to get to talk to him. He is doing a really good job. We are so proud of him. After talking to him we watched a movie called Traitor. It was okay. Then, we all opened our Christmas Eve gift. We all got some pajamas. The girls all got zebra print pj pants, they are so cute! Then Brady and I went home and wrapped the few presents we hadn't and we opened our own Christmas Eve presents. . . more pajamas. Brady got me the SOFTEST pajamas I have ever felt. I love them.

On Christmas morning we woke up early and opened our presents from each other. Brady got me a new phone and a camera (I already had these though). He also got me two shirts, two pair of shoes, a new strainer, Microsoft Office, and the game Sims. I am so spoiled (Thanks Brady!). I got Brady a Winchester gun, a few dress shirts. We got an MP3 player for us to share. It was so fun to open presents as a little family. After we got ready, we headed to my family's house. After everyone got there we opened presents. Brady and I got a new Bosch mixer and wheat grinder. I got a ton of clothes and a couple pairs of shoes. Brady got some new shoes, his own MP3 player, some shirts, and some other things. My family is so wonderful. They do so much for us. Thank you all for everything you got us and everything you do for us! We love you!
So, after we opened gifts we ate some breakfast, tried on clothes, and just hung out. Then, we headed to Brady's parent's house. We opened gifts, ate food, and played games there. Brady got a gun cover, waders, gun cleaner, more pajamas, cologne, and a few other things. I got a new shirt, scarf, shoes, perfume, pajamas, and some other things. Brady's family also spoiled us! They also do so much for us! Thank you all for everything! We love you guys!
So, our Christmas was a very amazing one. We are so blessed to have all that we have. But, none of this would even be possible if we didn't have our savior. I am so grateful for his birth, death, resurrection, and his mission on this earth. I love this season because we think about our savior so much. The music is so beautiful and I always feel so warm inside even though it is cold outside. I am so grateful that I know our savior lives. I am so grateful for his sacrifice. I know that because of him I can be with all of my family again someday forever! What a wonderful thing! I am glad we have such wonderful family and friends and for their examples. We love you all and hope that you all had a wonderful Christmas and have a happy new year!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Into the Woods we go. . .

This past weekend Brady and I were able to spend some time with some of my family. On Friday we went to see Ky and Shelby's babies (SO cute!) and then went to dinner with Laurel & Brady and Steph & Ty. After dinner, Brady and I drove down to Salt Lake to meet my parents and little sister, Karlee. As soon as we got there we went for a little swim. Then we ate frosties from Wendys and then went to bed. I got up bright and early so that I could take my test for my license (see post below). I passed so it was a great start to the day. Anyways, then everyone met up with me and we went to IKEA. If you have never been there, you need to go. That place is amazing. It is HUGE! My mom was crying the first time she went there because she didn't know how to get out of the place! (My mom cries a lot so this wasn't weird for her to do.) (There are arrows on the floor to follow out, but she still was lost. Ha ha.) Anyways, it was neat to finally go there and experience that. I had been looking at some chairs there and wanted to check them out! Brady didn't really like them so I am going to get some off Ebay. After IKEA, we headed to Gardner Village. It was some kind of kid day there because there was a million people there and like three million kids! It was crazy. So, we didn't stay there very long. I did get a Halloween decoration there. After we left there we got some lunch at Hires. They have the best rootbeer! Then we headed up Little Cottonwood Canyon to the temple granite quarry. It was SO neat! It was so beautiful and so amazing to see where they got the temple stone from. It made us all realize how amazing those people were. It was SO far away from the temple but somehow they managed to get these extremely heavy stones down the mountain to the temple. I can't even imagine the labor it took. It makes me feel SO grateful to live in the times I do. So, after we left there we headed to a theater in SLC (I think it was the Hale Centre Theater). We went to the play "Into the Woods". It was a cute little play. The playhouse was a little weird but it was fun to be there and hear the songs and everything. After that we headed home and just hung out for the rest of the weekend. Thanks mom and dad and Karlee for a fun weekend! We love you guys!
Signiture 1

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Happy Birthday Dad!

Well of course I am a little late with this post (as usual with birthdays lately). This past Wednesday was his 50th birthday. We had a surprise birthday on Tuesday at our house. He wasn't expecting it at all! Everyone parked away from our house and it turned out perfect. It was a lot of fun. Then on Wednesday our family went out to ABC Mandarin. After that we went to my parents house for cake and ice cream and presents. Today my mom had his family over to my parents house for a birthday dinner. So, after three celebrations I think that my dad has had a good 50th birthday. Dad, I hope you had a wonderful birthday. You are such a great example to me. Thank you for all of your help with everything I need. Thanks for all that you do for Brady and me. You are the best dad ever! Love you lots!

Signiture 1

Monday, June 30, 2008

Happy Birthday Mom!

Today is my sweet mom's birthday! Tonight we went to dinner at Jeremiah's. It was yummy! Then we came home and did presents and cake. For as long as I can remember, we have had an ice cream cake for my mom's birthday. It started with my grandpa. He always got her a pralines and cream ice cream cake. My sweet grandpa has passed away but we have still continued on the tradition! This year my little brother Tyler decided to change it up a little bit and "accidentally" got a chocolate fudge ice cream cake! It was so good though! Everyone still loved it!

My mom is such a great person! She is such a hard worker in all that she does! She loves so many people! She is so much fun to be with! She is a great friend, example, help, and mother to me! I don't know what I would do without her! Mom, I hope that you have had a GREAT day! I love you! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!