Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!

My mom is one of a kind! She is so loving and giving to everyone and has so much spunk! She is always helping not only her family (which she constantly does) but she helps her friends and even people that she doesn't even know. She is so smart and is such an amazing example in that way to me and my siblings. She has taught me so many amazing things throughout my life. I feel like I have been really lucky because I have been able to spend a lot of time with her. When I was growing up I played soccer a LOT! She was always the one that took me to my games or tournaments and was my little cheerleader. Looking back, I realize that I learned a lot from her during those drives to all of those games and practices and that our relationship was strengthened each time. She taught me how important it is to be a mom. I can't wait for when I have children so that I can spend time with them and teach them and learn from them. I hope that I can be as good as my mom is.
Another thing that I really look up to my mom for is her strength in this gospel. She has the most amazing testimony of prayer and always reminds us how prayer can help in any situation. She is such an amazing example to me and to many other people. I love her so much!

This is my mom (with a picture of her missionary that she is so proud of)

Another mom that I love and feel lucky to know is my mother-in-law, Patti. I am so lucky that I married into such an amazing family and that I have such a great mother-in-law. She is such a happy person and a great example to me as to how I want to raise my future family. I love her and appreciate all she does for me.
I also want to quickly say happy mother's day to all of the other mothers that I know that read my blog. You are all amazing and I thank you for your example. I hope you all had an amazing day and were recognized for all you do. Love you all!


Laurel said...

I completely agree. your mom is super mom and patti is so great!

Veronica said...

How I love and adore Brenda Mitton....SHE IS A PERFECT MOTHER!!! Love the picture with Mark....hope the Mother's Day call went well and that you didn't all cry too much! Thanks for posting!