Showing posts with label Vacation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vacation. Show all posts

Monday, June 23, 2014

Vacation Bloopers & Gratitude

Family vacations always take on a unique personality that is impossible to forecast. Regardless of how thoroughly you plan, no vacation is 100% wrinkle-free. How we respond in those moments has the potential to enhance or ruin the memory. 

Last week our family enjoyed a getaway to Lake Tahoe...truly one of the most beautiful places on earth. It's a huge attraction in the winter for all those who love winter sports and a snowy wonderland. We have yet to get up there in the winter (which we hope to do someday), but we absolutely LOVE Tahoe in the summer! The lake is so blue it looks aqua, the natural landscape surrounding the lake is bursting with life, and the snow peaked mountains hover over as a physical barrier between us and the outside world. 

About an hour in to our drive to Tahoe, my eyes bugged out of my head and I said, "The Pack-N-Play!" Oh. My. Gosh. Kinda an important thing to remember when traveling with a 7 month old who already has major sleep issues. Andy suggested stopping at a Target to buy one, but I shot down that idea right away, informing him that those things are, like, $150. 

"I'll figure something out. We can make do." 

When I saw that little cubby hole under the desk, I naively thought, "Oh, this is perfect. I'll just make her a little pallet down here and she'll feel all cozy in a space just her size." Not so much. Our sweet Karis is not in the running for any awards associated with "Most Flexible Baby". After a nightmare of a first night, my hero-husband found a children's consignment store in town where we bought a pack-n-play for $32. Possibly the best $32 we spent all week. Although Karis wasn't completely keen on the pack-n-play either, it was much better.

After an awesome (albeit sleepy) first morning at the park, we ran by the grocery store and then headed back to our cabin only to get tail-ended pretty bad. It was the worst car wreck any of us had ever been in and it shook us up a bit. The guy behind us clipped our right bumper which pushed us in to oncoming traffic. Thankfully, we were able to get back over to our side of the road and avoid a head-on collision. With hands shaking, we thanked Jesus that there were no injuries.

That was a bit of a rough start to our family vacation...Very little sleep the first night followed by a car wreck. But I can't even count how many times that week that Andy and I mentioned how thankful we were that we were all okay. The car wreck reminded us of how fragile life is and it framed our whole vacation with gratitude.

The final day of our vacation, we lounged on a blanket at a beautiful park overlooking the lake. While I played with Karis and watched my boys climb rock walls and swing across monkey bars, a family walked by pushing an oversized stroller with their handicapped son. The child looked to be about Caedmon's age. In my heart I whispered a prayer for strength and endurance for those parents as they courageously love and raise their son. That child is a blessing to be sure, but their lives undoubtedly face difficulties that I know nothing of. Again, it helped me remember what a gift it is that my rambunctious and rowdy boys have healthy bodies. 

I said to our family this week, "You know, we are among the most blessed people on earth." There is always something for which to be thankful. Sometimes the blessings are as bright as neon flashing lights, and other times you have to look under rocks to find them. But they are there. Let's look around today and remember to give thanks. 

Every good and perfect gift is from above. James 1:17

Friday, August 23, 2013

Lake Tahoe

Today is the day. After a glorious week at Lake Tahoe, we will be heading home to San Jose. My amazing husband took the boys on an ultimate Boys' Club adventure this morning and left me at Starbucks to read, relax, and blog. Great way to end a great week!

This was a work trip for Andy, and we just got to tag along. Plus we got the added benefit of seeing Andy at lunch and in the evenings for family fun! The boys and I used our mornings for school. I use two different age-appropriate curriculums for the boys, but some fun activities they do together. Tracing letters on a paint bag was a big hit.

It has been all ABC practice for Sammy this week. Who knew there were SO many different games and ways to reinforce letter sounds and letter recognition?! Thank you for all of the ideas!
The boys raced to find the letter I called out.

After we wrapped up our schoolwork, Andy took a lunch break with us each day. We picniced by the pool and swam for a bit. I love how Sammy wears these googles.

Check out how his ears are smashed forward. Funny kid.

 Caedmon's awesome version of a dive. Makes me laugh every time.

And his specialty, the backwards cannon ball.

On afternoons that it wasn't raining, we would head over to the playground. I think a summer uniform for boys should be swim trunks, flip flops/crocs, and optional t-shirts.

Caedmon has never met a stranger and jumped right in this family's baseball game!

I just can't get enough of these smiles...

All this activity required some refueling and nothing's better for that than a little ice cream...

...and a quick nap wherever you can catch one.

For a special treat our last night, we let the boys do this bungee jumping trampoline. They had been eyeing it all week so Andy & I shamelessly used it as bribery, I mean, an incentive for good behavior throughout the week!

His expression is bursting with excitement!

He figured out how to do a flip!

After we did homeschool all morning and activities all afternoon, we would meet up with Andy for dinner and some family fun. He even gave me some alone time to refuel on three different occasions this week. It has been lovely!

Andy had the idea to take the boys on a hike this morning before heading home. He's been sending me pictures all morning and my heart is just overflowing with gratitude. I feel so, so blessed that we've gotten to spend this week here, that our family is making such wonderful memories together, that my boys have a father who is fun & creative & invests so much in them. Those two little guys have NO IDEA how blessed they are to have a dad like Andy Wood, but I know full-well and I am so smitten with him. He is always surprising me with just how awesome he is.
I am headed home to San Jose with my heart refreshed and my mind filled with snapshots of great memories. 

Monday, August 12, 2013

2013 Tour de Family

We got home from our 2013 Tour de Family over a month ago, but I thought a few fun summer pictures are always in order. I took about 600 pictures and have narrowed it down to 15. This will hit a few of the highlights!

Both Caedmon & Sammy had a blast getting buried in the sand on the shore of 
Lake Michigan by their Uncle Josh (Andy's brother). 

Jamie, Caedmon, me, Nanny, Marcy (Andy's mom), Sammy, Andy, & Josh
Caedmon can hardly contain his excitement! 

Andy, Josh, Marcy, Nanny, & Jamie
relaxing in the shade while the boys play at the playground 

Caedmon, Dalton (Andy's brother), and Sammy 

Ice cream from "The Yum Yum Tree" on a summer night
Sammy, Olivia, Danielle (Andy's sister), Denise (Andy's stepmom), Andy 

A scavenger hunt for the grandkids from their Mimi.
The disguise glasses were a crucial part of the experience! 

Andy's dad, "Papa", helps guide the scavenger hunt 

Andy's grandfather 

My mom & dad (CC & Pops) with their 8 grandkids
3 more grandkids are on the way! 

The Cloud Family altogether at the beach 

These kinds of stunts are only pulled AFTER all the kids go to bed! 

It rained A LOT while we were in South Carolina and, with 7 boys 
ages 7 & under, we had to get creative. GI Joes were a favorite. 

Wrestling matches with Andy were another big hit! 

We attempted a trip to the zoo. This picture was taken during the 15 minutes 
that we were there BEFORE it started raining again. Boo! 

And, what's the 4th of July without a water balloon fight with your dad & grandpa?!

These trips are about making memories that we will all cherish forever. It is worth the effort to invest in these precious relationships. Our boys are smothered in love, special outings, and lots of ice cream each time we head East. They LOVE it!

Monday, October 15, 2012

A Marriage Getaway

This post is not intended to make anyone jealous...'s just too good not to share.

Marriage getaway. Lake Tahoe. Birthday weekend. 

Slow mornings at Starbucks. 

Reading for hours.  

A hike around Emerald Bay. 

Freedom. Joy. Fun. 

(I love Andy's expression.) 

An afternoon treat. Latte for Andy. Ice cream for me. 

Perfect fall weather. Breath-taking views. Rich conversations.

Movie watching. Dessert eating. Nap taking. Memory making.

It took planning and budgeting and the help of some awesome friends watching our kiddos. But it was a highlight of my year.

So thankful for my man. I'll roadtrip with you anytime, Baby!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Vacation's over. Now what?

I've come to believe that the phrase, "We're going on vacation," requires additional clarification to get an accurate picture of what's really going on. In my experience there are at least 3 types of vacations. 

1- Relaxing (i.e. laying by a beautiful body of water somewhere tropical)
2- Sight seeing (i.e. a trip to New York or Italy)
3- Visiting Family (click here, here, and here, to see our most recent adventure)

Occasionally you can link two of those together, but rarely all three. 

Another thing I've noticed about vacation is that being out of normal routines makes it rather difficult to find times to read the Bible and work out on a daily basis. Those two activities are pretty high priorities around the Wood household, but when you only get to see your extended family for a handful of days a year, it feels kinda wrong to say, "Excuse me while I go spend an hour reading my Bible and then one more hour working out." When we're with our family we try to soak up every single minute we get with them. There's a time and season for everything...

So, needless to say, both Andy & I were hurtin' for some time alone with God by the time we got home. Andy told me that he was going to begin his quiet time that first morning by saying, "Hi, Jesus. It's me, Andy. Do you remember me?" :-)

Vacations are wonderful and needed and should be embraced with the tightest bear hug you can muster up. It's okay to break from normal disciplines and routines. You can eat that dessert. You can sleep in without guilt. You can stay up late laugh laughing your head off with your siblings or having heartfelt conversations with your parents. It's the richness of life. The cream. The stuff that makes the rest of life taste good and feel right. 

One more valuable truth about vacations... life is not intended to be lived as a vacation. 

When vacation is over, don't lament it. Get back at it! Jump back in with both feet to routines and disciplines and hard work. Eat healthy. Work out. Make time to invest in your relationship with God. Live life with vigor and focus and a purpose bigger than yourself. 

It may take a couple days to get all those vacation clothes washed, get groceries in the fridge, and find your rhythm again. But don't "blame it on vacation" for too long... you've got an abundant life to live!

I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly! John 10:10 (NASB) 

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Vacation Rewind: Round 3

Our final leg of the Tour de Family was with Andy's dad's side of the family, starting in Brighton, Michigan. Hope you enjoy the pics...

Riding in the tractor with Papa
Mimi & Papa's house is being renovated so it's a full-on construction site right now! 

Andy really wanted to show me Northern MI, which is gorgeous in the summertime.
His aunt & uncle own a home up there so we all drove up to spend a couple days with them.
Lots of cousins for the boys to have fun with! 

This is Oscar. Caedmon called him "Oscar the Grouch" but I'm not sure that he liked that! 

Lily & Amelia 


Look past the ice cream covering his face to notice Caedmon's first missing tooth. 

Ferry ride to Mackinac Island 

Mackinac Island is a beautiful, quaint town off the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. You have to take a ferry to get there and there are no cars on the island, only bikes and horse & carriage. 

Denise & Pete (aka Mimi & Papa)
We enjoyed a delicious lunch overlooking the lake. 

Mmmm... fresh smoked salmon and Michigan white fish with all the fixin's  

Caedmon thinks it is hysterical to try to kiss us on the lips. 

It is required by law (well, almost) that you eat fudge when you go to Mackanac. They are 
famous for it. We showed up just in time to watch how they make it. YUM!! 

The kiddos discovered a "lost treasure chest" on the beach! 

Caedmon transformed himself into "Clay-Man" 

Andy & his sister Danielle were about to get their heads torn off by the boys during a chicken fight. 

The Stolman Family
Brad was Andy's best friend in high school. Brad & Lisa were college sweet-hearts just like Andy & I were. So the 4 of us have been friends since then, were at each other's weddings, and have celebrated our growing tribes of boys. We always try to prioritize seeing them when we make it to Michigan!

So, folks, those are the highlights from the 2012 Wood Tour de Family. We racked up 10,000 sky miles and put 2,300 miles on my grandmother's car, with a 5 year old and 3 year old traveling companions. Over the course of our vacation we changed sleeping location 7 times, spent time with 42 different family members, and ate more dessert than should be legally allowed. So many wonderful memories.