Director Shankar's magnum opus I has been allegedly caught in a financial controversy, The film was rumored to be made around a budget of 150 crores making it the biggest film ever to be made in India. But Shankar in a recent interview denied those allegations stating "For some reason, people like to exaggerate how much I spend on a film. Trust me when I tell you that the budget of I is less than Rs. 100 crore."
Now the latest is Murali Manohar one of the assistant directors in I claimed he has not been paid his remuneration for the past two months and posted this on his facebook account “Pasikuthunnu veliye solla enaku endha vekkamum illa. ennaa kekarathu pichai illa. uzhaichathukaana kooli. ?#?aascar ?#?i” (I am not ashamed to say that I’m hungry. I'm not begging for undeserved money. I’m asking for the money that I deserve to be paid.)
The assistant director who was then contacted by Deccan Chronicle said “I have not been paid for the last two months for working in the film. I am speaking on behalf of other ADs too.I have been unwell and running a fever, and I don’t have the money to go to the hospital. It’s not easy for me, as I have to support my wife and child.”
Aascar Ravichandran the producer of the film however denied the above allegations stating that he has settled all the money and everything has been done correctly. Vimal the production manager of this film said it was surprising to him to see things being blown out of proportion and said “Only the dues for the last month are yet to be paid. We have paid salaries to all.”