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Showing posts with label LDRS. Show all posts

Saturday, 20 January 2018

DTDF (DT) Wendy's Cupcakes

Morning all, it's Saturday (hurrah) and I have a lot to squish in to today, so best I make a start by showing you my DIES TO DIE FOR make for this week.

As it has been so dark and miserable, I made this bright and cheery card for a friend's birthday last Monday.  She said it did indeed make her think of summer with the hot colours.

Now this is done, I need to get a gammon joint in the oven, go and get my haircut, dash over to the doctors' and collect a prescription for dad (he is still very under the weather), whip the gammon out of the oven, visit mum and dad, scoot back home to sort some stuff out (laundry etc), cook the rest of dinner, eat, and finally relax with a dose of Casualty!  Hope your day isn't going to be quite so rushed.

Hugs to all

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