(Blandford - how many years away before we reach there? Photo copyright Joe Robbins)
Dean Cockwell is progressing Spetisbury at a blistering pace.
This email has gone out to all members but I also feel that for non members who have been thinking of joining but for whom Midford is too far away this may be just the opportunity you've all been waiting for!
Firstly, I want to introduce myself, as I am a new member to the group, but I have also taken on the role of Project Manager of Spetisbury Station.
My name is Dean Cockwell, and I live within 15 minutes drive to the station.
To give you a little update of the situation regarding Spetisbury Station. I have been in contact by phone with the local council in charge of the site and track bed, which has been turned into a trailway since the track has been lifted back in the late 60's, early 70's.
I have put together a proposal outlining our intentions, and what we want to do with the site not only in the short term, but also in the long term. This has now been sent to them today (29/9/2011).
The next step is that I have a meeting with both the contact at the council, but also the ranger in charge of the area around Spetisbury Station.
I can't tell you much more at the present time, but I would like to ask all of you the following.
Once we get the go ahead that we have taken control of the station and an amount of the trailway, both north and south of the station. We are going to need volunteers to clear the overgrown vegetation, and other tasks that don't come to mind straight away.
So, my first question is, Can you help?
Granted, there are going to be those of you that live too far away, but you may have skills that could be of benefit to the group that does not involve picking up a shovel or pushing a wheelbarrow. I will let you tell me if you are able to help, and in what capacity.
This also includes our junior members, of which we have a few. You may be able to help too. But we would need your parents consent and assistance, and we would not want it to interfere with your homework either! LOL
Now, its over to you to flood my inbox* with offers of help, (he says hopefully).
As I said earlier, until I have had the meeting with the council, I cannot tell you any more. But it would be nice to get an idea of how many volunteers we would have available for a whole range of tasks that will need to be done throughout this project.
Hoping to hear from you soon.
You can join the New S&D via the sidebar on this blog or
via the website where there is a downloadable membership form.