My friend Jane came this week, she always helps me to have good ideas. Probably more like she says what she thinks, which sparks the right answer in my head, though it may not actually seem to be related.
Now that I know where I am headed with that, I have taken a few photos and a bit of a video. (All the apologies...directly under LED lighting and first time trying out my tablet for this.)
And looking closer
Oh, and don’t mind the odd bit of thread. In one or two places,
beads need replacing because of the handling.
This work acknowledges 24,000 individuals - Indian Christians who were physically attacked in one year because of their faith.
I have stitched 80 beads each day for 300 days. Stacks or loops were made of 10 beads in each square 8 x a day. I filled out the remaining 65 days of the year with words. The date and initials at the bottom.