Showing posts with label India. Show all posts
Showing posts with label India. Show all posts

Thursday, 23 January 2020

24,000 - Daily bead for 2019

You may have been wondering how the completed daily beading looks. Yes, I did complete it at the end of the year. The lurgy, though, put paid to energy to take photos. Also, I was having a debate with myself about how to present it.
My friend Jane came this week, she always helps me to have good ideas. Probably more like she says what she thinks, which sparks the right answer in my head, though it may not actually seem to be related.

Now that I know where I am headed with that, I have taken a few photos and a bit of a video. (All the apologies...directly under LED lighting and first time trying out my tablet for this.)
And looking closer

Oh, and don’t mind the odd bit of thread. In one or two places, 
beads need replacing because of the handling.

This work acknowledges 24,000 individuals - Indian Christians who were physically attacked in one year because of their faith.
I have stitched 80 beads each day for 300 days. Stacks or loops were made of 10 beads in each square 8 x a day. I filled out the remaining 65 days of the year with words. The date and initials at the bottom.

Sunday, 29 December 2019

24,000 - 22-28 December

I have completed the word “Strong”, now working on “2019”, the date is at the bottom of the whole arrangement.

This work acknowledges 24,000 individuals - Indian Christians who were physically attacked in one year because of their faith.
I have stitched 80 beads each day for 300 days - 10 beads in each small square eight times.

Monday, 23 December 2019

24,000 - 15-21 December

I have nearly completed the word “Strong”. This time the word is at the bottom of the whole arrangement so the word is facing out, so to speak, to make it easier to read. 
one more Sunday for posting, but a couple days left. Beyond that. 
Still thinking about finishing off.

This work acknowledges 24,000 individuals - Indian Christians who were physically attacked in one year because of their faith.
I have stitched 80 beads each day for 300 days - 10 beads in each small square eight times.

I have finished the main part of the project, the 300 days that were made of 10 beads in each square 8 x a day. Now I am working on some words to go round the star which will say a bit about the meaning. This will fill out the remaining 65 days of this year, since the bead project is daily for a year.

Sunday, 15 December 2019

24,000 - 8-14 December

I have nearly completed the word “Stand”. This time the word will be at the bottom of the whole arrangement so the word is facing out, so to speak, to make it easier to read.

This work acknowledges 24,000 individuals - Indian Christians who were physically attacked in one year because of their faith.
I have stitched 80 beads each day for 300 days - 10 beads in each small square eight times.

I have finished the main part of the project, the 300 days that were made of 10 beads in each square 8 x a day. Now I am working on some words to go round the star which will say a bit about the meaning. This will fill out the remaining 65 days of this year, since the bead project is daily for a year.

Sunday, 8 December 2019

Good news related to my India bead project

in related news: here is a good thing!

Five Indian Christians wrongfully convicted of the 2008 killing of militant nationalist leader, Laxmananda Saraswati, which sparked horrific anti-Christian violence in Orissa (now called Odisha) state, were ordered to be freed on 26 November by India’s Supreme Court. They had been sentenced for life, 2 others were released earlier in the year.
Although a Maoist Naxalite group claimed responsibility for the attack almost immediately, but extremists blamed Christians instead and turned violently against them.
In the ensuing persecution, around 90 Christians were killed and thousands were injured. More than 56,000 were left homeless as houses were looted and burnt, while nearly 300 churches and many other Christian properties were destroyed.

This should be an encouragement. I hope more cases of imprisoned believers will reviewed.

24,000 - 1-7 December

I have nearly completed the word “Attack”. I have miss counted the level these letters were to sit on. So I have had to adjust the last couple letters. Perhaps I should have made the T letters thinner.

This work acknowledges 24,000 individuals - Indian Christians who were physically attacked in one year because of their faith.
I have stitched 80 beads each day for 300 days - 10 beads in each small square eight times.

I have finished the main part of the project, the 300 days that were made of 10 beads in each square 8 x a day. Now I am working on some words to go round the star which will say a bit about the meaning. This will fill out the remaining 65 days of this year, since the bead project is daily for a year.

Sunday, 1 December 2019

24,000- 24-30 November


I have nearly completed “Faith”.

This work acknowledges 24,000 individuals - Indian Christians who were physically attacked in one year because of their faith.
I have stitched 80 beads each day for 300 days - 10 beads in each small square eight times.

I have finished the main part of the project, the 300 days that were made of 10 beads in each square 8 x a day. Now I am working on some words to go round the star which will say a bit about the meaning. This will fill out the remaining 65 days of this year, since the bead project is daily for a year.

Sunday, 24 November 2019

24,000- 17-23 November


I have nearly completed ”India”.

This work acknowledges 24,000 individuals - Indian Christians who were physically attacked in one year because of their faith.
I have stitched 80 beads each day for 300 days - 10 beads in each small square eight times.

I have finished the main part of the project, the 300 days that were made of 10 beads in each square 8 x a day. Now I am working on some words to go round the star which will say a bit about the meaning. This will fill out the remaining 65 days of this year, since the bead project is daily for a year.

24,000- 10-16 November

Well, last weekend was very busy, though I did get all the week’s beads stitched and even photographed. Then, through the week, I was working towards a deadline whilst preparing for doing a presentation at TVCT, so the posting of photos sort of went by the way. And besides, I started getting a chesty cold.

So, excuses out of the way, Here is the bead project from last week.
I completed “24,000” and started “India”.

This work acknowledges 24,000 individuals - Indian Christians who were physically attacked in one year because of their faith.
I have stitched 80 beads each day for 300 days - 10 beads in each small square eight times.

I have finished the main part of the project, the 300 days that were made of 10 beads in each square 8 x a day. Now I am working on some words to go round the star which will say a bit about the meaning. This will fill out the remaining 65 days of this year, since the bead project is daily for a year.

Now, catching up on the past week!

Monday, 11 November 2019

24,000 - 3 - 9 November

This work acknowledges 24,000 individuals - Indian Christians who were physically attacked in one year because of their faith.
I have stitched 80 beads each day for 300 days - 10 beads in each small square eight times.

I have finished the main part of the project, the 300 days that were made of 10 beads in each square 8 x a day. Now I am working on some words to go round the star which will say a bit about the meaning. This will fill out the remaining 65 days of this year, since the bead project is daily for a year.

‘One Year’

starting ‘24,000’

Sunday, 3 November 2019

24,000 - 28 October- 2 November

This work acknowledges 24,000 individuals - Indian Christians who were physically attacked in one year because of their faith.
I have stitched 80 beads each day for 300 days - 10 beads in each small square eight times.

Last week I showed the finish of main part of the project, the 300 days that were made of 10 beads in each square 8 x a day. Now I am working on some words to go round the star which will say a bit about the meaning. This will fill out the remaining 65 days of this year, since the bead project is daily for a year.

Here is a closeup. No, it isn’t very clear, but I kind of like the idea that the words take time to decipher.

I started lining up the words ‘one year’ at this section, starting from the bottom because It was easier to line up.

However, when I put it on the back of the settee to photograph I could see a better layout. So I took out the beads which started ‘one’ and have changed the position.

Sunday, 27 October 2019

24,000 - 21 -27 October

Day 300- 24,000 people noted.
Each bead stands for 1 person.
The 24,000 is complete!
 The next 65 days (as this is my daily project) I will be using beads to spell out words like India, Faith, Christians, etc.
I didn’t crop this photo because I wanted to give you a sense of scale. 
I tried to get a bit more of the sparkle in these photos. 

This work acknowledges 24,000 individuals - Indian Christians who were physically attacked in one year because of their faith.
I have stitched 80 beads each day for 300 days - 10 beads in each small square eight times.

Sunday, 20 October 2019

24,000 - 13-19 October

Day 292- 23,360 people noted.
Each bead stands for 1 person.

I am nearing 300 days, which is when the 24,000 will be completed. I finished the last point of the star, but had 12 days remaining. What to do to make it up to the number and still complement the design? I did quite a few number calculations and finally came up with a plan and pattern.

Using metallic and rocaille beads, I am surrounding the smaller points of the star.

It is working to bring a bit of sparkle which compares with the larger points. I have used a different method of stitching to make a little upright shape. Not a loop and not a stack.

Basically when going back down into the centre of the sequin, I catch one of the beads on the middle of the pattern and the one at the bottom. It makes a bit of a squiggle.
This work acknowledges 24,000 individuals - Indian Christians who were physically attacked in one year because of their faith.

I am stitching 80 beads each day for 300 days - 10 beads in each small square eight times.

Tuesday, 15 October 2019

24,000 - 6-12 October

It was a very busy weekend, so I didn’t get this photo posted, though I did take it.

Day 285- 22,800 people noted.
Each bead stands for 1 person.

Nearly done with the last point of the star shape.

This work acknowledges 24,000 individuals - Indian Christians who were physically attacked in one year because of their faith.

I am stitching 80 beads each day for 300 days - 10 beads in each small square eight times.

Sunday, 6 October 2019

24,000 - 29 September- 5 October

Day 278- 22,240 people noted.
Each bead stands for 1 person.

Working on the last point of the star shape.

This work acknowledges 24,000 individuals - Indian Christians who were physically attacked in one year because of their faith.

I am stitching 80 beads each day for 300 days - 10 beads in each small square eight times.

Sunday, 29 September 2019

24,000 - 22-28 September

Day 271- 21,680 people noted.
Each bead stands for 1 person.

Working on the next point of the star shape.

This work acknowledges 24,000 individuals - Indian Christians who were physically attacked in one year because of their faith.

I am stitching 80 beads each day for 300 days - 10 beads in each small square eight times.

Sunday, 22 September 2019

24,000 - 15-21 September

Day 264- 21,120 people noted.
Each bead stands for 1 person.
Working on the next point of the star shape.
I wanted the same shape for each point. But I was getting myself very confused about the counting. It was not following the squares, that made it uneven on the edges. Finally, I turned it over. Oh!

I tried to make a plan. But on blank paper, which meant it was all over the place.

So, I went and searched round The Scientist’s room and found what I needed, squared paper.  Marked the pattern and voila! I was able to even discover parts of the first point that needed filled in. And it will be easy to make the rest of them easier.
This work acknowledges 24,000 individuals - Indian Christians who were physically attacked in one year because of their faith.

I am stitching 80 beads each day for 300 days - 10 beads in each small square eight times.

Sunday, 15 September 2019

24,000 - 6-14 September

Day 257- 20,560 people noted.
Just imagine! Do you see each bead here? Each one stands for 1 person.

This work acknowledges 24,000 individuals - Indian Christians who were physically attacked in one year because of their faith.

I am stitching 80 beads each day for 300 days - 10 beads in each small square eight times.

Sunday, 8 September 2019

24,000 - 1-7 September

Day 250- 20,000 people noted. A milestone.
Just imagine! Do you see each bead here? Each one stands for 1 person.
The first point of the star. Not sure, but I will see how it looks when more points are done. It might need some added bits on the sides.

This work acknowledges 24,000 individuals - Indian Christians who were physically attacked in one year because of their faith.

I am stitching 80 beads each day for 300 days - 10 beads in each small square eight times.

Just to give an idea of the texture I did a couple photos from the side.

Sunday, 1 September 2019

Bead on - 24,000 - 25-31 August

Day 246- 19,680 people noted.
(Last week Kathy said, I like the triangles -- are you going to square it off now? I hope they don't disappear. I like them also!)
So, the next step... I am attempting to create an isosceles triangle. These will hopefully turn the shape into a bit of a star. Possibly!

This work acknowledges 24,000 individuals - Indian Christians who were physically attacked in one year because of their faith.

I am stitching 80 beads each day for 300 days - 10 beads in each small square eight times.