Showing posts with label animals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label animals. Show all posts

Saturday, 25 January 2020

Something on Saturday

Treasure 46

These are the siblings of last week’s fox.
Aren’t they cute?

Saturday, 18 January 2020

Something on Saturday

Treasure 45

I love this little baby fox. I bought it sometime ago. Way before foxes were ‘in’ on the design scene.

Wednesday, 10 July 2019

Whilst on holiday

We were staying a little bit south of Canterbury when we were on holiday the other week. One of the days we headed to the Cathedral to explore. Here’s an amazing sculpture outside of the Cathedral.

Canterbury War Horse. :
To commemorate the centenary of the end of The First World War, created by students and staff from Canterbury School of Visual Arts at Canterbury College.

And then just a photo of the horse in the field next to our cottage.

Saturday, 29 December 2018

Something on Saturday

For the end of the year...another animal. A  Christmas animal ?

Well it is somewhere !
This Christmas bauble was given to me by my friends from Australia who visited this year.

Saturday, 22 December 2018

Something on Saturday

Also at the garden centre - (oops another cow!)

A strange Nativity scene.
These animals are all sorts of proportions. Plus, their heads move around.

Not so bad, but when you look into the manger itself, Mary and Joseph are scarecrows. Hmmm?😕
and the camel's movement is stuck, so it looks like he is nodding along to some tune. 'We 3 Kings?'
I made a video with my phone. I hope it shows up here.

If you stay to the end, that is me trying to get my phone to stop recording!

Friday, 21 September 2018

still windy

It is still very windy out there. But, too cold to be leaving the back door open. So I wrapped a blanket round the WorryWort.
And at last she is actually sleeping.
Well, until I get up and go into another room. She has to stay with me in case of something...

Wednesday, 28 June 2017

Back again!

We were away with family over the weekend.
I am beginning to catch up with myself.

We met in Filey, where my husband's family used to have their holidays. Mum had asked for her ashes to be scattered there.

It was nice to be together. and just nice to spend a little time by the sea.

Holly wasn't sure about going too far into the sea.

But after a Certain Young Man got a treat, she followed him out quite a ways, ignoring the waves.

But barked at him when he got too far.

Tuesday, 21 February 2017

Zoomorphic - 1

And so it is complete and ready to send off...
oh. forgot to take a photo.
open packet...
Here, the complete pelephant and bird - Zoomorphic 1.
Close packet.
Go to post tomorrow.

Monday, 20 February 2017


I needed to send a sample of the Build a Fabric technique to Lady Sew and Sew to have on display in the shop.
The only one I had I could send, I can't find. So, maybe it didn't get back from the Needlework Archive?
City Scape

Well, that one was made from the outer trimmings of the Collared Dragon. I still have trimmings left, so I had a look.
I like finding animals/people in clouds and other random shapes. And I often find I can go from a trimming to make something - even clothes. In these trimmings I could see animal-like shapes. So, I started cutting them out.
Okay. I just need one sample, but already I can see I can do a series. And the word zoomorphic kept running through my head.
So, I settled on this one.
And so far have got the bird and the "pelephant"* stitched down. Now to sandwich and quilt it and send it off.

*pelephant = pointy nose elephant

Friday, 23 September 2016

Well, interesting!

So, I thought the results for Round 2 of the Pattern Review Sewing Bee would be up tomorrow. But there was a message after tea tonight to go look.

AND...I got through with my draped indigo top!
One of the images I posted in the review showing where the fabric grain lines were to show how I used the bias. The markings of the indigo more or less followed the straight of grain. The larger marks were pretty much on the cross grain.

At hearing this good news, the not so great news I got yesterday about the cancellation of my workshop at the National Needlework Archive, became a positive! I had wondered when I would make the Round 3 project if I got through! So, when that is announced, I will at least have the time to see what I can do. Watch this space.

Today I went with 2 friends to Holme Grange Craft Village, which has little individual shops. A couple we used to like have shut down. But we did find enough to buy. And to sit in the "Can you believe it is the end of September?" sunshine to have some tea and cake.

And then to visit the chipmunks before we went home.
This one was always so busy I never got a full photo of him. He had a stash down under the earth at this point and frequently added to it, burying himself halfway in the earth!
This one was just watching from the edge of the nest box the whole time.

And I missed this one when he was up close eating.
So, had to do with a photo of him having a wash...which is why he hasn't got any hands in this photo!

Another attempt of the same one but he was just about to head somewhere else out of camera shot.
I always find it intriguing that chipmunks are considered pets like hamsters here. Where I grew up, they were a common woodland animal like squirrels.