
Showing posts with the label thug

Fallout: Back to The Hub

Before dwelving into the main quest, I thought of going back to Hub and take care of some unfinished business there. It was something about a arrogant guy named Kane. When I spoke to Lorenzo, he told me that I could get some jobs from the guy, Kane. I, then met Kane and inquired about jobs. He took me to Decker, and he assigned me the job of killing a merchant who lives in the Heights. From Fallout I went to The Heights along with Ian. There was a thug, who told us to leave the place. So, I had no other go than killing him. While in combat with the thug, his friends came to his rescue and the small fight became a mini war. They are very much skilled and also outnumbered us. After several attempts, we somehow managed to take them all out. Then, I went inside the hotel and killed the merchant, Hightower and also his wife. The loot from this fight, was much profitable. With the looted items and a part of my money, I bought the ultimate melee weapon, Sledgehammer. With my melee skill over ...