
Showing posts with the label fight

Fallout: JunkTown Raid

With the ultimate SledgeHammer and Combat Armor, I went to the Junktown, wishing I will get some good fight to test out my new acquisitions. I used some drugs while fighting with the Mutants in Necropolis and I somehow got this "Radiated" thing. Also, my Intelligence is getting reduced and my other attributes changes over time. I was having 1 INT and so no one in Junktown was ready to speak to me. I ate Mentats, which increased my Intelligence to 4. Then, I spoke with Lars and Killan. Thanks to them, now I know against whom I can test my SledgeHammer and Combat Armor. Its Skulz and Gizmo, but they are not alone. They hang out with a bunch of thugs, which means more FUN for me :D First I went to Skulz's Hangout, took them all out. The Sledge Hammer combined with 155% in Melee skill was a kickass. I killed all of them with ease. Then, went to Gizmo's territory and the fight with him was piece of a cake. This fights proved to be very valuable, as I got good loots from th...

Morrowind: I am Back

     I almost forgot Morrowind, because of my tight schedules. Also, I set the difficulty setting to 100 a long back and its hard for me to fight people there. So, I just decided to reduce the difficulty and quickly finish the game...      Now I am travelling with my mates Bralas Andaren, Luthien Morvayn and Shareel. Actually Bralas and Luthien were in Solthiesm, since I took them with me for my solthiesm hunt and left them there. I just took them to Morrowind by swimming all the way to Gnisis.      My Main Mission Status: I already became the Hortator of all the houses and now I am to convince all the four tribes to accept me as their leader. Also, I already became the leader of Urshilaku Camp. Now i need to convince the other 3 tribes to complete the fifth trial. So, I decided to visit Zainab camp first.      From Gnisis, we started our journey to Zainab Camp and on the way met sooo many devil monste...

Last Chaos: First Kamira and Anubis Solo

First Kamira Kill I was leveling myself and my Ichi at Wafes near sphinx in Draton and arrived the "GRAND DEVILROAD KAMIRA".. I tried to solo it a few times before, but always failed. This time I had a little hope in succeeding as I had 56+13 shirt and 56+12 pant, which gives me a good defense. After buffing myself with all the pots, I started hitting Kamira. In the beginning it was very easy as Kamira did only melee attacks and missed a few of its hit. After like half of its HP was over, it started with its magical attacks and I was dying. When its HP was like 80% over, I died. Without wasting a second I came back and was happy to see it didnt regenerated its health. But I lost the Elizabeth buff and I am not going for the buff now and let Kamira disappear. I had only like 20% of health and so I buffed myself with all the pots and started hitting it and voila, I killed Kamira. I got “Chain of Tiger” accessory and junks.. Here goes the Screenshots: ...

Gothic 1: Wild Hunting and Chromanin

Before going into Orc Cemetry, I planned to learn the level 1 of Two Handed Weapon Fighting Skill. So, I started a hunting session. I remebered a underground cave full of skeletons, where I found a book named Chromanin. So, I went there. There is a tower near the wrecked ship, where there are a number of Fire Lizards. The other opening to that cave lies in the sea to the left side of Ship Wreck place. I went in there through the opening in cave opening in the sea. I fought a large number of different types of Skeletons there and found a Skeleton Mage there. I didnt fought that mage and let it to spawn more skeletons. I keep on killing the summoned skeletons and got much experience. I let the Mage to spawn skeletons for 4 times and then I got bored and killed the Skeleton Mage. Path to Chromanin Cave Map Location of Chromanin 1 From the mage, I got a mystical Book, named, Chromanin, which is the first book in a series of 6 Books. Each Chromanin contains a clue to get the next book. But,...

Gothic 1: Beaten Lefty and Rice Lord

I sold some of the trophies taken from animals and gave lares 400 Ore as the profit got from selling Isidro's weeds. But, actually, I didnt sold them all. Then, I increased my strength with the skill points I got from last level up. Then, I slept in my hut in New Camp, woke up next morning and went to Rice Lord'd farm with the idea of fighting Lefty. On nearing Lefty, he wantedly called me and started the fight. The moment, I hit lefty once, Rice Lord came to kill me. I quickly beaten lefty and hit Rice Lord too. So, from now on, Lefty wont be a threat to me. At this point of the game, i was tired of running from Camp to Camp, which is very boring. So, I decided to use a cheat to spawn Potion of Velocity, which will increse the running speed. Then, I started an extensive hunting session. I killed Snappers, Lurkers, Lizards, Wolves and much more and got levelled up. Even I tried to kill Bloodhound, but they are very tough for me now.

Tomb Raider: Egypt: Temple of Khamoon

Temple of Khamoon is the first area in Egypt. Egypt has some nice architectural puzzles with excellent graphics. I completed this area very fast in very short time. So, I dont remember all the complete details in this area and here I will post only the main puzzles in some main areas. On start, Lara was locked in a room. She climbs that room with the help of ledges and goes to an open area, where she encounters the first of the new kind of enemy, Mummy. In this area lies a pillar which has four differently shaped slots on it in the middle of a pool. Also, there are two sphinxes with doors on it and a Big door. Lara then opens one of the sphinx door and goes inside it. In that room, Lara fights a few leapords and activates a lever, which makes 6 giant statues in that room to come near. Immdiately, after activating the lever, run fast and jump over the statues one by one to reach the platform at the end of the room. Then, proceed and Lara goes to a room with small pond in it and a dog st...

Tomb Raider: Greece: Tomb of Tihocan

Lara comes to a room full of water and many mechanisms. To get of this room, Lara must unlock the movable wooden platform, which is locked the bottom most place and guarded by some Alligators. This wooden platform will help Lara to get out of this place. But, Lara have to work out many things here to unlock the wooden platform and to keep it in right place. There are two handles that increase/decrease the water levels and Two crates to keep over the two buttons at the bottom. Also, there are number of medipacks and an artifact is also here. Without much difficulty, I unlocked all but the artifact and was ready to get out of this place. But, I started thinking about getting the artifact and wasted some time, roaming here and there. My friend who got irritated by my worst ideas to get the artifact, pressured me to get of there. Because of him, I left that artifact and proceeded. Again, Lara dives into a pool of water and swims underwater and comes to a place with a large land and a big ...

POP - SOT: Honor and Glory

While explaining everything to Farah, Vizier comes and the final Battle begins. Now, the Prince cant direcly attack the Vizier. Vizier will create a clone of his own and Prince have to defeat the Clone. After killing the Clone, Vizier again creates another one. Again, after killing it, he creates one more. But, this is the last one. After defeating the third Clone, Vizier becomes Vulnerable and dies in one single shot. With this the game ends, but not the love story of Prince and Farah. At this point of time, the whole game is just a tale and nothing happened. So, everything that just happened is only in the minds of Prince. So, Farah has no love for Prince and she thanks her for returning the Treasure. But she didnt trust the Prince's story. So, the Prince decided to leave her alone and go back. At that time, Farah asks Prince his name. Prince says "Kaakuluukiaaa", which is the name known only to Farah and her Mother. Farah told this name to Prince during the game once....

POP - SOT: "At Last We're Here!"

Up above the Prison, Prince faces a number of hard Sand Creatures. Here, the Sand Creatures concentrate on killing Farah. So, Prince have to save her at all cost. This fight longs for a long time, as the Creatures keep on spawning. After this hard fight is over, a Savepoint appears, upto which the game is 81% completed. Prince push the buttons there, to open up the gate, that leads to the Tomb. Then, Prince fights a number of Giant Sand Crows and goes inside the Tomb, where he gets its Ninth Life Upgrade. A Screenshot of the cracked wall that leads to the Ninth Life Upgrade: Then, Prince and Farah comes to an Elevator, where Prince will have his toughest fight in the game. At a time, Prince have to manage nearly 5 to 6 Sand Creatures and also have to save Farah. Also, this fight will be the longest one in the game. The Sand Creatures keeps on spawning for a long time. But, they come in Batches. After a batch of Sand Creatures were killed, the next batch takes some time like 30 seconds ...

POP - SOT: A Prisoner Seeking An Escape

This Prison has some Cool mechanisms. Usually, Prince wall run from one platform to another, which are attached to wall and static. But, here in Prison, the platforms are mobile and they project out, when a button on the wall before it is pressed. But, after a very short time, they go in to the wall again. So, the Prince have to be fast enough to cross them. Prince crosses a number of such mobile platforms and uses some Lift to reach the bottom of the Jail. Prince fights some Sand Creatures, actually the Prisoners at the bottom of the Prison. After finishing them all, a Savepoint appears with Percentage completion of 79%. Also prince gets his eigth life upgrade here. A screenshot of that: Another Cool Mechanism here is Prince stands in the edge of a Beam. There will be a button in both the Left and Right wall. On pushing them, the wall near the Beam comes closer. But, they keep on moving against each other, making the gap between them larger. Prince have to quickly jump between those m...

POP - SOT: On The Ramparts

Prince and Farah fights a number of Sand Creatures here and a Savepoint appears after this fight. Still, the game completion percentage remains 75%. This is not a long Journey. Just after the fight, Prince runs and tries to cross a big Pit. But, unfortunately, the floor breaks down and the Prince falls into the Prison, which is just below. Screenshot:

POP - SOT: Hall Of Learning Courtyard

Prince fights a bunch of Sand Creatures on entering the Courtyard and gets a savepoint here, where the game is 75% completed. Prince runs around the Palace to great heights, fights some Giant Sand Crows and finally get into the Palace, where he crosses so many fatal Obstacles like Spinning Blades. Then, he goes out of another Door to Ramparts. Screenshot:

POP - SOT: Observatory

On entering the Observatory, there will a number of Sand Creatures waiting for Prince. Prince kills all of them and saves the Progress in the Savepoint that appears after the fight is over. Game is 71% completed, upto this Point. There will a platform at the center, which when activated lifts Prince to the Top. Prince goes to the top and plays with the mechanisms above in the Observatory to open the door to the next area. Then, he comes down and enters the door to exit the Observatory. Out there will be some Hard Defense mechanisms of the Palace, that makes Prince's journey hard. Use slow motion, and cross all the hurdles there. Perfect Timing is important here. Screenshot:

POP - SOT: Waterfall and A Caveran of Ladders

Go into the dark Tunnel and break the walls with your Sword and proceed. The place inside looks awesome with great graphics. Here too, Prince move along the ledges, fight some bats, run through some weak wooden platforms and he then enters into a Big Caveran. Before entering into the Caveran, the Prince jumps through many weak stalactites, which will break and leads to Prince's death if perfect timing is not maintained. In the Caveran, Prince has to go all the way down from the top, with the help of all the Ladders there. In this place, two Savepoints Waterfall and A Caveran of Ladders will be there and at the second Savepoint the Game Percentage Completion is 57%. Some screenshots: Screenshot of prince jumping the stalactites

POP - SOT: The DrawBridge

After killing all of them, Prince climbs up the room through his own means, outside the top of the room, there is a Bridge which is closed. Then to open the bridge and to bring Farah to the bridge, Prince runs through some traps goes into the first floor of Mess Hall. There is a lever there, which on activation provides a ladder for Farah to climb up. Then, with her help, Prince goes into a locked room and pulls the level there, to open the Bridge. Then, both of them safely comes to the bridge. On trying to cross the bridge, again a bunch of Sand Creatures appear. This fight is harder than all the fights that Prince fought before. But, again Prince kills them all and a savepoint appears on the Bridge itself. Game Completion Percentage remains 46%. Some Screenshots:

POP - SOT: A Soldier's Mess Hall

Both Prince and Farah arrives a Soldier's Mess Hall. There are many Soldiers here, who are now transformed into Sand Creatures, but their Skill remains the same. At a time, The Prince have to manage around 3 to 5 soldiers. This is a little bit difficult fight and if the Prince is careless, the Soldiers turn towards Farah and kills her. Prince cant even jump behind them and attack. They simply push Prince down, when he tries to jump on them. So, I killed them all by attacking them after bouncing from the wall. They are vulnerable to this attack most times. And to save Farah, I use Freeze Enemy on soldiers who are attacking her, which uses one power tank and kills them. Game Percentage completion is 46% upto this savepoint. A Screenshot of the tough fight in Mess Hall:

POP - SOT: The Baths

Here, the Prince meets a new sort of Sand Creature, which bears a Long Chain. But, as anyone knows, nothing can stop the Progression of Prince.Here in The Baths a new Sword is kept, but with highly restricted access. There is a ladder, which leads to the new Sword. But, while wall running to catch the ladder, the Prince's legs slips because of the water beneath. So, the prince go to the place above the baths, fights some creatures there. Then, he pulls down two levers to open up a small portal which leads to the baths below. Through that small Portal, a Crate is pushed down and this crate is then moved beneath that old Ladder which leads to the new Sword. Now, the Prince climbs up the ladder and roams the room and comes and gets the new Sword. With this Sword, Prince can now break wooden walls and week broken walls. Very near to the new Sword, a Life Upgrade is also there. This is the fourth one. Screenshots of the fourth life upgrade: In the Baths itself, there will be three savep...

POP - SOT: Cliffs and Waterfall

Here, Prince comes to the place, where he fell down in his Vision, but fortunately nothing happens like that. Maybe, the Vision is slightly distorted and wrong. The Door to the next place, The Baths is straight head, but closed. So, the Prince searches for and finds the lever to open the door and opens it. Here, the Prince doesnt swings through the poles and climbs the Columns, but he swings through the branches of tree and climbs up the trees itself. On the way, he fights a number of Giant Sand Crows, which die in just one shot. Here, the Prince's stats are 5 Sand Tanks and 5 Power Tanks with 3 Life Upgrades. Upto this Save, 33% of the game is completed Some Screenshots:

POP - SOT: The Warehouse

After getting the third Life Upgrade Prince meets up with Farah shortly and they both enter into a warehouse. They are now at the top of the warehouse and need to get down. Both of them work together, to activate the stair mechanisms to move the stairs and to go down. At the pit of the warehouse, an action sequence occurs and Prince kills all the Sand Creatures and moves to the next location Sultan's Zoo. Upto this Save, 24% of the game is completed. Screenshots:

Last Chaos: Lvl 36 - Quick Levelling

This level was over in some just 4 hours... I bought 5 Blessed Iris from my GM, Elspethia for a very low price. She is so nice, always popping out of no where, when the guildies need help. First i partied with ANDAND, RavenSwan and 2 new friends, OmegaTempst and RAMIYANO in Margudaam Jail in Merac, but only for a short time. Because ANDAND left shortly, then RavenSwan also went as she had to go to work. Then i also logged out, as it was very late time for me. There OmegaTempst buffed us all with his horse which helped us a lot very much. Must thank him here. Some Screen shots: Then with the Iris, that i bought from Elspethia, i grinded the Poison Mists with ANDAND and got 90% of my xp in just 3 hours. Got numerous easter eggs there, two of them gave big experience potion which lasts for some 138 hours and give +30% xp and a Snow Flake. Two Pandora Box appeared there. One is a lvl 40 Spider and another is lvl 50 Sea Horse thing. Me and ANDAND killed them both, but they gave less xp th...