Morrowind: An Airship to Soltheism
While wandering through the Icy lands of Soltheism, I saw a broken airship near Hrothmund's Bane. I went near that ship and found that all the crew members were dead. This space ship reminded me of the quest given by Louis Beauchamp in Ald'ruhn. So, I searched all over the ship to check whether the crew found the Amulet of Infectious Charm. This is the amulet for which Louis Beauchamp sent his crew here. But all the crew members were dead including the Captain and so they failed Louis. After reading through the Airship Captain's Jouranl I understood that the crew members lost their minds and lives because of the heart piercing chillness of Soltheism. Airship I decided to search for this Amulet myself and searched the surrouding area. After a while, I found the entrance to Hrothmund's Barrow, where the Amulet of Infectious Charm is likely to be found. On trying to get in to the cave, I was stopped by the voice of Hrothmund's Bane and he asked me a name and showed me ...