
Showing posts with the label circle

Gothic 1: ULU-MULU and Old Camp Raid Part 3

I found a big troll near the plain of Old Mine. I killed it and took its teeth. Then, I roamed around the forests and killed a Shadow Beast and took its horn. Then, I went into Old Camp by transforming into a Meat Bug and going through the small gap below the closed gate. I killed all the diggers and guards in Old Camp, even inside the Castle. Then, I went to Swamp Camp and hunted down all the Swamp Sharks there and also took their teeth. Then to get the tongue of fire lizard, I went to the Ship Wreck near the Chromanin Cave. There were nearly 5 Fire Lizards, I killed them all and took their Tongues. With the skill points I earned, I went to Saturas and learned the Thrid Circle of Magic. Then, I gave the minecrawler plates to Wolf. Then, I went back to Free Mine and gave all the four items to Tarrok(the orc slave). He created the ULU-MULU and gave it to me. Now my level is 28 with 115 Strength. Here is a screenshot of my Stat Screen: Then, I learned fourth circle of Magic from Saturas ...

Gothic 1: Got all the focus stones

I am in new camp now with all the focus stones. I gave all the focus stones to Saturas. For each and every focus I gave to Saturas, I got 3500 experience. So, with the 14000 experience, I got from Saturas, I levelled up twice. Saturas then thanked me for my great help and he continued that the Magicians in the Circle of Water are not powerful enough to control the massive amount of energies that will come out from the focus stones. So, he wanted me to convince Magicians of Fire to help them in this plan. But, the catch is they are living under Gomez and Gomez will be a ruler only until the barrier exists. So, Magicians of Fire surely wont accept this. Also, Saturas told me thats exactly why he wanted me to do the job. Also, he mentioned someone to ask for help, if everything fails. But, he refuse to give any details about that one and ordered me to win the Magicians of Fire and come. Also, he gave a rune to teleport here direclty, and told me to give it to Corristo, the highest member ...