Showing posts with label zombie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label zombie. Show all posts

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Zombie Plague: The Day From Hell Now on Drive-Thru Comics.

Check out the double sized digital comic about four high school students who must save themselves from an endless horde of the hungry dead. Zombie Plague: The Day From Hell begins the story that is played out in Zombie Plague: The Board Game.


Board Game:

Monday, May 12, 2014

Last Day for Zombie Horde Contest!

Last day to enter the Zombie Plague Zombie Horde Contest!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Painting Zombie Plague Miniatures Part 6: Painting Rose Frum

Just finished the Rose Frum minis and really enjoyed painting them. John gave them some really neat little details like the various head wounds and the tear on the hip that shows what color her undergarments are. Having great concept art from Ryan Howe was a solid starting point.
I didn't pin these to Mud and Gutz bases since Rose's feet are so tiny. I just used the attached tab and used some Milliput to fill the base gaps.
And here's a big family portrait of all the zombies that I've painted so far for the campaign. Still chugging along to finish the four characters and then these little fellows will be shipped out to our long suffering supporters.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Painting Zombie Plague Minis Part 5. Painting Joe Zombie

Just a quick post to show off the painted Joe Zombies. Joe is the basic zombie of Zombie Plague, no special abilities or backstory. But get a large enough group of them together and they can bring down even the most determined zombie fighter. These minis are multi-part so that you can get the classic pose of both arms reaching out for prey. This also allows for variation between heads and a lot of conversion potential.

Next up: Rose Frum (The Dead)!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Zombie Plague Miniatures Now for Sale.

We've been working on building a great webstore on the Rsquared Studios site but in the meantime I've decided to make the Zombie Plague miniatures available for purchase. I've received a lot of interest about the ZP minis so now it's finally time to let them out into the world.

To order please contact me at Please include a list of which miniatures you'd like and be sure to include your address so I can determine shipping costs. I'll send you a Paypal request for payment.

Crissy Hot-Rod, M-ZP001 Two part miniature with base. Cast in lead free pewter. $6.99

Chelsea Harlowe, M-ZP002 Two part miniature with base. Cast in lead free pewter. $6.99

Timmy Leong, M-ZP003 Two part miniature with base. Cast in lead free pewter. $6.99

John Blackthorne, M-ZP004 Two part miniature with base. Cast in lead free pewter. $6.99

Joe Zombie, M-ZP005. Parts included to build three male zombies. Cast in lead free pewter. $17.99

Rose Frum (The Dead), M-ZP006. Parts included to build three female zombies. Cast in lead free pewter. $17.99

Dead Sexy-Zombie Pin-up Girl, M-ZP007 One part miniature with base. Cast in lead free pewter. $6.99

Dirt Nap, M-ZP008 Miniature with scenic flower garden base. Includes one garden gnome. Cast in lead free pewter and resin. $8.99

Tubby, M-ZP009 Two part miniature with base. Cast in lead free pewter. $6.99

Weapons Sprue, M-ZP010. Cast in lead free pewter. $3.99

Garden Gnomes Sprue, M-ZP011. cast in lead free pewter. $3.99

Please contact me at if you have any questions.

I've also had some questions about scale so here are some shots to give you a better idea.

Friday, February 28, 2014

Painting Zombie Plague Minis Part 4. Painting Dead Sexy.

Just a quick post to show the painted Dead Sexy minis. I'm finally getting my speed back and planning to have all of the painted minis shipped to supporters by the end of March. It's taken a stupidly long time to get these things painted. But excuses don't get work done.

Again John has done a beautiful job with these creating a walking pose that is graceful and assured even though it's a one piece mini.

Next up is Joe Zombie!

Check out Dirt Nap and Tubby here:

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Painting Zombie Plague Minis Part 3. Painting Dirt Nap.

Back to painting ZP minis so next up is Dirt Nap, Tubby's hubby. After getting bitten by someone he supposed to be a panhandler, Dirt Nap drives home and tells his wife about the horrible day he's had. A playful kiss on the neck turns into a nasty bite, Tubby clocks him with a shovel and then decides that she needs to dispose of the body in the flower garden. Then she takes a well earned bath.

But DN was merely stunned and soon burst forth from his gardenia girdled grave to wreak some major havoc!

The Dirt Nap mini comes with a sculpted base topper and a garden gnome accessory. The base topper seemed like a good idea at the time to save material costs but after talking to my casters I've decided not to use toppers in the future. It seems that they take longer to cast than full sized bases and the material cost is so negligible as to be pointless. Live and learn I suppose.

The gnomes will also be available for sale in packs of three.

I decided to glue the topper to the base and attach DN before I started painting him to speed up the process. This limits my ability to reach the bottom parts of the miniature but not to any great degree. The gnomes will be painted separately and attached later.

I love the black cast resin. Makes priming a snap.

No real trick to this other than pinning the zombie and gnome to the base and using thick super glue to help with some of the gaps. The thick glue also helps blend DN into the base as if he's coming out from under dirt. The gnomes were stuck into a piece of balsa wood to assembly line paint them.

We've come for your beer and Skittles.
Here's the whole deal painted and assembled. I'm still impressed with John's sculpting on this one. The face looks damn near real in person.

Behold the rage of the undead American businessman!

Next up: Dead Sexy!

Friday, December 20, 2013

Painting Zombie Plague Minis Part 2. Painting Tubby.

Moisturizer... Moisturizer...
I'll be painting these to a good tabletop level. This means that I want high contrast and clear colors that read quickly from a few feet away. These will look great while playing Zombie Plague but won't win any painting contests.

Art by Ryan Howe. Colors by Brian S. Roe
After the Tubby minis are cleaned and primed it's time to get into the actual painting. The first step is what I call damp-brushing to build up a good base of color without covering all of the black undercoat. Damp brushing leaves a good amount of paint in the brush and will cover well without obscuring detail. The first layer I put down will darken slightly. The next layer is the same color as the first damp brush but is closer to actual dry-brushing with less paint in the brush. I then add some white to the base flesh mix for a third highlight. This is properly dry-brushed to really make the details pop. 

The basic zombie flesh blend I used for Tubby is Vallejo Dark Flesh, a little German Camo Orange Ochre, and a bit of Yellow Green. Since she's basically the same color all over I used a 1/2" flat brush to speed up painting.

Once the base colors have dried for a couple of hours I start applying the washes. The first is a slightly diluted mix of Agrax Earthshade and Thraka Green. I used the big brush again and just made sure to cover the entire mini.

Once the first wash dried I added a layer of Reikland Flesh Shade and then let this dry.

Next up are the various wounds that have been caused by Tubby's bathtub marination. I mixed up a pink with Flesh, Blood Red, and White and then went over the mini looking for obvious areas were the skin seems to be torn or damaged. I did a combination of regular painting and light dry-brushing to make the pink blend into the normal flesh. Then I used a mix of Mechrite Red and Blood Red to paint the centers of the wounds. The wounds were then washed with a mix of Red Ink and Agrax Earthshade.

Finishing the rest of the mini is pretty simple from here on out. The hair was painted a dark reddish brown then drybrushed with Khaki. The teeth were picked out with white. Finally a very light drybrush of light greenish flesh was brushed over the entire mini to bring back the detail. 

The bases were painted brown and then drybrushed with Sand. The gut piles were painted pink and then washed with a mix of Agrax Earthshade and Red Ink. I'm sorry that I didn't take any pictures of the base finishing but I got going on these and didn't want to stall out the painting session by setting up the camera.

Tubby was inspired by the Tar Man zombie from Return of the Living Dead so she'd look perfect crawling from a barrel of toxic waste. 

So here's the first finished mini for the Zombie Plague Kickstarter. This was a great mini to start with since John has sculpted such nice detail that basic dry-brushing and washing creates a good overall paint job.

Next up is the unfortunate husband of Tubby, Dirt Nap!