Showing posts with label World Wasters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label World Wasters. Show all posts

Friday, January 30, 2015

Umbelliferan "Carrot Man" Minis.

The Umbelliferan Carrotman from World Wasters.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Brain Worm!

More from World Wasters:

Brain worms and their symbiotic pinhead-drones have always been alien outlaws, shunned by every civilized species because of a well-deserved reputation for psychic vampirism. Standing about six feet tall, a brain worm resembles a giant brain perched atop a stalk of bundled nerve fibers.

Pinhead-drones are great hulking brutes whose heads are nothing more than clusters of sense organs. Brain worms use telepathic powers to exert psychic control over pinhead-drones and any other unfortunate beings who fall into their psychic clutches.~ from World Wasters by Steve Lortz

You there! Do my bidding...or else!
Looking for a suitable victim.
An unsuspecting Bogey about to be puppeteered.
Also here's some of my early art for the pinhead drones. Biologically engineered brutes with minimal brain power but plenty of physical might. 

Pinheads can only use the most basic weapons and equipment.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Bogey Commander Robble from World Wasters.

Just finished Commander Robble of Robble's Rocket Raiders. Robble ( a corruption of Rommel and that noise that Hamburgler makes) is a rare example of Bogey military leadership in that he actually likes fighting and is unafraid to get into a skirmish alongside his men. He uses his trusty sidearm pistol and custom FistFaust to both attack his foe and keep his men in line! 

This mini is part of the World Wasters line designed and sculpted by Steve Lortz and soon to be re-released by Fortress Figures.

See more Bogeys here:

Sunday, October 5, 2014

World Wasters Bogeys.

Buggle on the revamped cover of World Wasters.
Robble's Rocket Raiders in the midst of some bad behavior.
From the war-torn pages of World Wasters come the Bogeys:

"Bogeys are native to the New Arm. In the parts that have been, explored so far, they are the numerically dominant species. Legend has it that a long lost species known as the Ancient Masters designed the bogeys to serve as fighters and laborers.

A degenerate species, bogeys are rude, stupid, vicious brutes, loosely organized by clans and tribes that incessantly fight with each other. The most forceful or cunning bogeys rule the others. Though technology on bogey worlds is crude, often no more advanced than medieval, these creatures are capable of learning to use most state of the art equipment. When they get hold of something like a starship, bogeys use it up, vandalizing and pushing it far past any reasonable limit with no regard for maintenance or safety.

A bogey tactical squad usually includes one second level leader, one first level heavy weapons specialist and eight other first level bogeys."~ From the World Wasters Playtest Edition by Steve Lortz.

My first squad of Bogey's are Robble's Rocket Raiders. Both Bommer and Biggles share the same body as do Breever and Buggle. These minis were sculpted by Steve Lortz in the early 1990s and are being re-released by Fortress Figures with new poses and are tabbed to work with slotted bases. We're hoping to re-release the WW rules this year as well.


Monday, December 2, 2013

Umbelliferan Sketch for World Wasters.

Quick sketch of a "carrot-man" from World Wasters. I went with the idea that they are like mandrake root with several limbs coming off of the main carrot-shaped body. And for some reason I think that they should talk like Clint Eastwood. 

"Umbelliferans are an intelligent ambulatory form of plant life
originating on Beta Kara X in the days of the First Orionion Empire.
Because of their uncanny resemblance, including orange coloration, to
terrestrial carrots, they are sometimes referred to as "carrot-men",
but not usually to their faces. Umbelliferans have extraordinary shooting
skills because of their exceptionally good eye sight."

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

World Wasters Playtest Edition Re-Issue.

I've been working with my mentor Steve Lortz on republishing his great set of sci-fi skirmish rules called World Wasters. WW is simple and fast, and focuses more on having fun than rules lawyering. Steve also sculpted some great new races for WW including the Bogies, Brain Worms and Back Biters. The miniatures for these will be reissued by Fortress Figures and the rules will be republished and available for download and print on demand.

Here is my redesign of of the cover using the original art by Steve as my guide. I think mine is more subtle.

Originally published in 1993 by Alternate Recreational  Resource Group or ARRG. © 1993 Stephen  L. Lortz.
Colors and graphic design by Brian S. Roe.