Showing posts with label King Mohammed VI. Show all posts
Showing posts with label King Mohammed VI. Show all posts

Saturday, September 01, 2018


French President Emmanuel Macron is expected in Morocco though the precise date of the visit have not been fixed
French President Emmanuel Macron received by King Mohammed VI during his visit to Morocco in 2017

It is expected to be a short quick visit of not more than 48 hours and will coincide with the launch of the high speed ​​train line linking Tangier to Casablanca, a project in which many French companies are associated.

Discussions between Emmanuel Macron and King Mohammed VI will be dominated by the issue of the management of migratory flows, which has become a political priority for both countries.

Since June 2018, the High Speed ​​Line project has entered the pre-operation and break-in phase of the entire system so that it can be tested under actual operating conditions. The commercial commissioning will take place at the end of the pre-exploitation period and after certification of the line by a specialised international audit firm, in accordance with the procedures and standards recommended by the International Union of Railways (UIC).

At the same time, work on the new Tangier, Kenitra, Rabat-Agdal and Casa-Voyageurs high-speed line stations is currently in the completion stage.


Tuesday, May 15, 2018

New Push For Enhancement of Morocco's Ancient Medinas

On Monday, His Majesty King Mohammed VI presided over a ceremony at the Royal Palace of Rabat, which unveiled the programmes for the enhancement of the old medinas of Rabat and Marrakech, Casablanca and Fez
HM King Mohammed VI presides over the Rabat meeting 

The King ordered the development of the third phase of the programme of buildings threatened by ruin. For this the old Casablanca Medina has been given a budget of 300 million dirhams.

These new generation programmes aim to promote Morocco's ancient medinas, improve the living conditions of their inhabitants, preserve their architectural heritage, tangible and intangible, and promote their wealth and cultural authenticity.

At the beginning of this ceremony, the Minister of the Interior, Mr. Abdelouafi Laftit emphasized, in an address to His Majesty the King, that these programs, which proceed from a participative approach, support the rehabilitation projects of the old ones. medinas of Rabat, Marrakech and Fez.

The old medina of Rabat will see the restoration of ramparts, historic doors, of mosques and Zaouiyas, as well as the rehabilitation of the traditional foundouks and the provision of green spaces.

Under the program "Marrakech, city of permanent renewal" the city will see the preservation of more than 4,000 buildings, the rehabilitation of El Mellah neighbourhood, Ezrayeb and the Achouhada cemetery, as well as the development of tourist and spiritual tours of the old medina of Marrakech.

Fez, the kingdom's spiritual capital, will see the implementation of restoration programs for historic monuments and treatment of buildings threatened by ruin and a focus on the restoration of 27 historical monuments, including madrassas, foundouks, bridges, souks, tanneries, and bordjs.

These programs in Fez will benefit more than 1,600 people (craftsmen, shopkeepers, and students), allowing the restoration of more than 2,200 buildings threatening by ruin in the old medina of Fez.

According to the Minister of the Interior, the new upgrading program of the old medina of Rabat has a budget of about 325 million dirhams, with a contribution from the Hassan II Fund for Economic and Social Development of nearly 250 million dirhams.

The upgrading program of the old medina of Marrakech will cost 484 million dirhams. The Hassan II Fund for Economic and Social Development will contribute 150 million dirhams. The cost in the medina of Fez is nearly 583 million dirhams, including 100 million as the contribution of the Hassan II Fund for Economic and Social Development.

The Minister of the Interior indicated that HM King Mohammed VI ordered the development of the third phase of the program of habitats threatened by ruin as an integral part of the rehabilitation programme of the old medina of Casablanca with an overall budget of 300 million dirhams financed by the Hassan II Fund for Economic and Social Development.

The Minister of Tourism, Air Transport, Handicraft and Social Economy, Mr. Mohamed Sajid, pointed out that these enhancement programmes are aimed at strengthening the development of the medinas, improving their tourist and cultural attractiveness, the promotion of their civilizational and human heritage, in addition to improving the incomes of artisans and the development of the social economy.

Mr. Sajid said that the program for the old medina of Fes (2018-2023) concerns the rehabilitation of 39 historic sites of economic activity (Foundouks, workshops, souks), 10 mosques and Koranic schools, and the enhancement of 11 historical sites (water clock, museum of Jewish culture) and the restoration of Dar Al Makina. It is also planned that there will be 8 new car parks and the implementation of an electronic information system to enhance the tourist experience.

The minister also said that the upgrading program of the old medina of Marrakech (2018-2022) includes the preservation of historic monuments, the strengthening of the signaling system and lighting network, the establishment of interactive tourist information, and the development of public spaces and 6 car parks, including two underground.

The upgrading program of the old medina of Rabat (2018-2021) will focus on the development of the Place Bab El Had and places close to the central market, the strengthening of the signaling system, the setting up of interactive platforms for tourist information, pavement lanes (8 km), and the creation of two underground car parks in Bab El Had and Bab Chellah, with a total capacity of 1,090 vehicles.


Thursday, January 11, 2018

Independence Day in Morocco

January 11th - today is the 74th anniversary of Morocco's Declaration of Independence. We wish the Moroccan people a joyful day
As part of the celebrations, HRH Mohammed VI has pardoned 683 people sentenced by different courts of the Kingdom. The news was announced yesterday by the Ministry of Justice.


Thursday, December 07, 2017

Moroccan News Briefs #138

Morocco Sends A Message to Trump

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation ( DFAIT) has expressed its deep concern and strong condemnation of the US decision to recognise Al-Quds (Jerusalem) as the capital of Israel and to transfer its embassy to this holy city.

Such an initiative is in flagrant contradiction with international legality and more particularly with the two resolutions 2253 and 2254 of 1967 of the United Nations General Assembly, as well as with the conventions concluded and the agreements between the two parties, Palestinian and Israel, the ministry said in a statement. 

Morocco, whose HM King Mohammed VI chairs the Al-Quds Committee of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), insists on the need to preserve the historical, legal and political status of Al-Quds and calls upon the United Nations, including the permanent members of the Security Council, to fully assume their responsibilities in order to avoid anything that might undermine that status or undermine international efforts to resolve the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

HM King Mohammed VI, Chairman of the Al-Quds Committee, has sent a message to the President of the United States, Donald Trump. The translation is as follows:

I am pleased to address you today as Chairman of the Al-Quds Committee of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, which has 57 States representing more than one billion citizens.
I would like to express to Your Excellency my deep personal concern and the great concern felt by the Arab and Muslim States and peoples, following the recurrent information on the intention of your administration to recognize Al-Quds as the capital of Israel and to transfer the embassy of the United States.
As you are aware, Excellency, the extreme importance of the city of Al-Quds not only for the parties to the conflict, but also for the faithful of the three celestial religions.
Due to its unique religious specificities, its age-old historical identity and its great political symbolism, the city of Al-Quds must remain a land of cohabitation and a symbol of coexistence and tolerance for all.
Since your inauguration, you have demonstrated a strong will and determination to restart the peace process between the Palestinian and Israeli sides and have taken promising steps in this direction, having enjoyed the continued support of the international community, including including the Kingdom of Morocco.
The current step is likely to negatively impact the prospects of a just and comprehensive solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, knowing that the United States of America is one of the main sponsors of the peace process and enjoys the confidence of all parties.
In accordance with relevant international resolutions, including particularly Security Council resolutions, Al-Quds is at the heart of final status issues, which requires maintaining its legal status and avoiding anything that is likely to undermining its current political status.
Excellency, Mr. President,
The Middle East lives in the midst of deep crises, continuous tension and peril that need to avoid anything that may exacerbate the feelings of frustration and disappointment that are the bedrock of extremism and terrorism. to undermine precarious stability in the region and to diminish the hope that fruitful talks will be able to materialise the international community's vision of a two-state solution.
The Kingdom of Morocco, constantly striving for a just and comprehensive peace in the region in accordance with the principles of legality and the international resolutions related thereto, does not doubt the insight of the vision of your respectable administration, nor of your personal commitment peace and stability in the region and your firm determination to facilitate the relaunch of the peace process and avoid anything that may hinder or even stop it.

U.S. Mission in Morocco Issues Security Message for U.S. Citizens

The recent announcement that the United States recognises Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and plans to relocate the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem may spark protests, some of which have the potential to become violent. U. S Mission Morocco reminds U.S. citizens of the need for caution and awareness of personal security.

Review your personal security plans; remain aware of your surroundings, including local events; and monitor local news for updates. Maintain a high-level of vigilance, take appropriate steps to enhance your personal security and follow instructions of local authorities. Avoid areas of demonstrations, and exercise caution if in the vicinity of any large gatherings, protests, or demonstrations.

Taxi Strike in Fez

A showdown continues between taxi drivers and the authorities of the city of Fez. On strike since yesterday, the drivers of the red taxis have paralysed the traffic for the second successive day. They demand a responsible dialogue with the local authorities. They decided to ban traffic in Allal Benabdallah Avenue. This created a great inconvenience for the motorists and the inhabitants of the avenue.

For their part, taxi drivers are demanding a immediate fight against illegal transport.

A total of nearly 500 taxi drivers have joined the struggle and announced an indefinite strike.

A Plan to Plant 800,000 Trees

As part of the fight against desertification and soil erosion, a partnership agreement has been signed between the High Commissioner for Water and Forests and Rotary Club for the planting of 800,000 trees nationwide.

On Tuesday, the High Commission for Water and Forests and the Fight Against Desertification (HCEFLCD) and the Rotary Clubs of Morocco signed a partnership agreement for the planting of 800,000 trees at the national level.

Under this agreement, the HCEFLCD undertakes to ensure the supply of seedlings for the benefit of the Rotary Clubs, (10,000 trees in 2017 and 790,000 in 2018), to guarantee the technical supervision and monitoring of the plantation and to provide technical support for environmental education programs.

As for the Rotary Club, it is obliged to define through the Rotary Clubs of the Kingdom and in collaboration with the Regional Offices of the High Commission, the places of plantations and to communicate to the HCEFLCD the program of afforestation by region and by province.

Rotary will also take care of all the work and expenses related to the planting work (soil preparation, planting, watering and maintenance during the planting season) including the transportation of the seedlings from the nursery to the planting sites.

Rotary in Morocco has about fifty clubs present in all regions of the kingdom, which sponsor and carry out every year dozens of humanitarian actions. Morocco enjoys a great reputation within Rotary International, since Morocco had the privilege of organising the first summit of African Rotarians from 27 to 29 March 2018 in Marrakech, under the High patronage of HM King Mohammed VI.

The official launch of the planting operation is scheduled for 6 December at the Bir Lahmar perimeter (Maamora Forest, rural commune Ameur).

Morocco - Crime and Security Update

Security: Police resolved more than 92% of cases until September

The number of persons brought before the courts has reached 402,384

The rate of crimes affecting the sense of security has dropped significantly over the last 4 years and Morocco has emerged as one of the safest countries in the world and the crime rate in its various forms in Morocco is one of the lowest in the world, with only 21 cases for every 1,000 citizens per year.

The Minister Delegate to the Minister of the Interior, Noureddine Boutayeb, who was responding to a question in the House of Representatives on the security situation in Morocco, said that this rate has generally stabilised over the past three years. He added that the rate of crimes that affect the feeling of security has dropped significantly over the last 4 years. "The national security services have resolved in 2017, until September, some 378,974 out of the 420,664 cases registered, a rate of 92.33%, one of the best at the international level, " he said and announced that the number of people brought before the courts has reached 402,384.

The Minister referred to the record of the fight against the networks of illegal immigration, drug trafficking and cross-border organised crime. The Kingdom, because of its strategic geographical position, is more and more confronted with this kind of crime. Data provided by the number two Ministry of the Interior report more than 50,000 attempted smuggling to Europe failed. According to the same source, the security services dismantled 73 criminal networks engaged in human trafficking, adding that convincing results have been achieved in the fight against drugs with the seizure, during this year, of more 71 tons of chira and more than 2 and a half tons of cocaine.

Mr. Boutayeb highlighted the excellent results achieved jointly by the security and territorial services through the "provincial security units". Those who work under the supervision of walis and governors illustrate, according to the same source, "the efforts made to strengthen the feeling of security among citizens and their confidence in the security approach adopted".

Security Capacity Development: A Priority

The Minister Delegate to the Minister of the Interior has said that the consolidation of the security situation is the subject of the constant high directives of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, which ensures that the Kingdom remains at the top of stable countries, noting that the government puts the development of security capabilities, human and material, at the heart of its program and spares no effort to achieve it.

The Ministry of the Interior and the security services make this subject a priority through the adoption of a precise security strategy and multi-dimensional action plans constantly updated to meet the needs and requirements of the field, the evolution of crime and changes in the regional and international situation.

It is through this strategy that the Moroccan experience has achieved positive results that have helped to support the Kingdom's development and make it a reference in terms of stability and security and a model in the way of dealing with terrorist threats, said the minister delegate.

The Moroccan experience as an international model

Morocco's strategy in its fight against drug trafficking was widely discussed in Moscow on Monday at the international conference "Parliamentarians Against Drugs" held in the Duma (lower house of the Russian Parliament).

Representatives of the Moroccan delegation have indicated that Morocco has ratified three UN conventions on the fight against drug trafficking, highlighting the efforts of the Kingdom at the regional and international levels with the key to the dismantling of many networks of drug traffickers. narcotics.

The same source also added the emphasis of the vigilance of the Moroccan authorities at the borders to prevent the trafficking of psychotropic drugs and all other drugs, noting that Morocco does not only rely on the security approach but also promotes a process social and awareness-raising, especially for young people, the first victims of these prohibited substances.

Cold Weather Continues

Here are the weather forecasts for the day of Thursday, December 7, 2017 and the following night, prepared by the National Meteorological Directorate:

- Cold weather on landforms and plateaus and generally cool on the rest of the country.

- Stable weather with clear to slightly cloudy sky over the whole country.

- Night and morning frost on the reliefs and plateaus.

- Moderate to fairly strong east sector wind over southern and Tangier provinces and east to east variable to elsewhere.

- Minimum temperatures in the order of -07 to -01 ° C on the eastern hills and plateaus, from 00 to 05 ° C on the north of the Oriental, the plateaux of phosphates and Oulmes, the South east, the Saiss and the interior of Gharb and Chaouia, from 04 to 09 ° C on the Atlantic plains north and center, Doukkala, Abda, Chiadma, Tensift and Souss and 10 to 15 ° C on the Tangerois and the south of the country.

- Maximum temperatures of the order of 07 to 12 ° C on the reliefs and the Eastern highlands, from 12 to 17 ° C on the North of the Oriental, the South-East and on the Mediterranean coast, from 17 to 22 ° C on the Saiss, Gharb, Doukkala, Abda, Tadla, Rhamna, Tensift Souss and northern southern provinces and 23-28 ° C in the extreme south of the country.


Sunday, June 25, 2017

Eid Mubarak!

Sunset - then waiting for the new moon sighting

According to a communique published by the Ministry of Islamic Affairs and Endowments, after a number of legitimate measures and calculations run by special moon-sighting committees across the country, it was established that Monday is the first day of Shawwal, marking the first day of Eid Al Fitr in Morocco.

Monday June 26, will be the first day of the month of Shawwal and thus Eid Al Fitr, which marks the end of the holy month of Ramadan.

However, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, France, Qatar and Turkey, all announced on Saturday night that Eid El Fitr would be celebrated on Sunday. The sighting of the moon in most Muslim countries coincides with the astronomical calculations and predictions made by the International Astronomical Centre.

On the occasion of the advent of Eid Al-Fitr, HM King Mohammed VI, sent messages of congratulations to the Heads of State of the Islamic countries, expressing to them His sincere wishes for health and happiness and to their brotherly peoples further progress and prosperity.

In these messages, HM the King said, "It is a blessed opportunity which, because of its deep meaning and the noble values it bears, prompts us to reaffirm, through our faith and our conduct, our attachment to the teachings of tolerant Islam. It also urges us to incarnate the ideals of our religion which advocates fraternity, unity, and moderation, as well as the rejection of any form of division, discord, fanaticism, violence or extremism."


Monday, May 29, 2017

Fez-Saiss Airport Opens

On Sunday, the long awaited opening of the new Fez Airport terminal took place. King Mohammed VI, accompanied by HRH Prince Moulay Rachid, inaugurated the new terminal which was built with an investment of around 471 million dirhams

The project implemented by the National Airports Office (ONDA), aimed to equip the city of Fez with a modern airport infrastructure conforming to international standards and respond to the growth of passenger traffic.

The extension of the Fez-Saiss airport included the construction of a new terminal with a total surface area of ​​28,000 m 2 , expansion of the aircraft parking area to accommodate four additional aircraft, including one large aircraft, And the development of a new track linking the runway. These achievements will increase the annual capacity of the airport to 2.5 million passengers instead of currently 500,000.

The opening of the project has been delayed on a number of occasions. In April 2016, the Huffington Post announced, "King Mohammed VI, currently visiting Fes, could inaugurate the new terminal in the coming days" - sadly not that time. People close to the project say that on inspection some of the work was not of a good enough standard and had to be redone.

In order to best meet the needs and expectations of users, both national and international, the new terminal is equipped with state-of-the-art technology in line with international safety, security and service quality requirements. It is also characterised by a modern architecture, optimising the spaces for a smooth management of the passengers and benefiting from natural lighting thanks to the presence of glazed façades on the airside and on the city side, which offers travellers a very pleasant interior space.

The finishing and decoration of the terminal represent a subtle mix between the modern creative touch and the ubiquitous traditional designs, paying homage to the know-how of the Moroccan artisan. Unique works of art, created by renowned Moroccan artists, are also exhibited, presenting Moroccan art in its diversity of trends, telling various stories and reminding passengers that the space that welcomes them is a place to culture, modernity, and creativity.

The new airport terminal Fès-Saiss includes a public hall, a boarding lounge, a duty-free shopping area, a reception hall, a children's playground, and a catering area.

It also houses offices of the Mohammed V Foundation for Solidarity, for advice and assistance to Moroccans residing abroad (MRE), banks and foreign exchange agencies, an area reserved for the delivery of luggage, an 800-car car park and a drop-off area.

Also, while in Fez, King Mohammed VI inaugurated a centre for treating addictive behaviour. With an investment of 5.5 million DH, the centre, in the Doukkarate district, will ensure the medical and social care of people suffering from addictive behaviour particularly related to drug use. The Sovereign also launched the food support operation "Ramadan 1438". Organised by the Mohammed V Foundation for Solidarity, this operation distributes 55 million DH worth of support and will benefit nearly 2.4 million people, 403,000 of whom live in rural areas.


Saturday, May 20, 2017

New Mosque - HRH Princess Lalla Salma Mosque

Just in time for Ramadan, HM Mohammed VI performed the offical inauguration of a new mosque at the Al Mizane Square in Fez. His Majesty named it "Her Royal Highness Princess Lalla Salma Mosque" before leading Friday prayers

With a capacity of more than 3,000 faithful, the new mosque was built by the Ministry of Habous and Islamic Affairs for a budget of nearly 25 million dirhams.

The Mosque HRH Princess Lalla Salma was designed in traditional Moroccan style and has all the necessary conveniences -  two prayer rooms, a Koranic school, rooms dedicated to women's activities, accommodation for the Imam and the Muezzin,  as well as shops and green spaces.


Wednesday, February 01, 2017

Morocco's King Warns against US Embassy Moving to Jerusalem

Morocco's King Mohammed VI has expressed his strong opposition to the Trump administration plan to move its embassy to Al-Quds (Jerusalem). In a letter to Mahmoud Abbas, HM the King stressed the need to preserve the status of the holy city

President Mahmoud Abbas and King Mohammed VI

In the letter addressed to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas the sovereign warned of the serious consequences of such an initiative for the efforts to resolve the Palestinian question and also on "peace and security", not only in the Middle East, but also on the rest of the world.

The monarch, who presides over the Al-Quds Committee, reiterated his commitment "to defend the holy city" and "its inhabitants" and "to protect their legitimate rights guaranteed by the International resolutions and the principles of the Fourth Geneva Convention ".

The King said he followed with particular interest the developments of the American project and that he makes a "regular evaluation of all the indicators and the probabilities". At the same time, Mohammed VI affirmed his readiness to "coordinate" with Mahmoud Abbas and the "other Arab and Islamic leaders" as well as those "friendly countries that support Palestinian law" in order to "defend with all possible legal means, political and diplomatic, the legal status of Al-Quds-East in accordance with the international resolutions.

On 23 December, the Security Council voted in favour of a text condemning Israeli settlement activities in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem. The resolution was made possible thanks to the Obama administration's abstention. However, the appointment of Donald Trump has completely changed the situation. Encouraged by plans to move the US Embassy to Washington, Israel announced last week the construction of 566 homes in three Arab neighbourhoods in Al-Quds East.


Tuesday, January 31, 2017

New Moves to Promote Fez

The municipal council of Fez will meet tomorrow (Wednesday, February 1), with a total of 29 items on the agenda including the approval of a number of cultural projects
The R'Cif entrance to the Fez Medina

The cultural projects include a 5000 seat congress centre (5,000 seats), an institute of fine arts, a large theatre and a museum. These projects are estimated to cost some 366 million DH (approx S36 million) and will be financed by the Commune, the Regional Council, and other ministerial departments.

There are also a number of unfinished projects, notably that of the Palais des Congrès (2,400 seats) in the Champs de Courses district presented to the King in March 2008, and the proposed Institut des Beaux Arts. Observers also question the plans for the "great library of Fez" and an opera house.

Fez to be given a "brand name"

Numerous PR advertising and communication campaigns have been initiated by the national tourist office (ONMT), to boost the image of Fez as an "open-air museum".

The Fez Mayor

"We are putting in place a marketing plan for the city, a four-year plan that will mobilise all the components of the tourism sector of the spiritual city for its success," stresses Abderrafie Zouiten, Director General of the National Tourist Office. The region of Fez will acquire a distinctive brand. This approach is part of a global plan linked to the advanced regionalisation of the Kingdom and aims to equip each region with a brand.

Fez expecting King to Visit

Meanwhile, the people of Fez are expecting a visit from HM Mohammed VI. It is hoped that the King will inaugurate various projects including the Seffarine Madrassa, the library Khizanate Al Quaraouiyine, the Bouanania Madrassa and the new terminal of the Fez-Saïss airport.


Friday, October 28, 2016

Morocco - an Antidote For Islamophobia

At a time when the news media bombard the public with the horrific behaviour of Daesh (ISIS) and problems in Yemen, Libya, Somalia, Syria and Iraq, it is easy to believe those who quickly claim that the root of the problem is Islam. However, Morocco continues to display to the world that moderate Islam is alive and well
President Kagame welcomes King Mohamed VI to Rwanda on his arrival for a three-day state visit

Morocco has long promoted itself as a mediator in West Africa and the Sahel and the champion of “moderate” Islam.  Morocco's Maliki school, a moderate branch of Sunni Islam, is particularly appealing to governments struggling to contain rising radicalism in the region.

Back in 2005 with the launch of the National Initiative for Human Development, Mbarka Bouaida, the Minister Delegate of Foreign Affairs at the time, pointed out the “the importance of the role of the institution of the commander of the faithful,” most notably “in granting religious services to citizens, removed from any ideological ends.” Bouaida went so far as to talk about “the continuing education of young imams and 'mourchidats' [female Islamic scholars] as well as the rationalisation, rehabilitation and modernisation of traditional education.”

In September 2013, a parliamentary delegation told European MPs in Strasbourg that “Morocco is establishing itself in the region as a democratic Arab and Muslim country integrating several civilisations … a role that makes Morocco a unique political and economic development model that answers the problem of absolutism and intolerance that has arisen in other Arab and Muslim countries.”

In the same year, during the Moroccan King's visit to Mali, a religious cooperation agreement was announced and according to which "Morocco will train 500 Malian imams over several years."

In 2014 Prime Minister Abdelilah Benkirane raised Morocco's approach to counter extremism before the UN General Assembly. This approach consists of religious cooperation programs with Arab and African countries. Benkirane specified at the time that Morocco was ready to share its experience in the fight against terrorism, in the framework of bilateral cooperation with its allies.

Since then Morocco has committed to religious cooperation in Mali, Guinea, Nigeria, Ivory Coast, Gabon, the Maldives, Tunisia, Libya and even Egypt. More recently, King Mohammed VI moved to expand Morocco's relationships even further by visiting the Republic of Rwanda as well as Tanzania and Ethiopia. The tour came as part the strategy designed by King Mohammed VI in recent years, which aims at diversifying its partnerships, strengthening its ties with the most important players on the African continent. The visits began just three months after Morocco announced its bid to rejoin to the African Union.

At the same time the Mohammed VI Foundation for African Ulema seeks to gather African Muslim clerics and scholars to disseminate the moderate precepts of Islam and help combat extremism, reclusiveness and terrorism. For at the end of the day the fight against radicalism within the Islamic faith is an ideological battle. And since there has been a steady decline in scholarly authority within the Muslim world over the past several decades, the Mohammed VI Foundation for African Ulema can play the role of a theological pillar of the Muslim ummah on the basis of ideals such as moderation, tolerance and co-existence.


Far way from the world of politics and diplomacy there is another potent example of Morocco's role in promoting the Islam of tolerance. Tourists to the Kingdom experience first hand the generosity and open-mindedness of its people. As one tourist recently told The View From Fez, "It opened my eyes to such a different form of Islam.  Being able to sit down and talk to Moroccans about their religion, about their life and festivals such as Eid and Ramadan, gave me a whole new perspective on Islam".


Monday, September 26, 2016

El Jadidia to Host 9th Salon du Cheval

Under the patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, the 9th Salon du Cheval (Horse Show) will be held at Exhibition Park Mohammed VI in El Jadida, from the 11th to the 16th of October 2016

Since its creation in 2008, the Horse Show Association aims to promote the horse industry, and highlight the heritage and ancient equestrian traditions of the Kingdom. It contributes to economic and social development of rural areas and brings together the efforts of various operators and professionals in the equine industry in Morocco

A range of different activities highlighting all aspects of the horse: sports, culture, crafts, fun, economical ... and the equine industry: saddlery, farriery, armoury, riding and driving. For the edition 2016, the Organising Committee held a press conference yesterday to present this year's programme.

Under the theme "Traditional equestrian arts", the 9th edition showcases Morocco's equestrian arts such as the famous Tbourida (Fantasia). Troops of the various regions of the Kingdom will compete for the Grand Prix of Tbourida from His Majesty King Mohammed VI.

The 9th edition will feature a number of important breeds including Purebred Arabian and the Moroccan Breeders' Cup for Arabian Horses, the National Competition for Arab-Barb horses, the International Championship of Bearded Horses, as well as an international jumping competition counting towards qualification for the World Cup.

In order to sustain Morocco's equestrian culture, the show dedicates a range of activities for younger children with a competition for ponies and an art event for young talent in a special village for children.

Horse displays will be held daily and will highlight equestrian excellence through the participation of leading international figures.

Lectures on scientific and cultural topics will also take place in order to exchange information about important current topics such as "stem cells in veterinary medicine" and "Tbourida art among Moroccan traditional equestrian arts."


Saturday, July 09, 2016

Mohammed VI Opens Rabat Bypass

On Thursday, His Majesty King Mohammed VI opened the 3.2 billion dirham Rabat motorway bypass and the longest cable-stayed bridge in Africa. The bridge has been named "The Mohammed VI Bridge"

Construction works were launched by the King in February 2011 as part of Mohammed V1's major structural projects policy after his accession to the throne.

This section of the highway has been a traffic bottleneck for years causing major disruptions and slow travelling times because it was the confluence of the major highways serving the South, Central, North and East of the country.

The project will not only relieve traffic on the existing ring road of the city of Rabat, but cut down the high numbers of heavy goods traffic, significantly reducing the emission of greenhouse gases. It is expected that the bypass will carry some 20,000 vehicles each day with economic benefits for the major centres of the Rabat and Salé with time savings and lower route and transport costs.

In a press statement, the Minister of Infrastructure, Transport and Logistics, Aziz Rabbah, stressed that the bypass highway "will reduce transit times between regions, contributing to strengthening road safety".

This new road infrastructure originates in the existing motorway from Casablanca-Rabat north of Skhirat. It bypasses the towns of Mers El Kheir, Tamesna El Menzeh to Technopolis in Sala Al Jadida, where it ends by plugging into the beginning of the highway Salé-Kenitra.

On the terms of accessibility and connectivity, Rabat motorway bypass includes several improvements: a junction with Highway Casablanca-Rabat, an interchange to serve the new city of Tamesna, an interchange at the Common menzeh overlooking the boulevard Mohammed VI (Rabat), an interchange at Sala Al Jadida and another at Technopolis.

The bridge over the Oued Bouregreg is an exceptional structure, and at 950 metres, is the longest cable-stayed bridge Africa. Its two towers are 200 meters high and there is a wide apron of over 30 meters. This contemporary bridge, which provides several advantages in terms of aesthetics, safety, technical and environmental prowess, is distinguished by its architecture inspired by the Arab-Muslim civilisation. The two towers symbolise the new doors to the cities of Rabat and Salé.

The construction of the Rabat motorway bypass required a multitude of structures, including 16 underpasses, 14 overpasses, 7 vehicle passages and two pedestrian crossings.


Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Will Qatar Airways Invest in Royal Air Maroc?

 According to Chief Executive Officer Akbar Al Baker, Qatar Airways would consider acquiring between 25 and 49% of the shareholding of the Moroccan national carrier, Royal Air Maroc

The announcement came at the same time as a visit to Gulf States by HM King Mohammed VI. The King was visiting an exhibition dedicated to tourism in the Arabian Travel Market. The exhibition opened on April 25th and runs until the 28th April in Dubai.

Qatar Airways CEO Akbar Al Baker said, "There was an agreement between Moroccan and Qatari governments".

This is not the first time Al Baker has raised the issue. In October 2015, when Royal Air Moroc inaugurated its Casablanca - Doha link following the codeshare agreement between Qatar Airways and the national carrier, Al Bakar said the wanted to assess the advisability of investing in the capital of the Moroccan company.

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Saturday, April 23, 2016

R'Cif Renovations - Not Yet Officially Opened

 A few weeks ago there was a buzz of excitement when HM King Mohammed VI arrived in Fez as it was expected he might inaugurate the new airport and open the restored areas in R'Cif - so far it has not happened

The river at R'Cif - before in 2009 (above) and after, 2016 (below)

According to locals, who claim to have sources close to the palace, HM the King was displeased that the work had not been totally completed. True or not, it is obvious that there is still work to be done, especially on the riverside walkways. The walkways are a new addition and it is expected that they will prove to be very popular.

There is still work to be done
Renovation of the Dyer's Souq is now completed
The new shops in the Seffarine square are now back in business

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Saturday, April 16, 2016

Will King Mohammed VI Inaugurate the New Fez Airport This Week?

The new Fes-Sais airport appears to be complete - all 17,000 square metres of it. Yet, its commissioning has been postponed several times. King Mohammed VI is in Fes at the moment and many locals expect he will inaugurate not only the airport but possibly the extensive renovations in R'cif
The new airport is ready for business

The airport as been constructed to accommodate 2.5 million passengers a year. The work on the terminal was supported by the National Office of airports (ONDA) and the African development Bank and had a budget of around 479 million dirhams (50 million USD).

In 2015, the volume of commercial traffic at the airport was close to 890,000 passengers, an increase of 12% compared to 2014 and nearly 725,000 overnight stays were registered in Fez in 2015.

A project to launch a direct flight Fez-Dakar also recently been raised by the Moroccan National Tourist Office (ONMT). In late March, a new route to the French city of Toulouse was launched by Air Arabia.

The Dyers' Souq - now completed

Fez, as the nation's spiritual capital has become increasingly popular with foreign tourists but also for African pilgrims who visit the grave of a spiritual figure, Sidi Ahmed Tijani.

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Monday, August 24, 2015

Morocco's Upcoming Communal and Municipal Elections

Morocco's communal and municipal elections are scheduled to begin on September 4, while elections for members of the advisors' council, parliament's second chamber, are scheduled for October 2

The elections will be monitored by around 4,000 observers including 76 international observers accredited by the Special Commission For Accreditation of Observers. The international observers include a  Canadian diplomatic mission as well as representatives from Sweden, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. A delegation of the European Union, in Morocco since August 15 until September 14, will assess the entire election process.

Following the elections can be confusing, as there are 130,925 candidates representing 29 different parties standing for 31,503 communal seats, an average of more than 4 candidates for each seat. 7,588 candidates are standing for regional elections.

According to HM King Mohammed VI, the coming elections will be crucial for the future of Morocco, given the extensive powers granted by the Constitution and the law to regional councils and local communities.

In a speech delivered last Thursday on the 62nd anniversary of the Revolution of the King and the People, the King said that citizens have the right to know everything about the institutions serving them, so that they may make the right decision and the right choice.

HM the King pointed out while that the Government is responsible for implementing laws, developing public policies, drawing up sectoral plans and is responsible for public administration, it is not responsible for the quality of services provided by elected councils.

His Majesty stressed that, contrary to what some citizens think, members of Parliament have nothing to do with the management of local affairs. Their duty is to propose, discuss and pass laws, monitor Government action and assess public policies. Citizens have to be aware that the people in charge of these social and administrative services, which they need in their everyday life, are the people they voted for in their community or region.

HM the King noted that if many citizens take only scant interest in elections and do not participate in them, it is because some elected officials do not fulfil their duties properly, the sovereign said. He emphasised that elected officials must work hard on a daily basis and make extra efforts, since they are in charge of other peoples' interests, not their own.

The Monarch explained that votes should not go to those who speak more or louder than others and repeat empty slogans; nor should they go to those who hand out a few dirhams during electoral campaigns and sell false promises to the citizens, but rather to competent, credible candidates, who are committed to serving the public good.
"As our country prepares to embark on a new revolution, the implementation of the advanced regionalisation plan will be the cornerstone of Morocco's unity and territorial integrity and will help us achieve social solidarity, as well as balance and complementarity between regions" - Hm King Mohammed VI
Since every era is determined by its men and women, the coming revolution will need honest elected representatives whose main concern is to serve the nation and the citizens who voted for them, HM the King said.

HM King Mohammed VI pointed out that a good election candidate is the one who does not:

– Work for his own benefit and aim to hold senior positions. Every day he should serve the citizens' best interest. He should therefore be available.

– Raise his voice louder than the others, because this kind of person is not necessarily the one who has the stronger words. In other words, the election candidate must be competent.

– Sell false promises. In political communication theories, the credibility of the candidate is measured by the distance between his ‘expression’ and ‘action’. The more this distance is reduced, the more the candidate holds to his promises. People are interested in deeds, not words. His experience gives an idea of his credibility.

– Exploit political funds. By giving or receiving money, the candidate is corrupt even before he runs in elections. The candidate must be honest, having a mission 'above all' to serve his country and citizens who gave him their votes.

– Throw all the responsibility of administrative and social services on the parliament or the government. “Some of them, however, think that their mission starts and ends with registering as candidates. Once they are elected, they disappear for years, only to show up at the following poll,” said the sovereign. The candidate should be responsible.

“Voting is a power in the hands of citizens. I would like to say this: voting is a right and a national duty, a major responsibility that has to be shouldered. It is a tool in your hands; you either use it to change the daily management of your affairs or to maintain the status quo, good or bad,” explained the sovereign.

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Saturday, August 01, 2015

King Mohammed VI Announces 50 billion Initiative

An important initiative announced by King Mohammed VI in his Throne Day speech addresses Morocco's social disparities

In his speech the previous year the King had diagnosed the problems of slow development. Twelve months later and again on the occasion of the Throne Day, the monarch announced the launch of a major project to upgrade remote areas in the "the Atlas and Rif, arid Saharan areas and oases, as well as some villages in the plains and on the coast."

This is the second phase of the National Human Development Initiative and in this pre-election period, the King was keen to announce this project himself so as to avoid political parties claiming it in their campaigns.

The King has revealed that a study entrusted to the Ministry of Interior has identified more than 29,000 areas in 1272 towns, suffering from a deficit in "infrastructure and basic social services in both fields of education and health, as well as improvements being needed to water, electricity and rural roads". The Department of the Interior report covers areas with over 12 million citizens.

The King has announced a budget of 50 billion dirhams to continue the National Human Development Initiative.

It is an ambitious program that should last several years. Its success depends on the development by the government of a "comprehensive action plan, based on partnership between the different ministries and institutions concerned, to find the means of project financing and set a timetable accurate for their implementation, "said Mohammed VI.

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Friday, July 31, 2015

Throne Day in Morocco 2015

Yesterday, July 30th, was a very special day for Morocco, Throne Day - the 16th anniversary of His Majesty King Mohammed VI's enthronement - one of the most celebrated days of the year

The accession of King Mohammed VI to the Throne on July 23 1999 was welcomed with great enthusiasm among Moroccans and across the political spectrum, even including the hard liners of the Islamist movements.

King Mohammed VI is lauded for his domestic reform policies and pioneering efforts in modernizing Morocco and countering terrorism. He tackles issues of poverty, vulnerability and social exclusion at home, and has improved foreign relations.

Throne day was celebrated around the world with messages of congratulations flooded in including one from John Kerry, US Secretary of State.

On behalf of President Obama and the people of the United States of America, I offer my best wishes to King Mohammed VI and the Moroccan people as you celebrate the Feast of the Throne on July 30. The United States is proud to partner with Morocco on a broad spectrum of issues ranging from cultural and educational exchanges to military cooperation. Ours is a strategic partnership, and we work together daily to advance our common priorities of a secure, stable, and prosperous North Africa and Middle East. We share a strong commitment to improving economic opportunity and prosperity for all Moroccans through efforts to develop its entrepreneurial ecosystem and educational resources.We applaud recent commitments by Morocco's public and private sectors to create more job opportunities for young Moroccans. Our constructive engagement with the Government of Morocco and Moroccan youth, the private sector, and civil society are helping the Moroccan people realize their civic aspirations. More broadly, we are pleased with our expanding collaboration with Morocco as we seek to address global and regional security challenges and applaud Moroccan leadership on efforts to counter violent extremism. In the spirit of friendship between our people and governments, we look forward to deepening our strong relationship that has endured for over two centuries. I wish the people of Morocco a joyful celebration and prosperity in the year to come. 

Across the globe Moroccans celebrated, including in places as diverse as Azerbaijan and Australia.

The embassy of Morocco to Azerbaijan arranged an official reception to mark Throne Day. Ambassador of Morocco to Azerbaijan, Hassan Hami ,spoke of his country's path of development, noting the country has gained political and economic progress in the last years under the leadership of the King Mohammad VI.

Azerbaijani Minister of Education Mikayil Jabbarov and Moroccan Ambassador Hassan Hami 
Throne Day in Australia drew a huge number of people
Morocco’s Ambassador to Australia Mohamad Mael-Ainin (standing third from left) 

HM King Mohammed VI traditionally gives a Throne Day address. Here are some extracts.

This annual celebration is an opportunity for us to pause and ponder on the nation’s achievements and the challenges ahead. All that has been achieved, no matter how significant it is, remains insufficient for our country, as long as there is a category of the population still living in dire conditions and feeling marginalised, notwithstanding what has already been done.

It is true that this category is getting smaller and smaller, but I want to see to it that all citizens benefit from the nation’s wealth. I pledged to work, for as long as I live, to achieve this goal, and my ambition for the well-being of Moroccans has no limits.

On the question of education, the King had some interesting observations:

A question has to be asked: will the education our children are receiving today in state-run schools help secure their future? Let us be serious, objective and honest: why do so many Moroccans rush to get their children enrolled in foreign-status schools and private schools despite their prohibitive costs?

The answer is clear: they are looking for appropriate education, based on open-mindedness, critical analysis and foreign language acquisition, which will enable their children to access the job market and start their professional lives.

Despite allegations here and there, I do not think openness to foreign languages and cultures will undermine our national identity, but rather enrich it. Moroccan identity, thank God, is deeply-rooted and diversified, with both European and African components.

I studied in the Moroccan state school, with its syllabi and curricula, but I have no problems with foreign languages. The Constitution voted by Moroccans advocates the learning and mastering of foreign languages as a tool for communication with the knowledge-based community and for interaction with modern civilisation.

Thanks to Asmahan Mouftakir for the photographs from Australia

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