Showing posts with label summit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label summit. Show all posts

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Me and Memphis at our Furrrst Mountain Summit!

Me and Memphis decided to enjoy today's nice weather by taking our pawrents up to summit
It was a LONG walk uphill.  So we walked for a while...
 ...then we walked some more....whew!

 We stopped to remember the Black Hawk crew who were killed in the crash at the Peak in 2006.  You can read about that here.

 We resumed our hike and finally got to the top.  In the rare chance that you don't believe me, here's proof of the summit:

 My best bud, Memphis, and his dad, Sam, at the summit.

 Me, wondering if there are any dinosaurs in those woods.  I smell something.... dinosaurs, but I smell people coming up.  Giving my best intimidating look to these newbys.

 Me and Memphis being tired well-behaved for a photo op for dad. 

 Not for long....
We've ALWAYS got energy for some wrestling!!!!